Monday, February 17, 2014

F This Movie! - The F This Movie Fest 3 Show

The F This Movie! crew recaps the most successful F This Movie Fest yet.

Download this episode here. (33.6 MB)

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  1. Honesty is the best policy right? About 10 minutes in I tweeted: "I bet that guy gets caught masturbating in a theatre someday." -Everybody, in 1985

    I felt bad about it immediately but I was enjoying the movie so much (first time I watched it in its entirety that I can remember) that I was struggling to come up with anything. I know, I'm a hack!

  2. I was the one talking about The Emerald Forest;I really wasn't trying to take anyone to task! Just noting that it's a pretty decent movie with Predator-level jungle settings.

    12-year-old me, on the other hand, still kind of likes Red Sonja. I have no defense for that.

    1. I regret using the "taking me to task" phrase. I was trying to be funny and it backfired. My bad, bud.

    2. Heheh - even when we "fight" it's the most civil thing ever.

    3. We're all buds! Let's go see Red Sonja.

    4. Remember those Reading posters that were in libraries in the 1980s? How cool would it be if Bridgette Nielsen was reading a book at it said "Read Sonja". This concludes Great Idea Monday.

  3. I had such a great time, and I can definitely say we have one of the greatest communities on the internet. I confess to disappointment with the lack of interaction from just about everyone that we tweeted in the run up to this event, and I'm frustrated that the "friends" I have on Facebook couldn't be bothered to even respond to my multiple posts. Not one person outside of our F This Movie Family so much as clicked "like" on my posts for the fest. All that goes to show me where the real magic is, which is here with this group of people. You won't find a kinder, more courteous group of people who love movies. If we had 500 people, 50 people, or even 5 people joining us for our events, this would still be the place to be because this the community I want to be a part of. Those 500 or 50 or 5 people would be smarter and kinder and more fun to be with than 10,000 people who were none of those things.

    Great episode wrapping up the events. I need to watch Explorers again too, because you guys talked about several things that I didn't even see. I must have been looking at the screen or too focused on the "tweet zone" to see what was happening on the screen. The analysis provided during your comments on the podcast has me liking it more already. Sounds like Star Trek V, but smarter and better.

    I've been in a dry place with movies lately. 2013 was discouraging for me and I really lost the "fun" of movies. Most of those theatrical films from last year were joyless and cynical and reminded me that life is hard and I'm going to die. But watching these movies with everyone on Saturday was an oasis in the desert. As Patrick says in this episode, this is why we go to the movies, and I really needed it. This place is unbelievable, and it's kept me going when I wanted to throw my hands in the air in exasperation. There's no place quite like F This Movie.

    1. Couldn't have said it better myself, Heath.

      I'm always fearful as F This Movie grows that the trolls will eventually find us, so we need to create an escape plan (and code word) for both the show and core audience to meet somewhere else if that ever gets out of hand.

    2. Code word: Era (with no repeat)
      We reconvene at "Gthismovie.blogspot. com" to start it all again

  4. Great podcast guys - so fun to hear you all together and so glad it was such success. As a proud one of those 10 or so people from the first F This Movie Fest, I can tell you it's very exciting to see this thing seemingly growing exponentially - from feeling like I'm hanging out in a living room with everybody to hanging out in a theatre - it's really awesome and I'm looking forward to the next one already. Great job everyone!

  5. I had the best day with you guys, sincerely.

    I recently moved to Arizona from California, and it could be better. 99% of my family and friends are 600 miles away from me and it's not always easy.

    This is not hyperbole in the least when I say that on Saturday, I felt like I was home again. Which is entirely due to all of YOU, and the feeling of community this site fosters. Our love for these movies (and film in general) is so pure and beautiful that it made absolutely everything feel right and wonderful.

    Sorry to turn things into a Hallmark card but I just can't express how welcoming it felt, and how great it is. I'm a fairly heart-on-my-sleeve kind of guy, which these days makes most people suspect I must be mostly full of shit. Sincerity and earnestness aren't always virtues anymore, and it makes me feel out of place sometimes (especially on the Internet of 2014).

    None of you make me feel that way. You make me feel like I belong, and for that, I cannot thank you enough. Like you said (I THINK it was Patrick), we're all friends now. Since most of mine are geographically removed from me now, it's special to be reminded that it doesn't have to feel that way.

    I'll keep talking about movies (and defending The Goonies) with all of you as long as we're all willing.

    Keep up the great work, and thanks again to everyone who took part. Much love for all --

    1. Well said Albert. I too have recently moved across country from family and friends and I know exactly what you mean. F this Movie fest was wonderful.

    2. It was, man! And thanks for reminding me I'm not only one adjusting to a new situation -- it's much appreciated.

  6. The real Pee-Wee Herman just favourited my tweet about him inventing the bad reception trick - win!

  7. Ive been waiting for the right moment to say this, and now seems as good a time as any...

    Sol, will you marry me?

    1. Oh yeah, sure, it was all "I love Doug" until you found out I was tight with Pee-wee...

    2. See! It's the euphemism at the end of that sentence that makes me love you so much.

  8. There's a lot of love in this thread, so I feel like this is the best time to remind everyone to put their keys in this bowl. Trust me, you'll be putting your hand back in the bowl in just a little while.

    1. I'm not saying I have my eye on anyone in particular, Heath...but I won't say that I don't.

      Dammit. I think by saying something AND nothing that I've said too much.

      As per usual, disregard everything I've said.

  9. Great episode, Great Show, Great Fest, Great Site, Great Great Great Great.

    Nothing much more to add than what has already been said. Every "favourite", retweet and reply made me feel so connected to everyone. Loved it, wish it was more often but at the same time realising that its annualness is part of what makes it so big and...great. Love the community events in general, but the high level interaction with the Fest makes it my favourite.


  10. Another piece of comedy gold from Mr. Riske: His comment about the ineffectual curbing attempt of his Pee-wee doll...

    "This isn't working..." Hysterical.

  11. I didn't tweet as much from my personal handle this year (I was manning the site's account, which means I was fervently BLOCKING all that garbage spam coming through [looking at you ELLEN PAGE]), but what made me really happy was not just all the retweeting/favoriting of everyone's funny comments (and they were REALLY funny), but all the dialogue between people who have never met before -- Brad and Sol, JP and Lucky McKee, me and MORGAN FAIRCHILD. Srsly, I was smiling so much just thinking about how great it is to be supported by and supportive of this great little community.

  12. This was my first time participating in the Fest and using the Twitters, and I just wanted to thank everybody for making it an incredibly enjoyable experience. I'm already psyched for next year!

    1. Also, regarding the comment about press coverage, I always thought something that made F This Movie! great is that it's got a big community of fans, yet somehow still feels small and independent in all the good ways. That's not to say that I wouldn't welcome any new F Heads with open arms, but F This Movie! doesn't need all that coverage to be great. We all love it the way it is. I'm glad the community keeps growing everyday, but let's not get too big for our britches here.
