Thursday, May 24, 2012

Introducing (30) Stars of Summer

This June is going to be awesome.

Announcing (30) Stars of Summer, a new game that we're playing at F This Movie!

Check out the calendar above (click on the image to see it full size). For every day of June, the goal is to watch a movie starring the corresponding actor. Whenever possible, watch a movie you've never seen (or at least haven't seen in a long time) -- the idea is for us all to expand our horizons and turn other readers on to new stuff.

How will you do that? Well, after you watch the movie, head over to the comments section for that day and post a short review/reaction. Seriously -- short. Like, 50 words or less. That way, other readers can chime in with a "Hey, I've never heard of that movie and now I want to see it!" or a "If you liked that one, check out..." The idea is to keep the discussion flowing quickly and easily, so we can't get bogged down in huge epic write ups. In order to make sure that this happens, we're going to reserve the right to delete posts that willfully ignore this rule. We don't want to do that. Keep it short.

In case you're not sure of a few actors pictured, here's the full lineup:
June 1 - Jimmy Stewart
June 2 - Catherine Denueve
June 3 - Christopher Lee
June 4 - Bette Davis
June 5 - Nicolas Cage
June 6 - Diane Keaton
June 7 - Orson Welles
June 8 - Catherine Keener
June 9 - Kurt Russell
June 10 - Pam Grier
June 11 - Clint Eastwood
June 12 - Susan Sarandon
June 13 - Cary Grant
June 14 - Barbara Stanwyck
June 15 - Keith David
June 16 - Frances McDormand
June 17 - Gary Oldman
June 18 - Marilyn Monroe
June 19 - Dick Miller
June 20 - Jennifer Jason Leigh
June 21 - Laurence Fishburne
June 22 - Whoopi Goldberg
June 23 - Kevin Bacon
June 24 - Christina Ricci
June 25 - Jack Nicholson
June 26 - Melanie Griffith
June 27 - Jackie Chan
June 28 - Barbara Steele
June 29 - Jack Lemmon
June 30 - Jamie Lee Curtis

We're getting the roster out ahead of time so you can secure any of the titles you may need. Don't have anything to watch starring Melanie Griffith? You've got until June 26 to track down a copy of Milk Money!

This is our big summer event, sandwiched right between F This Movie! Fest and Scary Movie Month. Let's make it a big success! (30) Stars of Summer!!


  1. Great idea (though it seems lifted from a similar programming event TCM runs every August or so), I'll play. I just got a new job (started a week ago but technically I just started working yesterday) so I can finally afford to rent/buy movies I don't need or watch. Plus I have Cinemax, which thankfully shows a lot of movies I wouldn't normally watch but that I will know hunt down. "Kuffs" was just shown Wednesday afternoon on MAX but I didn't bother. Now that I'll need to watch a Kevin Bacon flick I'll make sure to catch "Kuffs."

    But why limit it to just actors? We're film geeks here, directors/writers/producers blow our skirt as much as any pretty face. Make it about the filmmakers instead of the actors ('Ozu Wednesday,' 'Fassbinder Friday,' 'Spielberg Sunday,' 'Wilder Wednesday,' 'Kurosawa Saturday,' etc.) and next year's version of the same idea would be the best... thing.... evah! :-)

    While you're updating us on the 'F This Movie' happenings, any commentary track/podcast on the horizon? It's been almost half-a-year since the "Reindeer Games" podcast, which I still haven't listened to because I can't secure a DVD copy of the theatrical version (the director's cut is the only one I can find). Not everyone bows to the shitty selection of Netflix Instant and pays $8 a month to subscribe to 25% of the content Netflix has the rights to that it actually streams. How about choosing a less cult/obscure title so enough 'F' heads are likely to own the DVD to make the commentary effort worth the effort? Like Rifftrax used to only create downloadable commentary for mainstream stuff ("Jaws," "Star Wars," "Casablanca," "Jurassic Park," etc.) until they grew big-enough to make esoteric/odd downloads for obscure stuff ("The Room"). After "Sleepaway Camp" and "Reindeer Games," how about something universal (i.e. we all have it, not the studio) to comment on?

    Also, when are we having another 'F This Movie' twitter film fest? Any chance we the listeners/readers can contribute ideas/suggestions for what to watch? That way we're not subject to the tyranny of one person's whim (even if its the nicest/bestest/coolest/handsomest grand poobah of any blogspot in the whole wide world web :-P) limiting the movie selections to just one year. Something in honor to the newest member of the family, 'daughter X,' would be swell if she's up to the task of selecting the titles (wink, wink).

    1. 1. You're already doing it wrong.
      2. Kevin Bacon is not in Kuffs. Christian Slater is in Kuffs. He plays George Kuffs.
      3. There will be another commentary track.
      4. There will be another film festival. I will pick the movies. If you are not interested in the tyranny of one person's whim, feel free to start your own movie blog and/or film festival.

    2. I'll be running a side pot for how many posts Vargas gets deleted due to length.

      My bet is on 15.

    3. Sorry about the "Kuffs" confusion. I mean, Slater and Bacon kind-of look alike and have had a similar career path, right? Or am I on crack for seeing something nobody else does.

      And I'll bow to the tyranny of your criteria for movie fests since I already have an ongoing film festival every day at home and at my new workplace (which is part of the reason I took the job). :-)

  2. Excellent list of actors! As someone who regularly marathons films by actors like Cary Grant and Clint Eastwood, their filmographies are expansive enough to contain some gems even I may've missed.

    Really looking forward to this.

