Thursday, August 24, 2023

Watch the Trailer for BLACK MOLD

 by Patrick Bromley

One of my most anticipated horror movies of 2023 is getting closer.

I've been looking forward to Black Mold, the feature debut from writer/director John Pata, since I learned he was making it. When I found out it's produced by Jill Gevargizian, who directed The Stylist, another of my favorite recent horror films, my excitement only grew. When Black Mold won Best Indie at this year's Panic Fest, it became one of my most anticipated horror movies of the year. Now that I've seen the trailer, I'm through the roof.

From the Press Release:
Ahead of its International Premiere at UK’s FrightFest, Raven Banner has released the trailer to John Pata’s hallucinogenic urban exploring horror, Black Mold.

Photographer Brooke (Agnes Albright, True Detective) and her pal Tanner (Andrew Bailes) sneak into abandoned, off-limits buildings for the sake of their art and also the adrenaline rush. But when the daredevil pair break into their holy grail - Franklin Hill, a large facility with a history – they encounter a dangerously paranoid squatter (Jeremy Holm, Brooklyn 45) who holds them captive. The longer their attacker keeps them there, the more it becomes clear there’s something else profoundly wrong with the place as dangers surface at the intersection of artistic pursuits and internal sabotage

The film won Best Indie Feature at this year’s Panic Fest in the US and Agnes Albright was also named Best Actress. 

Black Mold is a Head Trauma Production, in association with The Line Film Co. and Shatterglass Films. It was produced by Sarah Sharp, Jen Shelby, Robert Patrick Stern, and Iman Sharabash, with Jill Gevargizian, Tony Wash, and Kevin McGrail on-board as Co-Producers.  

No word on a release yet, as the film is still doing the festival rounds. Just keep Black Mold and John Pata on your radar.

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