Congrats guys! I found F this Movie! 3 or so years ago because I was searching for a review on a smaller film (I can't remember which one) and F this Movie! was the first thing that popped up. When I visited the site I was immediately drawn in by the tagline. Being someone who does not listen to podcasts nor gets involved in chats on sites, I'm super happy I came across F this Movie! as it is honestly one of the only sites I check daily, the only podcast I listen to and the only site that I actively comment on due to the quality of people involved and the great topics covered (of course Junesploitation and SMM!!) Keep up the awesome work, all!
To add my thoughts on the name change - it depends on the motivation. A good example would be when a film has to change it's title because they feel it will be more marketable, If the film is quality, who cares about the name? So, if the motivation is to grow and you feel that a name change would help, then do it. If you don't think it matters and won't affect the site from growing then keep it the same.
Thanks for the feedback, Chaybee. Getting to talk movies with you and getting recommendations for cool indie horror films has been one of the highlights of this whole thing. I'm so glad you're with us!
Congrats guys! I found the podcast when I started buying blu rays And wanted to find good discussions on older films. I could have just listened to the Batman '89 show but was drawn in by the great conversation and sense of humor. At some point Patrick and Doug started quoting New Jack Hustler and I knew I was hooked. Keep up the great work. Don't eat too much cake!
Big huge mega congratulations to be best movie site on the Information Superhighway. I couldn't be more proud to be tangentially related to such a thoughtful, funny, and passionate group of movie lovers. So many great moments in the show's formidable back catalog, but I'd say my favorite is that moment a new episode pops up in my feed each week.
By the way, there is absolutely NOTHING you could do to sell out. If a name change is in the future, I will gladly have my mail forwarded. My only request: lay off the clickbait headlines. "FThisMovie turns 5"? What a tease! Also, I think the slideshow at the top of the post is broken. I keep clicking on the image but it doesn't advance to a Clinique ad.
P.S. Thanks to Mike and Adam for my superhero pick, and for not choosing someone who is famous for being fat.
Happy Birthday F This Movie! I second Nicholas's comment from his email, F This Movie IS special, and I'm so glad I stumbled across it three years ago. Though I know I am one of those who only pops up occasionally or during SMM, rest assured that I am always on the site first thing every morning reading columns and listening to podcasts because this is by far my favorite movie site on the entire web. I feel so welcomed in this community, and am always happy that my sporadic comments are usually met with replies from Riske, Gabby, Sol, Steve, and a host of my fellow F Heads.
I agree with Chaybee's thoughts on the name change, if this facilitates growth for the site, it's clear that the content will remain terrific and nobody will sell out no matter what title it's under. I feel guilty that sometimes I feel like FTM has grown too large and is not the indie darling that I stumbled upon during "Phase 2", but I know the more the merrier and am happy that I was so effortlessly welcomed when I started barging in the comments sections. But I like the title, and, as somebody who is fairly puritanical with curse words, I don't find the implications offensive at all. Do what you will, I'll stick around no matter what. Thanks everybody!
Congrats on 5 years, Patrick! Your wife was completely right about the name. When I first found your podcast I assumed it was going to be extremely negative or that you guys were a bunch of haters and annoying fanboys. I'm so glad I gave the podcast a listen because I was pleasantly surprised by how thoughtful and insightful the F This Movie crew is when discussing movies. In regards to the name change, I would say only do it if it will open more doors for you. If a new name won't necessarily bring new prospects, then I say there's no reason. Thank you for 5 awesome years of episodes that I've completely burned through since I discovered your site a year ago.
Chuck Heston famously said the key to remaining happily married in Hollywood (no small feat) is to always say "You're right, honey. I'm sorry" (or words to that effect) to your wife. Patrick, Erika was completely right about the site's name. Time to eat a little crow to make the loving marriage a little happier for a while longer by saying "You were right, I'm sorry." Right, Erika? ;-)
I didn't have time to thank all of you readers and listeners when I recorded my message so I wanted to take the time here to do so. Thank you! You are truly amazing people and have helped F This Movie become such a special community. Here's to another 5 years! Or more (but I'll be old then).
This podcast and this site really mean a lot to me and I really appreciate all the work you guys have put in the last 5 years. I feel like I know all of you from the hours and hours of listening and re-listening to every episode and hearing your passion for movies. You guys make my week whenever I get to listen to one of your shows and I'm always right here first thing Wednesday morning to get the new ones. I put them on when I'm at work and it makes the hours go by a lot faster and there's something very comforting about it to me. I think it's because I've never had what you guys have with each other.
It's amazing what you have been able to build and accomplish and I know we are all very grateful for it. Movies are so much a part of me and it's so special and rare to see a group of people take is as seriously and have as much fun with that passion as I do. Don't ever take for granted what you have here because believe me it's something very few people have.
As for your name I completely understand why you would want to change it and we are all loyal enough that we will follow you under whatever banner you want to choose. F this movie is more than just a name, it's a place where everyone can come a have their opinions heard in a safe place with people who share the same love for movies they do. No matter what you choose to call this site that groundwork you've already laid will never change. You do what's best for you and the growth of the site and us fans will always be there to support you. We love you guys and everything you do. Keep going for as long as you can and happy birthday!!
Small correction, Patrick. I've downloaded every episode of F This Movie (the only podcast I've done this for; for every other podcast I pick and choose which episodes to download) and given them sequential numbers. This 5th birthday podcast is #272, so you were only off by one. Not bad for a father of two young kids. ;-) And you were right, you've only missed two weeks in the five years the podcast started. I should know, I cried like Pavlov's dog being denied his meal when those weeks went by and I didn't get my weekly dose of F This Movie goodness.
I stumbled on F This Movie through the "Sleepaway Camp" commentary, which was posted on the DVD Verdict front page in 2010. It blew my mind that someone would even consider making a commentary for a movie I held dear, so I had to listen to it. It was the first podcast I ever downloaded. I didn't even know who everyone was (kept confusing Doug with Mike P., so at first I thought Mike was the joker of the group :-P), but damn if that podcast didn't make me (a) laugh like an idiot ("Godzilla, ahh!") and (b) see "Sleepaway Commentary" in a whole new light. This is one of the few movies that I can both say I love without any irony, but I can also see the ridiculous and offensive stuff that the commentary brought up. Started downloading the previous podcasts, and the rest is history.
My favorite episodes (based on my desire to listen to them over and over again): #10: "The Wolfman" (JB's first appearance), #28: The "Saw" Franchise, #40/41: "Star Wars: Episode I," #48: "Top Gun" (the 'Havrik' appears), #54/55: F Superhero Movies, #62: "Taken" (i.e. The Mark Ahn Story), #66: "Green Lantern," (i.e. the torture of Adam Beta), #100: 100th Episode Spectacular (The Quibbler strikes!), #106: "Network," #119: "Prometheus," #146: "Silent Night, Deadly Night" commentary, #168: "Star Trek: Into Darkness" (Patrick is in particularly fine form here), #178: "The Wolverine" (more for the Comic Con part than the movie part) and #239: "Maximum Overdrive" commentary.
Personally, if at all possible, I would suggest changing the name of the site (to what I have no idea, that's your problem... isn't it great to be the boss? :-P). The 'F This Movie' name and the content/quality of the site are at fundamental odds with each other, requiring context and actually listening to the show to understand that the name is ironic and not meant for what people first think of when 'F' is the first word on the title. But then you run into the same problem that dogged the dearly-missed 'Down in Front/What Are You Doing Movie/Friends in Your Head' podcast, which went through so many names it diluted the brand by the end. Bottom line: if you don't care to remain niche forever, keep the name. If you want to eventually, maybe expand the site's reach and go a little more mainstream, change the name. You can keep all the archived episodes under the 'F This Movie' name when/if you ever switch the site's name.
Here's to five more years of 'F'ing podcasts, fine movie discussions and ignoring every request for a podcast I've ever submitted. Wouldn't have it any other way. So, "The Exorcist II: The Heretic" commentary is finally happening this year, right? :-)
I'm so torn. I'm going on a long car trip next week and was planning to save this week's show for the drive, but now I'm dying to listen. This is the best problem to have.
Though I haven't listened yet, I just want to say congrats on the milestone and all the incredible work you do. Not to contradict JB, but it is my opinion that the F This Movie community is the happiest place on earth. Regarding a possible name change, that's purely cosmetic. As has been noted previously, you know what you're doing, and I have no doubt the heart will remain no matter what changes are made. Hey, if the cool Badass Digest kids are doing it...
