Saturday, December 28, 2024

Weekend Open Thread


  1. I buy a lot of blu-rays, my wallet is always telling me to stop, but they keep putting out quality stuff that I must have (not really, but you know what I mean). And since still don't have anywhere else to put this, in no particular order, here's my top 10 blu-ray releases of 2024.

    - Pi 25th Anniversary Edition 4K (A24) -
    Considering how the film was shot, it looks surprisingly good in 4K, they did a superb job with the transfer. Heck, the fact that it simply exists in 4K is almost a miracle, this is not the type of movie they usually put much effort into.

    - The NeverEnding Story 4K (Imprint) -
    If you read the recent weekend threads, you'll have an idea why it's on my list. I recommend you look on YouTube for reviews of the set to see the details. This box is limited, so I hope for the not-crazies-like-me they release a cheaper, regular version at some point (nothing announced yet).

    - Hellboy The Crooked Man 4k (Icon Film Distribution) -
    Look, it's technically not a great blu-ray, the 4K is only SDR after all, but I'm doing everything I can to raise awareness to this movie. It's such a breath of fresh air after the big epics of Guillermo Del Toro and the disaster of the 2019 movie that I can't help it and just talk about it every chance I get. I had a ton of fun with it. Unfortunately, the 4K disc is only available in the UK, and has the best bonus features. But if I manage to interest you in the movie and you can keep an open mind (a lot of complains are about the CGI), get the North American blu-ray, or find it on streaming (not sure where it's available right now), you won't regret it.

    - The Conan Chronicles 4K (Arrow Video) -
    Conan is cool, Arnold is cool, Basil Poledouris is cool, and the boxset is just perfect for these movies. This edition contains both Conan movies, but you can get them individually. Most people don't like Destroyer, I personally love it, though not as much as Barbarian, I'm not that crazy.

    - Andor: The Complete First Season 4K (Disney) -
    I don't want to start a debate about Star Wars, because they're rarely productive, but one thing everybody can agree on, this is the best SW series so far. And it's almost a miracle that Disney decided to release it (and other shows) on discs.

    - The Chronicles of Riddick Limited Edition 4K (Arrow Video) -
    Another one of those ''I like it a lot, but most people don't'' kind of movie. I don't know what to say, I just love the world they built with all the movies and videogames. Is it always consistent? Maybe not. Is it cool as heck? F--- yes!

    - Shawscope Volume 3 (Arrow Video) -
    Of course it's on the list. A beautiful box, containing a ton of kung-fu movies with beautiful HD restorations, so many extras you'll never watch them all. this is near perfection.

    - ZAZ The Collection 4K (Paramount) -
    Just the fact that they released Top Secret on 4K is reason to celebrate. I'm not really surprised about the other two, but Top Secret always seem to be the neglected stepchild of the trio.

    - The Straight Story 4K (Studio Canal) -
    Speaking of neglect, I had to turn to the french to finally get my favorite David Lynch movie. I just like to be in this movie, it's so peaceful. No suburbs freaks, no mind-bending twist, just people living their lives. some would say it's the least 'Lynchian' movie, but I would argue that it's right up there with his freakiest.

    - Godzilla minus One 4K (Toho) -
    I did not expect any of what happen in the movie when I got to the theater, other than a giant monster attacking the city. The disc is pretty standard, has a great looking 4K transfer, but the movie is so good, it had to be on my list.

    1. Honorable Mentions (you'd think it's everything I bought this year, but there's actually more 🤣

      Aliens 4K, True Lies 4K, The Abyss 4k, Last Year in Marienbad 4K, Murder Party, Major League 4K, Rock 'n Roll High School 4K, Demolition Man 4K, Galaxy Quest 4K, Phase IV 4K, Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny, Team America World Police, UHF 4K, Green Room 4K, Gregg Araki's Teen Apocalypse Trilogy 4K, Navy Seals 4k

    2. Woot!!! Thanks for sharing this list. I feel like it will cost me....a lot. Well played. Well played indeed. #PhysicalMediaForever

    3. If only i'd get a cut out of the sales 🤣

    4. I recently found a DVD collection of the first two Riddick films at a Salvation Army store. It only cost me a dollar to get them. I am dabbling my cinematic toes a little more into that period of genre films. The bad CGI can still take me out of a movie, though.

    5. There are not many 2024 releases that I picked up. One is the Mondo Macabro release The Hungry Snake Woman. I enjoy these eccentric Indonesian horror films and am saving it for a Junesploitation or October watch. The only other I can think of is the Vinegar Syndrome release of A Chinese Torture Chamber Story 1 and 2. Category-3 Hong Kong films has been a focus for me this year.

