Wednesday, August 28, 2024

FTM 737: F THIS SUMMER (2024)

Patrick, JB, and Rob recap another summer at the movies.

Download this episode here. (45 MB)

Listen to F This Movie! on Apple Podcasts.


  1. "References are not a movie" - JB

    Right away i thought of Deadpool vs Wolverine

    1. I reluctantly went to see Deadpool vs Wolverine because that's what my son wanted to see. And because I love the X-men movies. It was ok, but mostly I was left wanting to rewatch all the X-men movies. I'm pretty tired of whole breaking the 4th wall thing. It's comedic (and honestly a lot of funny stuff), but it's the style of ironic "isn't this stupid" comedy that I don't really enjoy particularly.

    2. I wanted to like it, and was entertained well enough in the moment, but I was also disappointed in it overall. That it tries to position itself in the end credits as some sort of Fox-Marvel victory lap didn't make any sense to me since it didn't actually have anything to say about the characters it used as cameos (and basically used two of them as punchlines). Maybe Ryan Reynolds could have resisted putting a second version of himself on screen and donated that time to either some of the cameos to actually say something about their characters, or to the supporting cast from the previous movies.

  2. I was so looking forward to Horizon Part 2. It would have been around now it was supposed to be in theatres?

    Great podcast and full of great recommendations! Thanks.

  3. Great podcast as always, even though I haven't seen that many 2024 summer movies. Of the ones I have seen, Twisters and Trap are the best ones--entertaining and a little silly with some fun thrills.

    I just watched Deadpool & Wolverine and thought it was pretty abysmal; there were maybe two decent jokes and I enjoyed two of the cameos but meh overall.

  4. I live in Germany and I've been to many of the screenings JB described! For some reason they are quite common here and called Sneak Peaks. The ones I have attended are a little bit cheaper than a regular ticket and extremely full and not just with hard core movie watchers. The theaters usually pick decent movies so I never regret having gone (although movies can still disappoint of course).

    All of which to say, I like them and your pod too. Keep it up!
