Friday, July 19, 2013

Mike and Adam's SDCC Diary (Day 2)

In which Mike and Adam hit the convention floor and the convention floor hits back.


  1. Great video, but GOD THIS LOOKS MISERABLE. But this response probably speaks more to my social anxiety than it does to the convention itself.

    Dumb question -- aside from walking around convention floors (and getting yelled at by staff), what do you do all day? Get autographs? Talk to celebrities? Engage weirdos? WHAT?

    1. My guess is, all three of those things at roughly the same time. But I can't speak from experience, so hey.

      But yeah, those crowds made me anxious just looking at them. I like having a large personal bubble, myself.

      Still, thanks for giving us news from the front, guys! I hope you had a chance to tell John Barrowman how awesome he is. And those video intercuts were hilarious, as always.

    2. I love crowds like that - great place to "accidentally" grope strangers without getting arrested.

  2. Keep your heads on a swivel out there, gents.

  3. Tomorrow there better be some Mike style breakdancing.

  4. But great job for a breakdancingless video

  5. Can you tell Entertainment Weekly that Marc Webb is not that visionary?

  6. Who does the editing for these videos? It's hilarious. And was Evangeline Lilly there for her role in the next Hobbit movie?
