Saturday, July 5, 2014

What is Your Favorite Post-Apocalyptic Movie?

That's great, it starts with an earthquake.

Snowpiercer is in theaters this weekend, and if you have any opportunity to see it, you should. It got me thinking about the best post-apocalyptic movies. There are a LOT of them. Obviously The Road Warrior is great because it's The Road Warrior, so if you want to choose The Road Warrior I can't really blame you. It is The Road Warrior after all. But what are some of your other favorites?


  1. Escape from New York. Abide by the "Kurt Russell Rule".

  2. The Planet of the Apes (spoilers?), if that counts.

  3. The Stand. I know it's A) a TV movie and 2) not very good, but I have such a deep affection for the characters that I could watch the whole six-hour mess at the drop of a proverbial hat. Also, I do think there's some genuinely great stuff in there.

    1. I like The Stand too. It's not the best! But it's a pretty good effort for early to mid 90s tv

    2. I love The Stand for all the things it gets right rather than the things (miscasting Flagg, made-for TV limitations, Molly Ringwald) it fails at. What works REALLY works.

      If I got to recast it for the upcoming (maybe) theatrical version, all I know is Kyle Chandler would play Stu, Jonah Hill would play Harold, and (although it'd mean making the character about ten years older or whatever) Sam Rockwell as Larry would be fucking PERFECT. I used to think Anne Hathaway would be fine as Frannie but I quickly found out there isn't a female alive (that I've come into contact with) that would accept that, so...who knows?

  4. A Boy and His Dog!

  5. Wouldn't say my favorite, but I was blown away by The Rover. It's worth your time and money if it's playing anywhere near you.

  6. Waterworld or The Postman without question!

    Seriously though, since Planet of the Apes was already said, and I wouldn't count Terminator or Terminator 2 as post-apocalyptic movies I think I'll go with Children of Men as my favorite.

  7. I really like The Time Machine (the one with Rod Taylor), Logan's Run (particularly the first hour or so), and of course The Road Warrior - all hail the great Lord Humungus!

    If you're feeling too cheerful about life, you could watch The Day After.

  8. Tank Girl. Yes, I know it's cheesy and pretty silly, but you do get to see Ice-T in full kangaroo makeup and Naomi Watts before she became famous.

  9. Hell Comes to Frogtown, I watch this movie, and the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre whenever I'm sick.

  10. According to the book, Blade Runner takes place after World War Three basically destroyed the world. The whole off world colony thing is an attempt to clear the planet of anyone left who can be saved.

    So, yeah, Blade Runner is the correct answer.

  11. I just got back from seeing Snowpiercer, and it was FANTASTIC!

    When I was 7, Waterworld was one of my favorite movies, so it will always have a place in my heart. I also love Escape from L.A. (much dumber than Escape From New York...and that's why I love it), The Road Warrior, and Children of Men. I'm sure there are a bunch more that I love. Post-Apocalyptic movies are one of my favorite genres, so I'm hoping for some good suggestions with everyone's posts!!!!

  12. It's not my FAVOURITE (much like Riske that would go to The Matrix or concept-wise the Terminator Franchise) but as the only person on Earth who actually loves this movie in all of its bleak and depressing glory, I'm going to say The Road.

  13. I'm not quite certain Snowpiercer is great as it wants to be, but it's definitely worth your time if you can see it. Of all people, Alison Pill has a fantastic scene in it.

    I see I'm not alone with my mind going to A Boy And His Dog right away.

  14. Hands down mine would have to be The Road. It's the most realistic of all the post-apoc movies/tv shows I have seen. I thought Monsters and 12 Monkeys were pretty good too, and so much of the post apocalypse stuff bleeds in with horror. Taking that into consideration, Dawn of the Dead (original and remake) is one of my favorites.

    I'll give an honorable mention to The Stand. More the book than the tv miniseries. Though Jamey Sheridan is perfection as Flagg. I hope with the upcoming remake, they will get someone as badass as Sheridan was in that series.

    1. Nice - I thought it was just me!

      I'm a fan of The Stand AND Jamey Sheridan as Flagg - not sure why that casting gets so much hate. But yeah, the book is an outright masterpiece.

  15. The first act of TRANCERS. It's like Blade Runner and Planet of the Apes had a low budget baby...

  16. Not sure I'd say The Road Warrior is my favorite, but it certainly is the most FABULOUS!

    I'll actually put in a vote for Dredd. Not sure if you guys have ever talked about that one before..........