You are mentioned twice JP! I think you are one of the offical Rabbis/guiding councilors of the FHead community on twitter. See you for therapy Tuesday green guy
I may not finish this podcast today so just wanted to say, Happy Birthday F This Movie! I haven't been here since the VERY beginning - I think it was about a year in, but I remember the comments section was very sparsely populated at the time so I like to consider myself one of the Founding F-Heads. Congratulations Patrick and the rest of the gang - your podcasts and eventually the site were instantly endearing to me and the growing community continues to be my absolute favourite place to hang out on the internet. Thanks for being here everybody!
As for the possible name-change, I get it and would totally support it. Don't get me wrong, I love being an F-Head and appreciate everything the "brand" stands for, but I also wish you guys a lot of success and, if the name really stands in the way of that (and I see how it could), I think you owe it to yourself and all of the hard work you've put into this place, to do what's best. I'll be a J-Head if I have to, as in my suggestion: Jerk Off This Movie! It captures the same ambiguity as the current title in that you could either love it so much you want to jerk it off, or you hate it so much you're like, "Jerk off, this movie!" There - dilemma solved.
Congrats everyone! F This Movie is such a great place and I am such a big fan. I listen (and re-listen) to the podcast all the time and I always enjoy it. It's been such a great time interacting with people here on the site, and it's something I look forward to checking every day. So thanks guys for all the hard work you all put. On a separate note, name changing stuff seems like a fine idea. I don't think anyone who regularly follows the site or the podcast would get lost by it or anything, and perhaps it could open new avenues for all you fine folk, who knows? On an even more separate note, I share a birthday with F This Movie so that's kinda cool. I got you guys beat though, cuz I'm 7. Neener Neener neeeeener.
What!? 5 years!? I remember 2010 fondly, back when 3D was the wave of the future and Sam Worthington was a promising movie star. Aww, those were the days. I started listening to F This Movie! when I was 17. Back then I was a HUGE Harry Potter nerd and was just browsing the web for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows podcasts, and guess what I found! Now I'm 22 and never miss an episode.
Congratulations and thank everyone in the F This Movie! community for making life just that much better.
On a side note, that segment with JB in the cage was genuinely disturbing. I've started a campaign for his release. But at least he's got the Quibbler to keep him company.
And about the name F This Movie! I love it. It filters out those people who are too quick to jump to conclusions. They're the one's who are ruining movie criticism these days anyway.
One more thing about the name, sorry, but it makes makes me crazy. Our culture is F'ed honestly. We live in a country where a movie like Man of Steel or Battle LA, or any number of other disaster movies where millions of people are slaughtered are given a PG-13 rating and make millions of dollars. Yet media outlets are afraid to print the F word. It's not even the word. It's a letter that implies the word. Oh no! Everybody hold your kids tight! A four letter word may be referenced!
Clint, I am going to talk to you more often. Everything you said about the type of people that jump too fast to judgements is exactly what I was thinking too. Also I once tried to House some of the F-Heads in HP houses via twitter haha. Be alert for a message from me on there :)
I haven't had a chance to listen to the podcast yet, but just wanted to say Happy Birthday! This has continued to be a great site with fantastic people who both love movies and respect other people's opinions. I regret not forwarding my favorite moments in time for the podcast, but I wonder if you recall the commenter several months ago who complained that Patrick was just too damn nice? That is a badge of honor, my friends.
Congrats on five years! I haven't been an F head for very long, but over the past six months I have listened to most of your shows. I try to only listen to the shows about movies I have already seen. By sticking to this I have seen some great movies that I hadn't previously watched just so I could listen to you guys talk about them. As a huge film nut and hopefully someday a director of my own films, Your show has taught me a lot. Everyone you have on the show is fantastic and I hope it never changes.
P.S. I don't care what JB says, I think The Ten Commandments is a pretty good movie.
Congratulations on five years! Very beautiful and heartfelt podcast. I'm also a relative newcomer to the site (I found you thanks to this list of the best movie podcasts), but after binge-watching your back catalog I feel I've grown close to Patrick and all of the co-hosts over the past few months. I love you all, and each one of you and your personalities are what makes F This Movie what it is and what makes it such a pleasure to listen to.
As an amateur film writer who's trying to get a site similar to F This Movie off the ground, I really look up to you as a role model and I connected very much with a lot of the things you said here. I've gone through exactly the same sort of ruts with my opinion of my own writing and of the state of film criticism in general (I'm in one right now), and I was really touched by the email you read and the honesty with which you responded to it. As others have already said, this lack of pretense is something I really cherish about your podcast.
I'm not very active on twitter so I missed the call for submissions, but my favorite two podcasts (sorry, but I have to cheat a little) are the Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Green Lantern episodes. I started writing this while I was listening to the podcast and I was going to say I felt like a horrible person for picking two episodes where you have big disagreements, but then you mentioned both of them as two of your own favorites and I felt a bit more justified. And you mention exactly why I love them: they show your intelligence and your personality and your willingness to stand up for what you believe in or admit that your mind has been changed. But really I love every podcast in one way or another, and my actual favorite is the one that's going to come out next because you're always getting better and because I'm always loving you more and more.
Anyway, before I get too schmoopy, thanks for putting out this wonderful podcast and for doing all the great things that you do!
Happy 5th guys! You're getting so big. I first heard about this podcast maybe a year and a half ago, after reading a list on some website (whatculture maybe? I have not returned). What I really liked about the podcast is there was never really an agenda behind anyone's opinions, and I really felt like you guys were being honest. You're not really in the industry (well, LA Doug is), so you're never really trying to be too nice and not offend anyone, but you're also not trying to make a name for yourself by saying something ridiculous and harsh.
Anyway, as for favorite podcast and moments, luckily for me they're one in the same. It's the Friday the 13th Part III commentary, particularly when Doug says "I want to see your latter-day taint" in his best Jason Voorhees voice. That whole track encapsulates what I love about the podcast, Patrick does his best job of guiding the conversation and dropping trivia, while JB is interested in discussing what he hates about the movie, and Doug is interested in nothing but making jokes every 10 seconds.
Also, about rebranding F this Movie, I'd like to throw in my suggestion: F this Film! It's basically the same thing, just slightly more classy, and mostly unintelligible (on account of all the cigars and wooden pipes being smoked).
I think the name change is the right call. I think it'd be great if you guys can legitimize more by going to junkets and getting quoted. Why let a silly little name get in the way of achieving your dreams? If I were you, I'd change it.
I like the name, but if it's holding you back then do what you feel is in your heart. So long as the podcast and site remain the same I'll still be here.
I like the name, but if it's holding you back then do what you feel is in your heart. So long as the podcast and site remain the same I'll still be here.
Happy Birthday! Here's to 5 more years! I will echo all the other comments and say go for the name change. We will always be F-heads no matter what the podcast is called. #FHead4Life #FordBrody
Happy birthday, dudes! I found your podcast while researching for a research project on Kill Bill, found your episode on it, and listened. While it didn't help with the paper much, I found the humor and conversation incredibly entertaining, and started listening to your other podcasts, burning through all of them in just a few months. Thank you guys for giving me something to look forward to every single Wednesday, or Monday or Thursday. Regardless of the numbers, you're the coolest F-ing podcast on the net.
Also, in answer to your question, the name of the podcast means nothing to me as long as your content continues to be wonderful. Change it if you want or need to.
Happy B day F this movie! I've been a pretty long time listener (first ep listened to Shawshank Redemption) and really appreciate the way that you guys and girls break down the movies in an informative yet very fun way, which is a tough mix to pull off. My own favorite podcast has to be The Sandlot, if only for the fantasy movie it sets up in my head (Nightmare on Sandlot Street)
As to changing the name of the site, if it would let you work on the site full time I say go for it. My thing would be you still have to refer to us as F Heads. Also one last thing Patrick I apologize again for The Oogieloves- I went too far. To 5 more years!
Many happy returns and congratulations to you all. I'd love to share my favourite moments of the show and site but I really want to compose something with some care going into it so I can express what I want to say. It's all terrible things... No no, it's all schmoop! Such as there is noone else I'd rather see having advisors fight over for and seeing more people join the family. You're like the humble, highly intelligent, cuddly mafia. Less dead fish, more people trapped in Patrick's basement.
Happy birthday, F This Movie! Time to start wearing the big boy pants!
I joined in as an F-Head around the "Favorite Movies" series (side note, I keep thinking that should be resurrected for the more recent contributers who were not part of the team at the time, Adam, Heath, and maybe even Melissa) after discovering the show through DVD Verdict, and I have been there every step of the way since. I am so thrilled with the progress you all have made, and continue to make, and how hard everyone works to bring this incredible product to the interwebs. It is a pleasure and a highlight to read the amazing pieces that are produced here daily.
Honestly, some of my favorite episodes are the special shows, like the favorite movies series, horror movie franchises, falling in love with the movies, f everything, the massacre, etc. I love all of those kinds of conversations.
