Saturday, April 6, 2024

Weekend Open Thread


  1. Young Einstein (1988): Einstein is a Tasmanian apple farmer and create his formula (yes, that one) to put bubbles in beer. In the process he invents rock and roll and Marie Curie become his girlfriend. I always had a soft spot for this movie and it's a shame it never got a proper blu-ray release. I watch it every few years and I'm always charmed by the silliness of it all. I wish Yahoo Serious made more movies, I barely remember his other two, other than they were not that good.

    The Blob (1988): i never saw it before, so i finally decided to pull the trigger on the 4k disc. Good stuff, highly recommended, go read Patrick's review for more details. The one issue I have is I've never been a fan of Kevin Dillon. Probably because of Entourage.

    Speed Racer (2008): think what you will, this movie is awesome. It moves fast, full of color and style, weird, fun, full of twists, car jump around like it's a game of Rocket League. It's the best time ever. This movie begs for a 4k release, it will look awesome in HDR, you'll need SPF100, it will be so bright

    Mayhem (2017): when you think about it, this movie is just a ripoff of Dredd and The Raid: low level guy needs to climb up the building to kill the boss at the top, then throw him down to the bottom floor... Just kidding, the movie is awesome (as are the other two). I need to rewatch Everly now.

    Night Game (1989): did you know there was a slasher movie with baseball in it? And it stars Roy Scheider? Me neither. It's not reinventing the wheel and has barely any gore in it, but i liked it. The scene when he realises who's the killer was pretty fun, you could almost see the lightbulb over his head.

    1. Great list! (i, too, have been meaning to revisit Everly for a Joe Lynch all day long!). Thanks for the Iron Sky heads only 1/3rd thru the sequel but having a LOT of fun with it...its actually got some legit solid sci-fi stuff within (i cackled at the reveal of who the church/cult posits as their god).

    2. Let me know when you're done with Iron Sky

    3. Finished...had tons of fun with this cheezball flick. Gotta love a rag tag band of misfits fighting hitler on a t-rex...bwhahahaha. thx for the heads up!!!

  2. "anne...anne uumellmahaye" love that movie so!

    Rottentail (2019 shudder)

    Hazaa! Season 6 of The Last Drive In is upon us. This series is one of my very favorite things as Joe Bob and Darcy do far more than bring forth favorites and unknowns from the history of horror...they also educate and embrace movie fandom. This flick was completely off my radar as was the fact that it starts Corin Nemec from the forgotten silly tv show Parker Lewis Cant Loose. Its a low budget comedy-horror that has shades of Jekyl/Hyde, Werewolf, Troma, Re-Animator, and more. Its a wonderfully goofy flick that i had a blast with.

  3. THE EQUALIZER (2014) Cool movie! The plot meanders a bit (are we supposed to be afraid that Chloe Grace Moretz's character is missing, or did the writers just forget about her for acts 2 and 3?) but Denzel is so dang magnetic that he makes it work.

    REPO THE GENETIC OPERA (2008) Remember who you are. Remember what you did to Marnie.

    SNAKE EYES (1998) Brian De Palma goodness!

    AKIRA (1988) This movie is groundbreaking and the animation is mind-blowing, but does the plot hold together? We barely see Tetsuo at all before he starts his descent into madness, and I don't know if we need the subplots about the corrupt politicians. Still a banger of a movie, though.

    CHICAGO (2002) "If you'd have been there, you'd have seen it, and you would have done the same!"

    THE BEAST WITHIN (1982) Fun horror movie with some over-the-top kills, but everybody's Southern drawl accents are a bit too much, don' y'all know?

    1. I like them all, but without Denzel, i don't think any of the Equalizer movies work.

  4. F This Book Report....

    for those of you who may have missed it, JB posted earlier this week about a new book: The Blues Brothers: An Epic Friendship, The Rise of Improv, and the Making of an American Classic by Daniel De Vise. As this is unquestionably my favorite film of all time i immediately obtained and adsorbed the book. Its FABULOUS. It ends of being far more than a making-of movie book as it traces the lives and experiences of so many involved...especially those of Belushi and SNL. Ive read many books on the subjects but found a lot of great new information within. In a time where hollywood has shifted to CGI heavy stuff i can safely say, we'll never see another movie like The Blues Brothers again. Im glad we have it.