  2. Happy Holidays to F This readers around the world!

    Red One (2024 Prime)

    Is this a CGI fest slapped together tying to play off the charm of its leads? yup. Does it have the obligatory tacked on estranged-dad-comes-around plot device? naturally. Is it as bad as the critics say? Actually.....i dont think so......i had a LOT of fun with it. It feels like a made for streaming action flick squeezed into an honestly solid someone-steals-Christmas plot. Its cute, silly, dumb, but fun if you let it be. I not only enjoyed it but believe ill revisit around the holidays for Christmases yet to come.

    Carry-On (2024 Netflix)

    This movie ROCKS. Its 3/4 an incredibly well written tense thriller driven almost entirely by its leads trading barbs over a bluetooth earpiece. Egerton and Bateman do a phenomenal job inhabiting their respective roles. Bateman is especially entertaining as an almost likeably smart/smarmy terrorist for hire blackmailing a lost-in-life TSA agent. The other 1/4 of the movie is indeed an action flick with some creative scenes. If you are in the mood for some good cat and mouse fun...dig it!!!

    Saturday Night (2024 Prime digital purchase)

    The early days of SNL have always fascinated me. One of my earliest memories is sneak-watching SNL in its early years (im old). Ive read most of the books on it. So i was to how a fictionalized biopic of it would be. Turns out i loved it. Its using a relatively common plot "gimmick" that is becoming more commonplace these days since The Bear blew up: fast paced movement from scene to scene in an environment of anxiety/anger/issues. I dont particularly like that gimmick but it works well in the movies attempt to depict far more than the not-ready-for-prime-time-players. I love that we get to see the world Lorne created as well as folks like Shuster, Franken/Davis, Ebersol, Odonoghue, Zweibel, etc. The plot plays out like a stress-filled walk thru some characteristics and trivia from the early days of SNL compressed into an interesting story idea of having it all be 90m before the show airs. Theres no time to dig deep on any aspect or person, including Lorne, the primary centerpiece, but in the end i think that works to its favor. Even the schticky way they run thru some classic bits in the final moments feels like its earned as, in the end, this movie is clearly a love letter to SNL. I dont think i'd suggest it to those not interested in the shows origins or history, but if you consider youself in that camp, give it a spin.

  3. There were several Christmas-themed watches this week, all of which I had not seen before. The 1938 version of A Christmas Carol with Reginald Owen may be the most compressed adaptation of the story I have seen. I was entertained by it but felt that the film lost a little impact by removing most of the darker elements of the story. I prefer the 1951 version. WHITE CHRISTMAS (1954) has surprisingly eluded a watch for decades. Though Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye had great chemistry, I can see the old-fashionedness of the story being an impediment to modern audiences. Even being accustomed to these kind of corny musicals (just look at my last entry here), the schmaltz can be a little overwhelming. It does have a lot of heart and creative numbers. Lastly, I included some 1980s trash with SlLENT NIGHT, DEADLY NIGHT PART 2. The first film, which incidentally is recapped in the first half of Part 2, is no masterpiece, but the sequel goes even further toward the bottom of the barrel. Was I entertained? Yes. Garbage day, indeed.

    SOMETHING FOR THE BOYS (1944) – If I did not have an interest in 20th-Century Fox musicals, I would not have watched this. Something For The Boys is a slice of WWII-era entertainment with a slim plot about cousins inheriting a decrepit Southern mansion. Seeing an opportunity for a little extra cash to improve the condition of the place, they take in the wives of servicemen at a nearby military base. The Technicolor cinematography is the best part of the film.

    As the 50th anniversary of the original Black Christmas is being marked by many this holiday season, it was announced that its star, Olivia Hussey, died this week. Besides the 1968 Romeo and Juliet film, I will always associate her with the wacky Ozploitation film Turkey Shoot.

  4. Going through my Vinegar Syndrome collection this week, I was reminded again of how many titles I have not gotten around to watching. In that list is Malibu High, The Candy Snatchers, Don't Answer the Phone (bought in 2017!), Raw Force, and Pets (still have not done a Candice Rialson day for Junesploitation). Although many of the titles are now out-of-print, I do not have many of the older slipcovers. I just did not see much of a purpose for them at the time.

    Does going through a film collection make any of you think about the passage of time? Being at a point where a lot seems to be shifting in my life, many of the discs brings to mind my experiences and mind-set at the time I acquired them. Some releases I definitely would not buy now, just a matter of changing tastes and priorities. This year I have pulled back my spending a lot, particularly with boutique label releases. They are starting to get too pricey for my budget.