The name is a tough one. On one hand, I think it's clever, and the eye-catching nature of the name is probably part of what triggered me to listen to the show. On the other hand, I see how it can be confusing or off-putting and potentially difficult to promote. I love your name as is, but I will say that sometimes rebranding is necessary for growth. You're a brand, and you have to do what you feel is right to ensure the success of that brand. Whatever you decide to do, I'm sure you're more than capable of coming up with an equally clever name that is more marketable if you chose to go that route. I will be with you no matter what you decide to do.
In closing, let me say that it continues to be a pleasure sharing a common hobby with all of the kind, intelligent, hilarious, respectful, awesome readers and contributors on this site, and I am exceptionally proud to be able call each and every one of you friends.
I have intended for at least a year to do more of those 'favorite movies' shows with Adam Riske and Heath. And then didn't get around to it. I'll promise we'll get to them, hopefully later this summer.
Thanks for all of your contributions and support, John! Great to have you!
Nice! I hope those shows do come to fruition. It's always fun to get a better sense of a person's tastes or what has been most impactful in their lives from a movie perspective by hearing some those that they value the most and the reasons why. These kinds of shows tend to be very insightful.
Also, I failed to mention the commentaries in my listing of shows I love. Those are always super enjoyable!
I haven't been able to listen to the podcast yet, but I wanted to weigh in on the possible name change.
If you are worried that the F This Movie brand holds back the site from getting more press, access, quotes--take a look at names like (which houses the most horror celebrity interviews, second only to Fangoria) or Bloody I see that site being quoted constantly on posters.
Badass Digest recently changed their name, for similar reasons (unfortunately to one that's not as memorable or with personality) and I fear that with a possible name change for this site, while all of your regulars will follow you, it is in a sense like starting over after five, long, hardworking years.
Besides all the podcasts/reviews/interviews, F This Movie is also known the world over for its Twitterfest, retweets of people's F This Movie, and I think part of the name's charm for a first time listener is they assume you are going to crap all over a movie (which sometimes you do) but everyone on this page, including the listeners, are amazing, intelligent, wonderful souls that I truly, deeply care about.
To me, the site's name has always been ironic, but also cutting edge.
Maybe you can create another site for the mainstream reviews to be quoted from but keep F This Movie for your genre material. After all, I think a horror movie would rather have a F This Movie! quote than a "Beautiful Movies" (fake website) quote. Think of it like Miramax/Dimension. LOL.
Anyway, whatever you decide, I'm sure we'll all be fine with but I just don't like uncertainty. A name change is like the big date in "Some Kind of Wonderful". I know the date will turn out fine no matter which way it goes, but I'm also worried Hardy Jenns is waiting around the corner to tear everything down.
I haven't finished the whole podcast, but I just wanted to make a few comments before I forget. First of all, thanks for giving us five years of awesome movie discussion from a totally non-pretentious and sincere viewpoint. I'm a relative nenewcomer here, as I've only been listening for a year and a half or so, but this podcast has done wonders to expand my movie spectrum and give an outlet for the things I want to hear discussed in films I've seen.
On that note if being a newcomer, I'd also like to thank the community. You guys are awesome, and you know it. Thanks to guys like Sol, John Murphy, Tom Smail, J.M., JP, Gabby, Chaybee, and so many others who have been awesome co-f-heads.
As far as the name change, I hope I speak for everyone when I say, "Patrick, do whatever you think is best." We've gotten attached to the name over the years, but I promise that if you change it, nobody's leaving. Nobody's going to rage-quit your podcast. Will we give you shit? HELL yes. But we'll understand. Trust me, you're supporting a career, a family, and a passion simultaneously, and all we want is to see you be successful.
Just finished the episode and it was great - Erika killed it in her bit - I could listen to her describe mushrooms all day.
Lovely letter from Nick - I can certainly relate specifically as it pertains to movies. I found this site amidst a burgeoning interest in film beyond simply as a form of entertainment, and was fairly alone on that among my friends and acquaintances, so I really loved being able to feel part of your both in-depth and often hilarious discussions, especially during my honeymoon phase of movie love. I've learned so much from you guys and with your guidance have watched so many great things (and avoided some not-so-great things). Having followed and gotten to know you guys so well over the past 4 years or so, I always have a great sense of when I'm going to feel the same way about something, or like something you don't or dislike something you do. Aside from the kinship of fun of it all, in this world of so much stuff vying for my attention it's so practically awesome to have a place that can so reliably point out and guide me to things I want to see (and calibrate my expectations accordingly). For example, there is no universe without F This Movie that has Phantom of the Paradise as part of my movie collection! That's just one of dozens or even hundreds at this point, and if the movies I watch have become part of who I am, and I believe they have, then by virtue of that alone F This Movie has left an indelible mark on my very being! And no, I'm not high - just very, very grateful.
Unfortunately I missed the solicitation for favourite moments and there are so many - I loved Inception episode for The Quibbler gag that just couldn't quite get off the ground - I loved Mike questioning if he'd just seen a statue of a dog blowing a man in the Ft13 Part 3 commentary - I loved Doug's quip that the only thing more jacked than The Rock is Future The Rock in the FF6 ep and recently I was super-tickled for some reason when Patrick referred to "through a peephole covered in vaseline" not being how he liked to watch movies, but how he likes to spy on people. It's an injustice to even attempt to narrow them down like that - there's something that cracks me up in every episode - I love em all. Except for the Sleepaway Camp commentary - because I haven't listened to it yet! I will remedy that post-haste!
Wow Congratulations on 5 yrs, I wish I was here from the beginning but I have gone back and listened to every podcast and try to join in with all the fun so I feel I have caught up with the full story, all the hosts on here are different and brilliant in there own way, I have been turned on to loads of great films because of being here and listened to brilliant thoughts on films Also a big thanks to the great community here with a lot of people i feel I know though there comments and thoughts on films
Its my favourite place to visit on the net and going away recently and being away for a couple of weeks off the grid I really missed all the fun and goings on
Welcome back, Dennis! We love having you. Your enthusiasm and open-mindedness is infectious. And you even get excited about my dumb Full Moon columns. Thanks for being with us.
On the name thing if you feel it will help to make the site easier to be main stream friendly and quotable then why not? When I tell other people about the site to promote the great community the title always confuses and I have to explain why, the name is just a name to me and its the people that make it fun. It's a tricky one and i know there might be some nostalgia involved, I think if it will help to grow the site then go for it
Congrats on 5 years. I think you should change the name to The Nazi Sympathizer Movie Site. You don't have to start sympathizing with Nazis, it's just a catchy name.
I don't want to tell Patrick what to do, but I'm pretty sure we can go ahead and close this comment thread now. It gets no better than this. Dear lord, that's great!
Happy birthday! I don't comment much, but I love listening. Mark's taken story is also one of my favorite memories. Glad you're still here after five years. Hope you stick around for many more!
So far, I've heard about 20 minutes of the podcast on the way to work.
I came to F This Movie! through DVD Verdict and it was either The Wolfman or Ghostbusters episode that I first listened to. I thought Patrick and JB doing those podcasts together were truly illuminating.
Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod! Patrick Bromley spoke my name! I'll never wash these ears again!
Happy B-day F This Movie! I've only been a listener for about a year and a half and a reader and occasional commenter for less than that, but I already feel a kinship with all the other F-heads. I not only enjoy listening to the podcasts and reading the columns, but also the comments on every article. This is a great group that gathers here and I'm proud to call myself a small part of it.
I think one of the most shocking things when re-listening to the first few podcasts is how much swearing there is. Thankfully profanity was moved to a minimum (to emphasize a point) as the show continued to find its tone.
Now I can pretty much listen to the podcasts with anyone in the car. LOL. :)
Im only part way through the episode at the moment, but i just wanted to join in with all the merriment before it becomes so last week.
I love F this Movie, it is the best. I feel unreasonably connected to the site and the people (contributors and commenters) that the past few months when my ability to join in has been severely limited I have very much felt its absence. I feel that "F-Head" is part of how I see myself now, its part of my identity, and I am so so happy and thankful for that.
I believe that F this Movie, Patrick and everyone involved do such a Fantastic job at creating a podcast of such high quality that it is truly impressive as that is no easy accomplishment (and I should know, I've made some terrible ones). The show, the site and all of your efforts DESERVE much more recognition, praise and reward for what you do, and at each stage of the sites development and growth I always feel so incredibly proud of the site, Patrick and everyone. If it is in the sites best interest to change the name in order to take the next steps and accomplish more of what is deserved, than I say DO IT! Ill always view myself as an F-Head, even when the site has changed its name to "[Your Name Here] this Movie: brought to you by Colgate".
I just wanted to say again how great I think everyone here is and how much I enjoy this community. There's nothing else like it, and I'm very grateful to know you all.
