Thursday, October 10, 2013

F This Movie! Episode 10

Patrick and Doug see a bad moon rising.


  1. "What about Gingersnaps? Gingersnaps! GINGERSNAPS!!!" -- me, up until the last thirty seconds of that video. That, kids, is why you always stay 'til the end.

    I have so many problems with Teen Wolf that go beyond that blonde girl being into bestiality.

    1. I was right there with you Erich. Nice save Mr.Bromley.

  2. I think Im with Doowwwwwwug, not a huge werewolf fan. Watching a bunch of the Howlings last year kinda burned me out of Werewolf movies.....and I have never seen American Werewolf in London....I know....I major balls.....major wolf balls.....nards.

    But now I want to see Silverbullet, and GINGERSNAPS!

    no love for the scariest horror title of all time?...The Marsupials! They have pouches...Oooooooo

    (and yes, ill rectify AWIL soon),

    1. DO IT Brad - I watched it (AWIL) for the first time last SMM and I thought it was fantastic - great mix of comedy and real horror. I'm with Patrick on Silver Bullet too - yeah, it's not very good, but I've always enjoyed it. And Ginger Snaps is great. Sounds like you've got a good Werewolf Triple Feature laid out for you there!

    2. Yeah, thats good to hear. Its sometimes difficult to tell with movies that were big during our youth but somehow missed us, as to how much of peoples affection for it is due to nostalgia vs actual quality (not that I doubt many, if any, of the opinions around here).

      Just did a search if AWIL is on Netflix and it came up with "FDR: American Badass".....looks.....inter....esting.....
      To the video store I go.

    3. I love Silver Bullet too even if parts of it are goofy as hell.

    4. The best part of FDR: American Badass is the trailer. It really isn't worth your time, trust me!

  3. Werewolves are totally my favorite monster, too. Yet, Fruit Brute? Not my favorite Monster cereal.

    Also, because of the Teen Wolf references, I watched the video with my penis out during the crowd shot.

  4. I kept waiting for the werewolf bar mitzvah joke... Still waiting!
