Thursday, October 17, 2013

F This Movie! Episode 11

Spend 24 hours watching scary movies with Patrick and Doug.


  1. Brave souls! I must confess it is somewhat amusing to watch the gradual mental deterioration as the day goes on. I'm not proud of myself...

    Patrick, did you select the films for the marathon? If so, it was very upstanding of you to select an Italian horror film. There's 2 things I know from my time on this site that you dislike - prequels and Italian horror. You're a real mench for including one.

    I miss Dracu-Doug!

    1. I did select the movies. I don't know what I was thinking. I felt like Italian Horror was part of the thing. Now I know that I don't have to stick to any particular formula.

      I can't believe that SMM is halfway over and we haven't had any Dracu-Doug yet.

  2. Funny video guys and congrats on completing your marathon. It's been quite awhile since I've pulled off an all-nighter, which is hard enough to do, watching movies the whole time I can only imagine would make it even harder. A couple bowls of that fucking cereal would help - wow!

  3. My daughter wants a bowl of your Halloween cereal. Was it yummy?

    1. It did not taste great. And smelled way worse, for some reason.

    2. Oh! MONSTER energy drink! I just got it...