I also want to thank Patrick for all he's done and for being such a great dude with such a big, kind heart. It's truly a pleasure. It's so easy for podcasts to stray off course or to end up on the rocks, or for the podcasters to simply burn out and lose the passion that made them want to pick up a microphone in the first place. I know from experience. But this podcast, site, and community is what it is because of Patrick. Thank you, my friend. You're the best.
P-Broms!! By now I'm sure you've seen Fury Road. I await your discussion. Anyway, I think changing the podcast name is fine to good on the idea spectrum. New fans can discover the whole first incarnation and have their minds rocked. You can distance a bit from the surlier ones like We Hate Movies. Just don't change the content or format!! Keep it exactly the same! You will have to run two websites, though :[
And do not be shamed into abandoning profanity!! The movies being discussed are some extremely profane art, it's ridiculous to try and whitewash your own language. Please consider my views if you find them considerable.
I love We Hate Movies, and if you want a surly movie podcast, listen to Destroy All Movies. Talk about mean spirited. I only listened to a handful because they spend far too much time giving each other grief.
How about The Other Movie Podcast, or something like that? So many times you reference The Other in films, and it would possibly double as an alternative (literally) podcast to listen to about movies. But I have always liked the F This Movie name.
OMG! Timothy Dalton just left my house! I got a phone call (not a text) from him about an hour ago and he asked if I was home. I told him I was, and just minutes later he rang my doorbell. The dude is so freaking nice! I don't know why Mike hates him so much. We talked about Doctor Who, what it was like to work with Robert Davi AND that iguana in License to Kill (the iguana was apparently a bit of a diva), and working with Pixar as the voice of Mr. Pricklepants. What I wasn't prepared for was that when he was talking about bringing everyone a canoe, he meant his penis. That's just a small detail, and it's okay because we had a great time. His hands are so soft. Thanks, Timothy!
I am new around here but if changing the name boosts the podcast to a level you want, do it. You deserve to have this everywhere it can be. The content is what hooked me, not the name. Happy Birthday!
Congrats, you guys! I figured a fifth anniversary is as good as any time to start commenting...
I found the podcast in January. I have the most limited movie knowledge of anyone I know (didn't grow up in a movie-watching home, watched crappy movies with my friends as a teen, etc) , so my New Year's resolution was to watch more movies. But then I found that I wanted to know more/read reviews/have a discussion after watching them, but no one else in my life could remember these movies enough to have a thorough conversation.
Enter movie podcasts. I tried out a few, but kept coming back to you guys because you were so warm and funny and genuine and thoughtful and knowledgeable (the list goes on and on). Now yours is the only podcast where I will listen to every episodes (with the others, I'll only listen if they discuss a movie I'm interested in, and even then it's only if you guys haven't already covered it). I love how you emphasize enjoyment over "appreciation" (favorite movies over best movies) because that was one of the hurdles of my movie watching -- I'd watching something on a "best of" list and get so emotionally exhausted over the heavy content that it would take me weeks to get up the strength to go through another.
The podcast is great, it's really fun how it changes due to the rotating co-hosts, though I'm especially partial to Doug and JB (I haven't listen to all the old podcasts -- again, limited movie knowledge -- but I have heard all the ones that had these two). Doug because your dedication to making each other laugh is wildly entertaining and JB because he tends to talk about movies with an eye toward movie history and the industry at large. I'm repeatedly in awe whenever Patrick pulls out his extensive movie database and it's fascinating when it malfunctions (like the recent Friends with Kids/Friends with Money ). I love it when you champion smaller movies (like Safety Not Guaranteed, which I stumbled on through Netflix and enjoyed a lot but which hadn't been seen by any of my friends). I have so many questions -- what information is included in JB's List? has Doug gone to the New Beverly now that he's LA Doug? how does Erika decide which movies are cookie-worthy? have you considered taking contributions from listeners?
The site is great. At first I found it hard to navigate because there's no master list of all the columns, but now I enjoy randomly stumbling along a long-discontinued column, if only because it lets me spread out my love of F This Movie while waiting for a new podcast.
As for the name, I'm pretty partial to it. It shows that you're irreverant and warns anyone too sensitive that you might be swearing during the podcast. But if you feel like a change is necessary to take it to the next level, I'll be 100% behind your decision.
Anyway, love the podcast, it's a labor of love and it shows. Here's to another five years!
I must thank JB for mentioning FThisMovie in film studies back in 2010. I think I was one of the only students who was intrigued. Then a month later, the first ever scary movie month started. I've been hooked ever since. I don't comment much, but I've been checking in on the site everyday, multiple times per day. It's so great to have a place on the web where I can come and read so many different people's opinions on movies and not have to worry about assholes and trolls.
I think you should keep the name. That's one of my favorite things about this site. It's so different and it provokes question... And I have a pin. Happy 5th birthday and keep up the good work!
Happy F'ing Birthday (in as much as podcasts and websites are "birthed")...been listening for 2 years now and love savoring a backlog of unlistened episodes for when I can get around to revisiting certain films. Always love your perspectives!
I would have say my favorite parts were where you were just talking. As a fan for five years, it was really cool to get to get a peek behind the curtain a little. Loved hearing about some of the behind the scenes stuff that led up to where we are now.
Wow! A letter that mentions Yeah It's That Bad! That's so cool, and I completely agree with Nicholas's sentiments about that podcast's sense of familiarity and friendship that is also experienced in F This Movie. That podcast was at its best when the guys (Joel, Kevin, Martin) were sharing past experiences, whether they were on topic or not. I specifically remember the episode where they discuss (as native New Jerseyans(sp?)) the impact Hurricane Sandy had on them. To link it to F This Movie, just as Nicholas said, I always feel like I am listening to friends when I am listening to you talk about movies. Keep up the great work!
Just listened to this one earlier at work. It was a great show. It made me want to finally get on the site and join in on the discussion. I've been listening to the show for over 2 years now and it is easily one of my favorite podcasts, I'd put it up there with WTF with Marc Maron, the Nerdist, or any of the other podcasts I frequently listen to. You guys are that good and you bring a knowledge and perspective that I quite enjoy. I may not always agree with your opinions, but I love your takes, the discussion, and the depth you go into. You've brought me hours and hours of enjoyment while I am at work and I appreciate all that you guys do, especially Mr. Patrick Bromley. Thank You!
So awesome! Thanks, Kersey. It's great to hear that you're a fan of the show and great of you to reach out and begin commenting. Can't wait to talk movies with you! Thanks for being a part of the site!
Congrats guys! I found F this Movie! 3 or so years ago because I was searching for a review on a smaller film (I can't remember which one) and F this Movie! was the first thing that popped up. When I visited the site I was immediately drawn in by the tagline. Being someone who does not listen to podcasts nor gets involved in chats on sites, I'm super happy I came across F this Movie! as it is honestly one of the only sites I check daily, the only podcast I listen to and the only site that I actively comment on due to the quality of people involved and the great topics covered (of course Junesploitation and SMM!!) Keep up the awesome work, all!
ReplyDeleteTo add my thoughts on the name change - it depends on the motivation. A good example would be when a film has to change it's title because they feel it will be more marketable, If the film is quality, who cares about the name? So, if the motivation is to grow and you feel that a name change would help, then do it. If you don't think it matters and won't affect the site from growing then keep it the same.
DeleteThanks for the feedback, Chaybee. Getting to talk movies with you and getting recommendations for cool indie horror films has been one of the highlights of this whole thing. I'm so glad you're with us!
DeleteThanks, Patrick!
DeleteCongrats guys! I found the podcast when I started buying blu rays And wanted to find good discussions on older films. I could have just listened to the Batman '89 show but was drawn in by the great conversation and sense of humor. At some point Patrick and Doug started quoting New Jack Hustler and I knew I was hooked. Keep up the great work. Don't eat too much cake!
ReplyDeleteBig huge mega congratulations to be best movie site on the Information Superhighway. I couldn't be more proud to be tangentially related to such a thoughtful, funny, and passionate group of movie lovers. So many great moments in the show's formidable back catalog, but I'd say my favorite is that moment a new episode pops up in my feed each week.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, there is absolutely NOTHING you could do to sell out. If a name change is in the future, I will gladly have my mail forwarded. My only request: lay off the clickbait headlines. "FThisMovie turns 5"? What a tease! Also, I think the slideshow at the top of the post is broken. I keep clicking on the image but it doesn't advance to a Clinique ad.
P.S. Thanks to Mike and Adam for my superhero pick, and for not choosing someone who is famous for being fat.