    1. I'm constantly reminded of the passage of time when looking at my stuff. Sometimes it's a memory of the circumstances i acquired it. Sometimes it's just a reminder that i'm due for a rewatch.

    2. Good call A Casual Listener and Kunider: looking thru ones film collection can indeed inspire reflection on time and connections with film.

      As for boutique labels: i adore they exist and will likely be the last stand of physical media regular interesting releases for the next few years. That being said, agreed, the price point is hard to justify purchases above/beyond once and a while.

      A Casual: when the mood strikes you for exploitation goodness, throw on Raw Force...its BANANAS but super enjoyable. I liked it way more than i expected.

    3. I know that Raw Force is something I would enjoy, and it has been a Junesploitation candidate the past two years. Maybe I will get to it in 2025.

      I hope physical media hangs on for a while, yet it does seem like the current prices can only end of shrinking the market for it more. That will mean higher prices. Also, the departure of LG from making players shows that the we might one day be in a situation of having to rely on second hand markets for replacement players. It is not a rosy scenario to think about.

    4. I don't think physical media is going anywhere, but it will be more niche that's for sure. Kind of like the vinyl

    5. Physical Media: Its a subject i think about a lot, naturally, as i adore it. The last year had some pretty huge steps away from it. The death of Redbox (makes me beyond sad), the removal of discs from Target/Best Buy, and now the latest news about LG players. It'll be what it'll be and if it does indeed end up going away fully or mostly, we collectors will enjoy what we have for a long time to come.

  5. HOME ALONE (1990)
    'Tis the season, etc.

    I'm sorry, but this movie is totally rad. I predict time will be good to it.

    SKY HIGH (2005)
    On the other hand, this delightful movie (with a stacked cast!) remains underrated and unseen years later. I totally forgot that was Danielle Panabaker as the main girl.

    And now for F These Comics: Marvel's post-Krakoa X-Men reboot has been mostly good across the board, with Uncanny and NYX being highlights. Wonder Woman is my favorite so far of DC's "Absolute" reboots, with Batman a close second. Saga continues to be fun, but I wonder if the main plot is going anywhere.

    1. I read the beginning of the X-men Krakoa era, it was great.

      I'm so out of comics right now, i didn't even know DC rebooted their stuff again.

    2. I did not understand the indifference to Furiosa. I went to the theater to see it and had a fun time. It does not have to be another Fury Road to be enjoyable.

    3. Count me in the same camp on Furiosa, the only movie I saw twice in theaters this year (I think). Sure, Fury Road is better, but a 6'9 guy isn't short because he's not 7 feet tall. I thought the characters were fresh and fun and didn't just feel like retreads of earlier characters in the series (impressive for entry #5), and it's got some of the best action sequences of the year.

    4. I expect Furiosa to grow on me over time, but when I saw it, it was just fine. It does suffer a bit in comparison so Fury Road, but frequently on the podcast movies from the '90s often get praise in comparison to the stuff that made today because of a "they don't make 'em like that anymore" mentality. I have a feeling we'll look back on Furisoa like that at some point as well. Yeah, we know George Miller had higher highs, and Furiosa is a bit of a mess in parts. It's the vision of a madman who is almost 80 though, who likes to fuck around out in the desert with cars and film his vision. If nothing else we have to appreciate that because we're really going to miss it when it's gone.

  6. Round Up: Punishment (2024 Prime rental)

    Another fine addition to the Round Up action franchise. Ma Dong-seok continues to play the cool-detached punch-first-ask-questions-later cop who organizes a team of police to track down some organized crime baddies. Lots of corny humor and many fights...usually hand to hand or knife based. No real depth to these flicks but they are fun actioners.

    1. I was not aware of the Roundup series, but i'll have to look into it

    2. Its definitely worth it for action/cop movie fans. The action choreography is fast and plentiful. The lead is a popular action star who is a big dude with powerful punches.

  7. Saw Nosferatu last night. It's a good looking movie, but the projector at my theater made it look like sh*t, so that spoiled the experience a little bit. Can't wait for the 4k disc. The movie was fine, I didn't love it, but i've never been a fan of the Dracula/Nosferatu story. I still recommend it

  8. Watched Flow (2024) this weekend, such a beautiful movie. No dialogue just a focus on animals finding a way to coexist in order to survive as the world floods around them.

    1. Thanks for pointing this out, i was not aware of it
