Thursday, February 1, 2024

Announcing F This Movie Fest 2024!

by Patrick Bromley
Celebrating the movies of 1994!

It's time again for F This Movie Fest, the world's only all-Twitter Film Festival!

(Yes, we know it's now "X" and that it's the worst, but we're working with what we've got.)

This year's fest will be slightly earlier due to life demands: Saturday, February 24 beginning at 10am CST. We're celebrating 30 years of the cinema of 1994 with SIX bangers from a great year for movies! 

If you're unfamiliar with F This Movie Fest, it's a day every year where we all watch movies together and talk about them over Twitter. Here's the deal:

1. Secure copies of all six movies! (DVD/Blu-ray, Amazon Prime Video, Apple/Vudu rentals, public libraries, etc.)

2. If you're not already doing so, follow F This Movie! on Twitter (@fthismovie). If you're not already on Twitter, you should sign up! You can quit the very next day if you want.

3. Beginning at 10 am on Saturday, February 24th, we all start watching the first movie at the same time from the comfort of YOUR OWN HOME and talk about it on Twitter (just tag all of your comments with #fthismoviefest). It will be like a running commentary. A conversation. Just like WE'RE ALL IN THE SAME ROOM TOGETHER! By following the hashtag #fthismoviefest, you won't miss a single tweet!

4. This is not a snark fest. We are not making fun of these movies. We love these movies.

5. If you have to leave for a movie or can only participate in half the festival or whatever, that's cool! Just check in or out with us on Twitter so we know who's there and when. Hopefully, we can all do the full marathon, but we know that's not easy for everyone.

At the end of the fest, we typically do a live show on YouTube recapping the movies, sharing some favorite Tweets, and answering your questions. Be sure to join us!

Here's the full lineup for the fest! And don't forget we'll be celebrating the films of 1994 the whole week leading up to February 24th. ARE YOU EXCITED??

(All times CST)

10 am
The Mask
(dir. Chuck Russell, 101 minutes)

12:15 pm
(dir. Roland Emmerich, 121 minutes [Theatrical Cut])

2:45 pm
Terminal Velocity
(dir. Deran Serafian, 102 minutes)

4:45 pm
Cabin Boy
(dir. Adam Resnick, 80 min.)

6:30 pm
(dir. Peter Hyams, 98 min.)

8:30 pm
(dir. Jan de Bont, 116 min.)

As always, thanks to Doug for making this year's artwork!

See you on February 24th! #fthismoviefest


  1. Bless your soul for including Cabin Boy! This lineup looks like a blast. Terminal Velocity will be a first time watch for me. I don't even mind being back on the hellsite for a couple days because hanging with all of you is a wintertime highlight that I cherish. See ya then!


    Great line up as always, and can't wait for all of us to discover all the connections between the movies! I had been guessing what might be included this year, and I only nailed The Mask and Speed. I'm relishing the mix we got in the end!

  3. Man, i wish they'd release Stargate in 4k. I love that movie (and the show)

  4. SPEED IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE MOVIES OF ALL TIME!!! I might not be able to make the whole day, bit I'm going to make sure I can join for Speed!!!!!!

  5. I'm super excited for this!!! I have never seen Stargate or Cabin Boy so I'm happy for first time watches; the others I can't wait to revisit!

  6. Excellent.... your 10am is my son's favorite movie! That's a spicy meatball!

  7. Don’t ask me how but out of this year’s line up I’ve only seen Speed. I’ve meant to watch all of these at one time or another but I guess 30 years wasn’t enough time. Either way, I’m super excited to have so many first time watches.

  8. I am so looking forward to Cabin Boy… because I am a FANCY LAD.

  9. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! This line-up is epic fun!!!! Commence the popping of corn!!!!!!!

    1. If youre looking for me during the first movie, ill be in the Smoooooookin Section.

  10. Please share the news and invite your friends & family -- let's get things trending this year! The hardest part is trying to explain to others what a blast this is every year. Movie lovers, THIS IS OUR DAY! Spread the joy and get someone new involved!

  11. This is legitimately one of my favorite days of every year. So frickin excited!

  12. Four movies I love and am excited to tweet through, and two movies I haven't seen before and am curious to watch. That's a perfect FTMF lineup! Now I just have to find Terminal Velocity and Cabin Boy somewhere, seems like they're not streaming or rentable anywhere in Finland.

  13. I remember seeing all of these in the theatre, speed even twice in the same day. Never seen or even heard about cabin boy, looking forward to discovering it!

  14. Looking forward to this! Thanks so much for this yearly gift you give us all.

    This will be a first-time watch of Terminal Velocity for me. Amazon only had one $5 Stargate Ultimate Edition DVD in stock yesterday, and I'm the one who got it. Sorry.

  15. Damn….the one Saturday I’ve got things going on early and a concert at night. Guess I won’t have to dust off the old Twitter Machine until Junesploitation!

    “The pipes are CLEAN!”

    Have fun. I’ll try to join in if I can at least get one in.

  16. Yes! I can't wait. I've never seen The Mask or Cabin Boy and the others are all ones I want to rewatch, especially Stargate. And Timecop. What the hell, all of them. Speed is the perfect closer for the evening. Excellent choices as usual Patrick!