Happy Birthday F This Movie! I second Nicholas's comment from his email, F This Movie IS special, and I'm so glad I stumbled across it three years ago. Though I know I am one of those who only pops up occasionally or during SMM, rest assured that I am always on the site first thing every morning reading columns and listening to podcasts because this is by far my favorite movie site on the entire web. I feel so welcomed in this community, and am always happy that my sporadic comments are usually met with replies from Riske, Gabby, Sol, Steve, and a host of my fellow F Heads.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Chaybee's thoughts on the name change, if this facilitates growth for the site, it's clear that the content will remain terrific and nobody will sell out no matter what title it's under. I feel guilty that sometimes I feel like FTM has grown too large and is not the indie darling that I stumbled upon during "Phase 2", but I know the more the merrier and am happy that I was so effortlessly welcomed when I started barging in the comments sections. But I like the title, and, as somebody who is fairly puritanical with curse words, I don't find the implications offensive at all. Do what you will, I'll stick around no matter what. Thanks everybody!
So glad to have met you through here Myke! You're such a great guy with very dynamic comments and conversation :) (Plus congratulations again!)
DeleteCongrats on 5 years, Patrick! Your wife was completely right about the name. When I first found your podcast I assumed it was going to be extremely negative or that you guys were a bunch of haters and annoying fanboys. I'm so glad I gave the podcast a listen because I was pleasantly surprised by how thoughtful and insightful the F This Movie crew is when discussing movies. In regards to the name change, I would say only do it if it will open more doors for you. If a new name won't necessarily bring new prospects, then I say there's no reason. Thank you for 5 awesome years of episodes that I've completely burned through since I discovered your site a year ago.
ReplyDeleteI only see "Your wife was completely right..." Are other comments here as well?
ReplyDeleteHa!!!! :) Kidding!
I love all of you!
LoL! Ah, that was delightful.
DeleteChuck Heston famously said the key to remaining happily married in Hollywood (no small feat) is to always say "You're right, honey. I'm sorry" (or words to that effect) to your wife. Patrick, Erika was completely right about the site's name. Time to eat a little crow to make the loving marriage a little happier for a while longer by saying "You were right, I'm sorry." Right, Erika? ;-)
DeleteI didn't have time to thank all of you readers and listeners when I recorded my message so I wanted to take the time here to do so. Thank you! You are truly amazing people and have helped F This Movie become such a special community. Here's to another 5 years! Or more (but I'll be old then).
ReplyDeleteThis podcast and this site really mean a lot to me and I really appreciate all the work you guys have put in the last 5 years. I feel like I know all of you from the hours and hours of listening and re-listening to every episode and hearing your passion for movies. You guys make my week whenever I get to listen to one of your shows and I'm always right here first thing Wednesday morning to get the new ones. I put them on when I'm at work and it makes the hours go by a lot faster and there's something very comforting about it to me. I think it's because I've never had what you guys have with each other.
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing what you have been able to build and accomplish and I know we are all very grateful for it. Movies are so much a part of me and it's so special and rare to see a group of people take is as seriously and have as much fun with that passion as I do. Don't ever take for granted what you have here because believe me it's something very few people have.
As for your name I completely understand why you would want to change it and we are all loyal enough that we will follow you under whatever banner you want to choose. F this movie is more than just a name, it's a place where everyone can come a have their opinions heard in a safe place with people who share the same love for movies they do. No matter what you choose to call this site that groundwork you've already laid will never change. You do what's best for you and the growth of the site and us fans will always be there to support you. We love you guys and everything you do. Keep going for as long as you can and happy birthday!!
I echo everything you said Travis, beautifully put and it is so nice to have you as an f buddy too and I always love reading what you have to say.
DeleteThanks Gabby you're awesome!
DeleteSmall correction, Patrick. I've downloaded every episode of F This Movie (the only podcast I've done this for; for every other podcast I pick and choose which episodes to download) and given them sequential numbers. This 5th birthday podcast is #272, so you were only off by one. Not bad for a father of two young kids. ;-) And you were right, you've only missed two weeks in the five years the podcast started. I should know, I cried like Pavlov's dog being denied his meal when those weeks went by and I didn't get my weekly dose of F This Movie goodness.
ReplyDeleteI stumbled on F This Movie through the "Sleepaway Camp" commentary, which was posted on the DVD Verdict front page in 2010. It blew my mind that someone would even consider making a commentary for a movie I held dear, so I had to listen to it. It was the first podcast I ever downloaded. I didn't even know who everyone was (kept confusing Doug with Mike P., so at first I thought Mike was the joker of the group :-P), but damn if that podcast didn't make me (a) laugh like an idiot ("Godzilla, ahh!") and (b) see "Sleepaway Commentary" in a whole new light. This is one of the few movies that I can both say I love without any irony, but I can also see the ridiculous and offensive stuff that the commentary brought up. Started downloading the previous podcasts, and the rest is history.
My favorite episodes (based on my desire to listen to them over and over again): #10: "The Wolfman" (JB's first appearance), #28: The "Saw" Franchise, #40/41: "Star Wars: Episode I," #48: "Top Gun" (the 'Havrik' appears), #54/55: F Superhero Movies, #62: "Taken" (i.e. The Mark Ahn Story), #66: "Green Lantern," (i.e. the torture of Adam Beta), #100: 100th Episode Spectacular (The Quibbler strikes!), #106: "Network," #119: "Prometheus," #146: "Silent Night, Deadly Night" commentary, #168: "Star Trek: Into Darkness" (Patrick is in particularly fine form here), #178: "The Wolverine" (more for the Comic Con part than the movie part) and #239: "Maximum Overdrive" commentary.
Personally, if at all possible, I would suggest changing the name of the site (to what I have no idea, that's your problem... isn't it great to be the boss? :-P). The 'F This Movie' name and the content/quality of the site are at fundamental odds with each other, requiring context and actually listening to the show to understand that the name is ironic and not meant for what people first think of when 'F' is the first word on the title. But then you run into the same problem that dogged the dearly-missed 'Down in Front/What Are You Doing Movie/Friends in Your Head' podcast, which went through so many names it diluted the brand by the end. Bottom line: if you don't care to remain niche forever, keep the name. If you want to eventually, maybe expand the site's reach and go a little more mainstream, change the name. You can keep all the archived episodes under the 'F This Movie' name when/if you ever switch the site's name.
Here's to five more years of 'F'ing podcasts, fine movie discussions and ignoring every request for a podcast I've ever submitted. Wouldn't have it any other way. So, "The Exorcist II: The Heretic" commentary is finally happening this year, right? :-)
Oh JM, that is such a distinctive JM comment haha. Great to have you as an f buddy :)
DeleteI still have nightmares about the Green Lantern Podcast.
DeleteI think you guys resonate with me so much because you guys always comes off as very honest. F This Movie never feels fake.
ReplyDeleteExcept for Mark Ahn's breasts, which are totally fake. Hot, but fake.
DeleteThat is the best compliment of all, I think. I agree, and I can attest that there is no pretense with any of these guys/girls.
DeleteMy eyes are up HERE, JP.
DeleteI'm so torn. I'm going on a long car trip next week and was planning to save this week's show for the drive, but now I'm dying to listen. This is the best problem to have.
ReplyDeleteThough I haven't listened yet, I just want to say congrats on the milestone and all the incredible work you do. Not to contradict JB, but it is my opinion that the F This Movie community is the happiest place on earth. Regarding a possible name change, that's purely cosmetic. As has been noted previously, you know what you're doing, and I have no doubt the heart will remain no matter what changes are made. Hey, if the cool Badass Digest kids are doing it...
You are mentioned twice JP! I think you are one of the offical Rabbis/guiding councilors of the FHead community on twitter. See you for therapy Tuesday green guy
DeleteI love that little voice at the VERY end each week. :)
ReplyDeleteI love your little message in this episode, Erika! You delivered it like a champ. "This cookie looks like a di-" hahaha!
DeleteI may not finish this podcast today so just wanted to say, Happy Birthday F This Movie! I haven't been here since the VERY beginning - I think it was about a year in, but I remember the comments section was very sparsely populated at the time so I like to consider myself one of the Founding F-Heads. Congratulations Patrick and the rest of the gang - your podcasts and eventually the site were instantly endearing to me and the growing community continues to be my absolute favourite place to hang out on the internet. Thanks for being here everybody!
ReplyDeleteAs for the possible name-change, I get it and would totally support it. Don't get me wrong, I love being an F-Head and appreciate everything the "brand" stands for, but I also wish you guys a lot of success and, if the name really stands in the way of that (and I see how it could), I think you owe it to yourself and all of the hard work you've put into this place, to do what's best. I'll be a J-Head if I have to, as in my suggestion: Jerk Off This Movie! It captures the same ambiguity as the current title in that you could either love it so much you want to jerk it off, or you hate it so much you're like, "Jerk off, this movie!" There - dilemma solved.
Happy Birthday F This Movie - you're the best!