  3. sounds like a plan. i'm in..or as close to in as possible. unlike others , i just lost a job so i will be replying on what i already own and streaming.

    1. Sorry to hear that. I just lost my job of 17+ years at the end of April (company closed its NYC branch, moved to Jersey and couldn't afford me anymore) and spent a good two weeks looking around before trying out for a few days at a new place where I just started working (just days before Memorial Day weekend). I was going out of my mind those days where I had nothing to do or nowhere to go look for work. I thought I'd just kick a little, sleep late and watch early weekday matinees or cut down my 'kevyip' pile of unwatched stuff. Nope, all I could think about was getting another work and nothing else.

      Guess I'm trying to say good luck EraserGirl, hang in there. I lucked out finding a job less than a month after losing my previous one (I know people who have been unemployed and looking for 2+ years) and sometimes dumb luck is all it takes. :-)

    2. Sorry to hear about the job, Joyce, but I'm glad you'll be playing along with us. I'm guessing you're going to have a tough time finding stuff (especially classic stuff) that you've never seen, but I look forward to being schooled by you on some really obscure titles.

      I'm just watching what I own and streaming, too, and I think there's plenty to be found.

  4. I have to admit - I looked at the pictures first and did not recognize two of them. This is fun because I am learning!!! Can't wait to participate! Seven days away!!

    1. How are you doing (if you are who I think you are, and you must be because I don't know of any other Erika with a K)?
      Feeling good? Long time no hear, nice to know you're OK. Congratulations! :-)

    2. I'm doing pretty well - thank you for asking! We're pretty tired over here though, but I guess that is to be expected... I'll just watch movies when I have to stay up with the baby. :)

  5. Nice list. My fiance is on there... and Pam Grier.
    Super cool.

    1. It would be so cool if your fiance WAS Pam Grier.

    2. Sadly, his fiancee is/was Barbara Stanwyck (RIP).

    3. If Pam Grier was my fiance I would so be the bitch....and I would be soooo happy.

      but seriously, RIP sweetheart :-(

  6. It's like Summer Camp for movies. Bring on the underwear-related hijinks and serial killings!

    1. I'm torn between paper shower curtain and curling iron.

    2. I'm going with 'corn cam' (because I'm not a killer, but I do like corn). Just let me check for corn water first.

    3. I call "bludgeoned to death against a tree while I'm still in my sleeping bag".

    4. I call crying for mummy in my bunk while the other boys throw things at my head.


      Why did you make me remember! :-(

    5. I call ''arrow through the mouth''

  7. I AM SUPER EXCITED, because my Netflix browsing will now be more focused.

  8. Love this idea! Can't wait to watch some of the movies these actors are in that I have yet to see.

  9. Will watch as many as I can. The viewing demands for They Came From the North can be pretty high, so I,ll only chime in once in a while. Unless I view a movie with one of the actors forn TCFTN...

  10. Can I watch a Dana Carvey movie in which he does his Jimmy Stewart impression? That's the same thing, right?

    1. I didn't know Pistachio Disguisey did a Jimmy Stewart impression. Multi-talented, that guy is.

    2. Great. So we're all agreed. We'll watch Clean Slate on June 1.

  11. This is a great idea. I'll hit as many as I can.

  12. This sounds great! Fellow F-Heads, why not start a pool at work and see who can finish the most days? Challenge your FB friends; host a viewing party. MAKE IT HAPPEN. Be the change you want to see in the world.

  13. This is a great idea, which only could have been greater had it been done in a winter month when I wasn't so busy - hopefully when Vargas starts HIS blog he'll consult me before he makes decisions like this! For example, I'm in Toronto (one of Chicago's sister cities - not as pretty but hey, she's got a good personality) from the 6th to the 12th - NOW when am I supposed to finally watch Annie Hall, The Third Man, Please Give, Big Trouble in Little China, Coffy, Dirty Harry and The Hunger?

    Ah well, should be fun - will take part when I can! Clearly there are beloved classics that I haven't seen for every actor on that list, so I'll look forward to the reviews of others to guide me towards the lesser-known gems.

    1. Cool. Cool cool. Glad you're going to take part for SOME OF IT at least! And just remember -- just because you're in Chic-g doesn't mean you can't participate. Just put down your slice of deep dish pizza, excuse yourself from the Cubs game, hop on the L and...something...Al movies. Chicago is FTM's home base!

      Also, you're going to be a few weeks late for NATO.

    2. Tsk, tsk, someone's got a case of baby-brain - I'll be in TORONTO. If I was going to be in CHICAGO I would have invited myself over to co-host a podcast. Wait a minute, if you thought I was going to be in Chicago, why didn't YOU invite me over already? Boy, is your face red.

    3. My secret is out. I barely pay attention when reading your posts.

      Enjoy Ottowa!

  14. Wow, this looks like great fun. I’ve already started looking through my DVD collection and the films on my cable’s on demand service to see where I’ll need to track something down.

    It’s a shame there’s only 30 days in June, it leaves no room for a day dedicated to Jeff Speakman.

    1. Glad you're in! If you're a Netflix subscriber, our own Erich Asperschlager put together a master list of every actor and the movies they star in that are available on Netflix Instant. I'll run it some time next week so we can all get ready.

      Also, EVERY day is Jeff Speakman day.

  15. I cannot abide Nicholas Cage on my birthday!

  16. I love this idea, but I am a high school teacher and June is a very busy month, I'm free in July and August, could we reschedule?

  17. No Joe Piscopo? This list is bullshit.