    1. As a former English teacher, I am proud to give you a grade of 93% on this book report.

    2. I just got mine yesterday. Can't wait to dive in

  5. Shot in the dark here from my old FTM Friends. Hope everyone is well!

    I have been searching for this film or even any information regarding this film for almost 20 years. It's a film called "Knock! Knock!" from 1985 directed by Canadian Filmmaker Bruce McDonald, best known for "Hard Core Logo", the all time Horror classic "Pontypool" and "The Tracey Fragments". On his IMDB page this film is listed:

    There is little information about it including no reviews and the picture for the "cover art" looks to be like a cropped photograph of an actual poster. I have searched for any article or interview with Mr. McDonald speaking of this film and I even tried to email him by whatever means I could find maybe 10 years ago but received no response. The production studio listed appears to be his own as all his other films are listed under that name. I imagine it might have been an art film or student film that was screened once or something, but the IMDb listing has always made me feel like it's more than that. The amazing Canadian Film Director Atom Egoyan is listed as one of it's three stars while the other is also listed as a co-writer with only one other credit. Anyone here know anything about this one? I revisit this search from time to time so figured I would ask here. I have posted previously in various "What was that movie?" groups to no avail.

    Oh, and I watched the first two episodes of Sugar (Apple TV) and the first episode was one of my favorite first episodes of a show EVER! Loved it.

    1. My cursory searches turn up nothing, but I have someone I can ask who's good at tracking stuff down!

    2. OOOOO, i LOVE trying to track down obscure stuff as well...count me in on the hunt! (zero reviews on IMDB does indicate this one is off most folks radar for sure).

    3. it looks like a reddit of your thread links to a article review of a festival showing of the movie. I found the following from the canadian film encyclopedia:

      "Norman Jewison was an early mentor for McDonald. McDonald first contacted Jewison in early 1985, requesting an investment to complete his 60-minute, 16mm mock documentary Knock! Knock! (1985). Later that year, McDonald worked (uncredited) as Jewison’s assistant on Agnes of God (1985). Their relationship has continued over the years."

      then i found this from an interview with Bruce...its from 2011 but probably answers the question (interview link after):

      "Bruce McDonald is one of the coolest filmmakers to come from the Great White North in the last twenty years or so. With a filmography as varied and eclectic as you could imagine, he's done everything from documentaries to road movies to horror films to televised teen soap operas and back again and managed to maintain an impressive level of quality and originality with his work.

      With one of his more recent films, Trigger, hitting DVD this month, Bruce was cool enough to talk to us about his work and share some stories, spill some 'secrets' and dish some dirt on his life and times. So without further ado…

      Rock! Shock! Pop!: So you went to Ryerson for film (I went to Humber!) and wound up making two low budget early films, The Plunger Murderer and Our Glorious Dead - a lot of your movies have been made available on DVD and VHS before that, hopefully they'll turn up on Blu-ray soon. These two, however, are missing - are they ever going to see the light of day?

      Bruce McDonald: No.

      R!S!P!: Ok then. What about Knock! Knock!, a film you made in which future awesome director Atom Egoyan acted - what's up with that one?

      Bruce: I've got to get around to transferring it, but it's funny and kooky and involves the President of the United States." "


      My thoughts was your best hope would be that someone included it as a special feature on a dvd..maybe made after that interview...but thus far ive found nothing.

    4. Thanks for all of this info!!! That reddit post might have been mine (I made it after I posted here). From what I gather, the film played the festival circuit but looks like it never got picked up for distribution and based on that article, McDonald is the only one with a copy and will probably never get around to transferring it to upload haha. Cheers.

    5. no worries...actually i reallly like your idea of posting here when looking for hard-to-find stuff! Im sure alot of us have those crazy-tough to find flix that others might have a source for! (some previous examples for me that FINALLY surfaced: Twice Upon a Time, Looker, Up the Creek, Rock n Rule, Student Bodies, etc)! Cheers back at ya!

  6. Freeway II: Confessions of a Trickbaby (1999): a few weeks ago, i blind bought Freeway (loosely based on the Red Riding Hood tale) and i loved it. I then had to get this sequel to see what the director would do next (loosely based on Hansel and Gretel this time). I loved it just as much. I read there was a bit of trouble during production, which is a shame because i assume it's why we never got another one of these. Also, fair warning, there's a lot of puking in the first act. Luckily i wasn't eating during those scenes