Congrats everyone! F This Movie is such a great place and I am such a big fan. I listen (and re-listen) to the podcast all the time and I always enjoy it. It's been such a great time interacting with people here on the site, and it's something I look forward to checking every day. So thanks guys for all the hard work you all put.
ReplyDeleteOn a separate note, name changing stuff seems like a fine idea. I don't think anyone who regularly follows the site or the podcast would get lost by it or anything, and perhaps it could open new avenues for all you fine folk, who knows?
On an even more separate note, I share a birthday with F This Movie so that's kinda cool. I got you guys beat though, cuz I'm 7. Neener Neener neeeeener.
Happy birthday, Tim!!
DeleteThanks Patrick!
DeleteWhat!? 5 years!? I remember 2010 fondly, back when 3D was the wave of the future and Sam Worthington was a promising movie star. Aww, those were the days. I started listening to F This Movie! when I was 17. Back then I was a HUGE Harry Potter nerd and was just browsing the web for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows podcasts, and guess what I found! Now I'm 22 and never miss an episode.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations and thank everyone in the F This Movie! community for making life just that much better.
On a side note, that segment with JB in the cage was genuinely disturbing. I've started a campaign for his release. But at least he's got the Quibbler to keep him company.
And about the name F This Movie! I love it. It filters out those people who are too quick to jump to conclusions. They're the one's who are ruining movie criticism these days anyway.
One more thing about the name, sorry, but it makes makes me crazy. Our culture is F'ed honestly. We live in a country where a movie like Man of Steel or Battle LA, or any number of other disaster movies where millions of people are slaughtered are given a PG-13 rating and make millions of dollars. Yet media outlets are afraid to print the F word. It's not even the word. It's a letter that implies the word. Oh no! Everybody hold your kids tight! A four letter word may be referenced!
DeleteI appreciate you saying that, Clint. I feel the same way.
DeleteAnd thanks to you (and everyone!) for all of the nice words. Today really does feel special because of all of you.
Clint, I am going to talk to you more often. Everything you said about the type of people that jump too fast to judgements is exactly what I was thinking too. Also I once tried to House some of the F-Heads in HP houses via twitter haha. Be alert for a message from me on there :)
DeleteI haven't had a chance to listen to the podcast yet, but just wanted to say Happy Birthday! This has continued to be a great site with fantastic people who both love movies and respect other people's opinions. I regret not forwarding my favorite moments in time for the podcast, but I wonder if you recall the commenter several months ago who complained that Patrick was just too damn nice? That is a badge of honor, my friends.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on five years! I haven't been an F head for very long, but over the past six months I have listened to most of your shows. I try to only listen to the shows about movies I have already seen. By sticking to this I have seen some great movies that I hadn't previously watched just so I could listen to you guys talk about them. As a huge film nut and hopefully someday a director of my own films, Your show has taught me a lot. Everyone you have on the show is fantastic and I hope it never changes.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I don't care what JB says, I think The Ten Commandments is a pretty good movie.
Congratulations on five years! Very beautiful and heartfelt podcast. I'm also a relative newcomer to the site (I found you thanks to this list of the best movie podcasts), but after binge-watching your back catalog I feel I've grown close to Patrick and all of the co-hosts over the past few months. I love you all, and each one of you and your personalities are what makes F This Movie what it is and what makes it such a pleasure to listen to.
ReplyDeleteAs an amateur film writer who's trying to get a site similar to F This Movie off the ground, I really look up to you as a role model and I connected very much with a lot of the things you said here. I've gone through exactly the same sort of ruts with my opinion of my own writing and of the state of film criticism in general (I'm in one right now), and I was really touched by the email you read and the honesty with which you responded to it. As others have already said, this lack of pretense is something I really cherish about your podcast.
I'm not very active on twitter so I missed the call for submissions, but my favorite two podcasts (sorry, but I have to cheat a little) are the Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Green Lantern episodes. I started writing this while I was listening to the podcast and I was going to say I felt like a horrible person for picking two episodes where you have big disagreements, but then you mentioned both of them as two of your own favorites and I felt a bit more justified. And you mention exactly why I love them: they show your intelligence and your personality and your willingness to stand up for what you believe in or admit that your mind has been changed. But really I love every podcast in one way or another, and my actual favorite is the one that's going to come out next because you're always getting better and because I'm always loving you more and more.
Anyway, before I get too schmoopy, thanks for putting out this wonderful podcast and for doing all the great things that you do!
I love the schmoopy. :)
DeleteWes what's your twitter handle? I know what you mean and that's like and I can talk to you whenever you want :)
DeleteI'm @ScreeningNotes, but like I said above I'm not very active.
DeleteHappy birthday F this movie! And here's to the best film community on the internet.
ReplyDeleteHappy 5th guys! You're getting so big. I first heard about this podcast maybe a year and a half ago, after reading a list on some website (whatculture maybe? I have not returned). What I really liked about the podcast is there was never really an agenda behind anyone's opinions, and I really felt like you guys were being honest. You're not really in the industry (well, LA Doug is), so you're never really trying to be too nice and not offend anyone, but you're also not trying to make a name for yourself by saying something ridiculous and harsh.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, as for favorite podcast and moments, luckily for me they're one in the same. It's the Friday the 13th Part III commentary, particularly when Doug says "I want to see your latter-day taint" in his best Jason Voorhees voice. That whole track encapsulates what I love about the podcast, Patrick does his best job of guiding the conversation and dropping trivia, while JB is interested in discussing what he hates about the movie, and Doug is interested in nothing but making jokes every 10 seconds.
Also, about rebranding F this Movie, I'd like to throw in my suggestion: F this Film! It's basically the same thing, just slightly more classy, and mostly unintelligible (on account of all the cigars and wooden pipes being smoked).
See you guys at the 10 year reunion.
I think the point of the name change is to get away from the 'F' moniker, not embrace it.
DeleteOhhhhh literal JM.
DeleteI think the name change is the right call. I think it'd be great if you guys can legitimize more by going to junkets and getting quoted. Why let a silly little name get in the way of achieving your dreams? If I were you, I'd change it.
ReplyDeleteI want to go to junkets :-)
Deletehaha And I want to see that!
DeleteI like the name, but if it's holding you back then do what you feel is in your heart. So long as the podcast and site remain the same I'll still be here.
ReplyDeleteI like the name, but if it's holding you back then do what you feel is in your heart. So long as the podcast and site remain the same I'll still be here.
ReplyDeleteHappy 5th Birthday!!
ReplyDeleteLove the podcast and the site, looking forward to the next 5 years!
Happy Birthday! Here's to 5 more years! I will echo all the other comments and say go for the name change. We will always be F-heads no matter what the podcast is called. #FHead4Life #FordBrody
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday, dudes! I found your podcast while researching for a research project on Kill Bill, found your episode on it, and listened. While it didn't help with the paper much, I found the humor and conversation incredibly entertaining, and started listening to your other podcasts, burning through all of them in just a few months. Thank you guys for giving me something to look forward to every single Wednesday, or Monday or Thursday. Regardless of the numbers, you're the coolest F-ing podcast on the net.
ReplyDeleteAlso, in answer to your question, the name of the podcast means nothing to me as long as your content continues to be wonderful. Change it if you want or need to.
DeleteCongratulations! Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteHappy B day F this movie! I've been a pretty long time listener (first ep listened to Shawshank Redemption) and really appreciate the way that you guys and girls break down the movies in an informative yet very fun way, which is a tough mix to pull off. My own favorite podcast has to be The Sandlot, if only for the fantasy movie it sets up in my head (Nightmare on Sandlot Street)
ReplyDeleteAs to changing the name of the site, if it would let you work on the site full time I say go for it. My thing would be you still have to refer to us as F Heads. Also one last thing Patrick I apologize again for The Oogieloves- I went too far. To 5 more years!
Many happy returns and congratulations to you all. I'd love to share my favourite moments of the show and site but I really want to compose something with some care going into it so I can express what I want to say. It's all terrible things... No no, it's all schmoop! Such as there is noone else I'd rather see having advisors fight over for and seeing more people join the family. You're like the humble, highly intelligent, cuddly mafia. Less dead fish, more people trapped in Patrick's basement.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday, F This Movie! Time to start wearing the big boy pants!
ReplyDeleteI joined in as an F-Head around the "Favorite Movies" series (side note, I keep thinking that should be resurrected for the more recent contributers who were not part of the team at the time, Adam, Heath, and maybe even Melissa) after discovering the show through DVD Verdict, and I have been there every step of the way since. I am so thrilled with the progress you all have made, and continue to make, and how hard everyone works to bring this incredible product to the interwebs. It is a pleasure and a highlight to read the amazing pieces that are produced here daily.
Honestly, some of my favorite episodes are the special shows, like the favorite movies series, horror movie franchises, falling in love with the movies, f everything, the massacre, etc. I love all of those kinds of conversations.
The name is a tough one. On one hand, I think it's clever, and the eye-catching nature of the name is probably part of what triggered me to listen to the show. On the other hand, I see how it can be confusing or off-putting and potentially difficult to promote. I love your name as is, but I will say that sometimes rebranding is necessary for growth. You're a brand, and you have to do what you feel is right to ensure the success of that brand. Whatever you decide to do, I'm sure you're more than capable of coming up with an equally clever name that is more marketable if you chose to go that route. I will be with you no matter what you decide to do.
In closing, let me say that it continues to be a pleasure sharing a common hobby with all of the kind, intelligent, hilarious, respectful, awesome readers and contributors on this site, and I am exceptionally proud to be able call each and every one of you friends.
5 more years! 5 more years! 5 more years!
I have intended for at least a year to do more of those 'favorite movies' shows with Adam Riske and Heath. And then didn't get around to it. I'll promise we'll get to them, hopefully later this summer.
DeleteThanks for all of your contributions and support, John! Great to have you!
Bump "fav movie shows"
DeleteNice! I hope those shows do come to fruition. It's always fun to get a better sense of a person's tastes or what has been most impactful in their lives from a movie perspective by hearing some those that they value the most and the reasons why. These kinds of shows tend to be very insightful.
DeleteAlso, I failed to mention the commentaries in my listing of shows I love. Those are always super enjoyable!
I haven't been able to listen to the podcast yet, but I wanted to weigh in on the possible name change.
ReplyDeleteIf you are worried that the F This Movie brand holds back the site from getting more press, access, quotes--take a look at names like (which houses the most horror celebrity interviews, second only to Fangoria) or Bloody I see that site being quoted constantly on posters.
Badass Digest recently changed their name, for similar reasons (unfortunately to one that's not as memorable or with personality) and I fear that with a possible name change for this site, while all of your regulars will follow you, it is in a sense like starting over after five, long, hardworking years.
Besides all the podcasts/reviews/interviews, F This Movie is also known the world over for its Twitterfest, retweets of people's F This Movie, and I think part of the name's charm for a first time listener is they assume you are going to crap all over a movie (which sometimes you do) but everyone on this page, including the listeners, are amazing, intelligent, wonderful souls that I truly, deeply care about.
To me, the site's name has always been ironic, but also cutting edge.
Maybe you can create another site for the mainstream reviews to be quoted from but keep F This Movie for your genre material. After all, I think a horror movie would rather have a F This Movie! quote than a "Beautiful Movies" (fake website) quote. Think of it like Miramax/Dimension. LOL.
Anyway, whatever you decide, I'm sure we'll all be fine with but I just don't like uncertainty. A name change is like the big date in "Some Kind of Wonderful". I know the date will turn out fine no matter which way it goes, but I'm also worried Hardy Jenns is waiting around the corner to tear everything down.
That being said, I'm sure all of us collectively could become Elias Koteas and kick the living F out of him.
DeleteI haven't finished the whole podcast, but I just wanted to make a few comments before I forget. First of all, thanks for giving us five years of awesome movie discussion from a totally non-pretentious and sincere viewpoint. I'm a relative nenewcomer here, as I've only been listening for a year and a half or so, but this podcast has done wonders to expand my movie spectrum and give an outlet for the things I want to hear discussed in films I've seen.
ReplyDeleteOn that note if being a newcomer, I'd also like to thank the community. You guys are awesome, and you know it. Thanks to guys like Sol, John Murphy, Tom Smail, J.M., JP, Gabby, Chaybee, and so many others who have been awesome co-f-heads.
As far as the name change, I hope I speak for everyone when I say, "Patrick, do whatever you think is best." We've gotten attached to the name over the years, but I promise that if you change it, nobody's leaving. Nobody's going to rage-quit your podcast. Will we give you shit? HELL yes. But we'll understand. Trust me, you're supporting a career, a family, and a passion simultaneously, and all we want is to see you be successful.
Congrats again, and keep on F-ing!
Thanks man - back at ya!
DeleteAndy it is so great to have you in the crew, let's drive!
DeleteJust finished the episode and it was great - Erika killed it in her bit - I could listen to her describe mushrooms all day.
ReplyDeleteLovely letter from Nick - I can certainly relate specifically as it pertains to movies. I found this site amidst a burgeoning interest in film beyond simply as a form of entertainment, and was fairly alone on that among my friends and acquaintances, so I really loved being able to feel part of your both in-depth and often hilarious discussions, especially during my honeymoon phase of movie love. I've learned so much from you guys and with your guidance have watched so many great things (and avoided some not-so-great things). Having followed and gotten to know you guys so well over the past 4 years or so, I always have a great sense of when I'm going to feel the same way about something, or like something you don't or dislike something you do. Aside from the kinship of fun of it all, in this world of so much stuff vying for my attention it's so practically awesome to have a place that can so reliably point out and guide me to things I want to see (and calibrate my expectations accordingly). For example, there is no universe without F This Movie that has Phantom of the Paradise as part of my movie collection! That's just one of dozens or even hundreds at this point, and if the movies I watch have become part of who I am, and I believe they have, then by virtue of that alone F This Movie has left an indelible mark on my very being! And no, I'm not high - just very, very grateful.
Unfortunately I missed the solicitation for favourite moments and there are so many - I loved Inception episode for The Quibbler gag that just couldn't quite get off the ground - I loved Mike questioning if he'd just seen a statue of a dog blowing a man in the Ft13 Part 3 commentary - I loved Doug's quip that the only thing more jacked than The Rock is Future The Rock in the FF6 ep and recently I was super-tickled for some reason when Patrick referred to "through a peephole covered in vaseline" not being how he liked to watch movies, but how he likes to spy on people. It's an injustice to even attempt to narrow them down like that - there's something that cracks me up in every episode - I love em all. Except for the Sleepaway Camp commentary - because I haven't listened to it yet! I will remedy that post-haste!
Thanks again guys - keep up the great work!
We love you, Sol. You are a founding F-Head and a friend to all of us. So glad you've been with us all these years. #CANADA4LIFE
DeleteWow Congratulations on 5 yrs, I wish I was here from the beginning but I have gone back and listened to every podcast and try to join in with all the fun so I feel I have caught up with the full story, all the hosts on here are different and brilliant in there own way, I have been turned on to loads of great films because of being here and listened to brilliant thoughts on films
ReplyDeleteAlso a big thanks to the great community here with a lot of people i feel I know though there comments and thoughts on films
Its my favourite place to visit on the net and going away recently and being away for a couple of weeks off the grid I really missed all the fun and goings on
Welcome back, Dennis! We love having you. Your enthusiasm and open-mindedness is infectious. And you even get excited about my dumb Full Moon columns. Thanks for being with us.
DeleteThere not dumb at all. Were just ahead of the curve ;)
DeleteIve just got to the podcast now with being away
DeleteOn the name thing if you feel it will help to make the site easier to be main stream friendly and quotable then why not?
When I tell other people about the site to promote the great community the title always confuses and I have to explain why, the name is just a name to me and its the people that make it fun. It's a tricky one and i know there might be some nostalgia involved, I think if it will help to grow the site then go for it
Congrats on 5 years. I think you should change the name to The Nazi Sympathizer Movie Site. You don't have to start sympathizing with Nazis, it's just a catchy name.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to tell Patrick what to do, but I'm pretty sure we can go ahead and close this comment thread now. It gets no better than this. Dear lord, that's great!
DeleteHappy birthday! I don't comment much, but I love listening. Mark's taken story is also one of my favorite memories. Glad you're still here after five years. Hope you stick around for many more!
ReplyDeleteName change suggestion: from “F This Movie!” to “The Adventures of F This Movie!”
ReplyDeleteSo far, I've heard about 20 minutes of the podcast on the way to work.
ReplyDeleteI came to F This Movie! through DVD Verdict and it was either The Wolfman or Ghostbusters episode that I first listened to. I thought Patrick and JB doing those podcasts together were truly illuminating.
Thanks, Cameron. Coming from you, that's high praise.
DeleteOhmygod ohmygod ohmygod! Patrick Bromley spoke my name! I'll never wash these ears again!
ReplyDeleteHappy B-day F This Movie! I've only been a listener for about a year and a half and a reader and occasional commenter for less than that, but I already feel a kinship with all the other F-heads. I not only enjoy listening to the podcasts and reading the columns, but also the comments on every article. This is a great group that gathers here and I'm proud to call myself a small part of it.
I think one of the most shocking things when re-listening to the first few podcasts is how much swearing there is. Thankfully profanity was moved to a minimum (to emphasize a point) as the show continued to find its tone.
ReplyDeleteNow I can pretty much listen to the podcasts with anyone in the car. LOL. :)
In those early days, I had to wash several boys' mouths out with soap.
DeleteHappy 5th, guys.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday F this Movie!
ReplyDeleteIm only part way through the episode at the moment, but i just wanted to join in with all the merriment before it becomes so last week.
I love F this Movie, it is the best.
I feel unreasonably connected to the site and the people (contributors and commenters) that the past few months when my ability to join in has been severely limited I have very much felt its absence. I feel that "F-Head" is part of how I see myself now, its part of my identity, and I am so so happy and thankful for that.
I believe that F this Movie, Patrick and everyone involved do such a Fantastic job at creating a podcast of such high quality that it is truly impressive as that is no easy accomplishment (and I should know, I've made some terrible ones). The show, the site and all of your efforts DESERVE much more recognition, praise and reward for what you do, and at each stage of the sites development and growth I always feel so incredibly proud of the site, Patrick and everyone. If it is in the sites best interest to change the name in order to take the next steps and accomplish more of what is deserved, than I say DO IT! Ill always view myself as an F-Head, even when the site has changed its name to "[Your Name Here] this Movie: brought to you by Colgate".
Exploding Heart!
I just wanted to say again how great I think everyone here is and how much I enjoy this community. There's nothing else like it, and I'm very grateful to know you all.
ReplyDeleteI also want to thank Patrick for all he's done and for being such a great dude with such a big, kind heart. It's truly a pleasure. It's so easy for podcasts to stray off course or to end up on the rocks, or for the podcasters to simply burn out and lose the passion that made them want to pick up a microphone in the first place. I know from experience. But this podcast, site, and community is what it is because of Patrick. Thank you, my friend. You're the best.
You're my boy, HHH. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteBy now I'm sure you've seen Fury Road. I await your discussion.
Anyway, I think changing the podcast name is fine to good on the idea spectrum. New fans can discover the whole first incarnation and have their minds rocked. You can distance a bit from the surlier ones like We Hate Movies. Just don't change the content or format!! Keep it exactly the same! You will have to run two websites, though :[
And do not be shamed into abandoning profanity!! The movies being discussed are some extremely profane art, it's ridiculous to try and whitewash your own language. Please consider my views if you find them considerable.
DeleteI love We Hate Movies, and if you want a surly movie podcast, listen to Destroy All Movies. Talk about mean spirited. I only listened to a handful because they spend far too much time giving each other grief.
DeleteThe most obnoxious snarky podcast I've heard is the one with Devin Faraci bullying a smart chick who has good taste
DeleteOh my god that podcast gives me so much anxiety!
DeleteThe one where Faraci shits on every aspect of Aliens is particularly dodgy
DeleteHow about The Other Movie Podcast, or something like that? So many times you reference The Other in films, and it would possibly double as an alternative (literally) podcast to listen to about movies. But I have always liked the F This Movie name.
ReplyDeleteOMG! Timothy Dalton just left my house! I got a phone call (not a text) from him about an hour ago and he asked if I was home. I told him I was, and just minutes later he rang my doorbell. The dude is so freaking nice! I don't know why Mike hates him so much. We talked about Doctor Who, what it was like to work with Robert Davi AND that iguana in License to Kill (the iguana was apparently a bit of a diva), and working with Pixar as the voice of Mr. Pricklepants. What I wasn't prepared for was that when he was talking about bringing everyone a canoe, he meant his penis. That's just a small detail, and it's okay because we had a great time. His hands are so soft. Thanks, Timothy!
ReplyDeleteI am new around here but if changing the name boosts the podcast to a level you want, do it. You deserve to have this everywhere it can be. The content is what hooked me, not the name. Happy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteCongrats, you guys! I figured a fifth anniversary is as good as any time to start commenting...
ReplyDeleteI found the podcast in January. I have the most limited movie knowledge of anyone I know (didn't grow up in a movie-watching home, watched crappy movies with my friends as a teen, etc) , so my New Year's resolution was to watch more movies. But then I found that I wanted to know more/read reviews/have a discussion after watching them, but no one else in my life could remember these movies enough to have a thorough conversation.
Enter movie podcasts. I tried out a few, but kept coming back to you guys because you were so warm and funny and genuine and thoughtful and knowledgeable (the list goes on and on). Now yours is the only podcast where I will listen to every episodes (with the others, I'll only listen if they discuss a movie I'm interested in, and even then it's only if you guys haven't already covered it). I love how you emphasize enjoyment over "appreciation" (favorite movies over best movies) because that was one of the hurdles of my movie watching -- I'd watching something on a "best of" list and get so emotionally exhausted over the heavy content that it would take me weeks to get up the strength to go through another.
The podcast is great, it's really fun how it changes due to the rotating co-hosts, though I'm especially partial to Doug and JB (I haven't listen to all the old podcasts -- again, limited movie knowledge -- but I have heard all the ones that had these two). Doug because your dedication to making each other laugh is wildly entertaining and JB because he tends to talk about movies with an eye toward movie history and the industry at large. I'm repeatedly in awe whenever Patrick pulls out his extensive movie database and it's fascinating when it malfunctions (like the recent Friends with Kids/Friends with Money ). I love it when you champion smaller movies (like Safety Not Guaranteed, which I stumbled on through Netflix and enjoyed a lot but which hadn't been seen by any of my friends). I have so many questions -- what information is included in JB's List? has Doug gone to the New Beverly now that he's LA Doug? how does Erika decide which movies are cookie-worthy? have you considered taking contributions from listeners?
The site is great. At first I found it hard to navigate because there's no master list of all the columns, but now I enjoy randomly stumbling along a long-discontinued column, if only because it lets me spread out my love of F This Movie while waiting for a new podcast.
As for the name, I'm pretty partial to it. It shows that you're irreverant and warns anyone too sensitive that you might be swearing during the podcast. But if you feel like a change is necessary to take it to the next level, I'll be 100% behind your decision.
Anyway, love the podcast, it's a labor of love and it shows. Here's to another five years!
I must thank JB for mentioning FThisMovie in film studies back in 2010. I think I was one of the only students who was intrigued. Then a month later, the first ever scary movie month started. I've been hooked ever since. I don't comment much, but I've been checking in on the site everyday, multiple times per day. It's so great to have a place on the web where I can come and read so many different people's opinions on movies and not have to worry about assholes and trolls.
ReplyDeleteI think you should keep the name. That's one of my favorite things about this site. It's so different and it provokes question... And I have a pin. Happy 5th birthday and keep up the good work!
Happy birthday! My favorite moment is Doug's story during the Run Lola Run podcast. FWIW, I support rebranding the site.
ReplyDeleteName change? Clearly has to be F/Die/Repeat.
ReplyDelete^^ Winner
DeleteA more serious suggestion:
"The Ambitious Failure"? Cause that's basically this show's favorite thing. And you can fuck with people's expectations.
(Not that I think a name change is needed)
DeleteHappy F'ing Birthday (in as much as podcasts and websites are "birthed")...been listening for 2 years now and love savoring a backlog of unlistened episodes for when I can get around to revisiting certain films. Always love your perspectives!
ReplyDeleteThat was fun! Just finished...
ReplyDeleteI would have say my favorite parts were where you were just talking. As a fan for five years, it was really cool to get to get a peek behind the curtain a little. Loved hearing about some of the behind the scenes stuff that led up to where we are now.
Wow! A letter that mentions Yeah It's That Bad! That's so cool, and I completely agree with Nicholas's sentiments about that podcast's sense of familiarity and friendship that is also experienced in F This Movie. That podcast was at its best when the guys (Joel, Kevin, Martin) were sharing past experiences, whether they were on topic or not. I specifically remember the episode where they discuss (as native New Jerseyans(sp?)) the impact Hurricane Sandy had on them. To link it to F This Movie, just as Nicholas said, I always feel like I am listening to friends when I am listening to you talk about movies. Keep up the great work!
ReplyDeleteJust listened to this one earlier at work. It was a great show. It made me want to finally get on the site and join in on the discussion. I've been listening to the show for over 2 years now and it is easily one of my favorite podcasts, I'd put it up there with WTF with Marc Maron, the Nerdist, or any of the other podcasts I frequently listen to. You guys are that good and you bring a knowledge and perspective that I quite enjoy. I may not always agree with your opinions, but I love your takes, the discussion, and the depth you go into. You've brought me hours and hours of enjoyment while I am at work and I appreciate all that you guys do, especially Mr. Patrick Bromley. Thank You!
ReplyDeleteSo awesome! Thanks, Kersey. It's great to hear that you're a fan of the show and great of you to reach out and begin commenting. Can't wait to talk movies with you! Thanks for being a part of the site!