Saturday, May 9, 2015

What's the Biggest Fight About a Movie You've Ever Had?

We've all been there.

We movie lovers are a passionate bunch, and that passion lends itself to arguments when you encounter someone who doesn't see eye to eye with your strong beliefs. We're fortunate that here at F This Movie!, we have  a civil and respectful community that understands -- even celebrates -- differences of opinion. But that's not the case in every area of life. So what have your biggest movie-related disagreements been, and how did you resolve them? Did you resolve them?


  1. In high school I had to be the only guy during a class discussion that hated Braveheart. I think I was literally booed. I believe history has been kind to me.

  2. Occasionally I will host DVD marathons with some friends and one time we had a marathon where one of the movies we watched was Ghostbusters. I like Ghostbusters. One of the other guys LOVED Ghostbusters - it was his favorite movie. I did not know this. At the end of the movie I was hammered on Jack and Coke so a different friend and I started to sing the Ghostbusters theme by Ray Parker Jr. Apparently we slurred our way through it. The guy who loved Ghostbusters texted me the next day to the effect of "next time you want to act like a drooling r**ard and ruin my favorite movie, don't invite me." I texted back "how about I just don't invite you back at all?" and we never spoke again.

  3. I enjoyed The Lost world. Some of my friends liked Jurassic Park 3 and hated Jurassic Park:The Lost World. I have huge problems with Lost world, but even me explaining that did not help my case. I respect most of those friends movie critiques, but I don't see how they enjoyed JP3. I hated Jurassic Park 3 more than Lost World.

    1. Michael GiammarinoMay 11, 2015 at 8:46 AM

      Wait... there's something to like about Jurassic Park III?

    2. Michael GiammarinoMay 11, 2015 at 7:44 PM

      I'm reminded of why I hate Jurassic Park III .

    3. I just recently re-watched Jurassic Park III (it's been about 8 years) with my 3 year old son. It is a bad, bad movie, but I must admit that I had a great time. He loves dinosaurs and was amazed during the dino scenes. I remember thinking that there were some decent ideas (the "bird" cage, the river ride, etc). Almost everything was just poorly executed.

  4. Not just a movie but a franchise. my little nephew told me he liked the new Star Wars movies over the original 3, I told him he was a fucking idiot an he doesn't now shit about movies an I stormed out of the room an didn't talk to him for a month, Owe an did I mention that he is only 5? Stupid kid I blame my sister.

    1. Lol no you didn't. I remember everyone (including me) arguing about the top in Inception. I can't even remember which side I argued, but I remember being passionate about it.

  5. I have argued many times with friends where I had to defend the Star Wars prequels and George Lucas in particular. Heath wrote about this a few weeks ago and said it more eloquently than I ever did.

  6. One of my closest friends said that Point Break was shit a couple of days ago, so we hammered on each other about that for the entire day.

    How can you not like Point Break?

    1. Michael GiammarinoMay 11, 2015 at 8:43 AM

      How CAN you not like Point Break? And does a person who hates Point Break also hate Beyond the Law and The Fast & the Furious?

  7. The two movies that I bring up as examples of movies that I think are bad that everyone else loves are Up and 2001. I have gotten into LOTS of arguments about those...

    Also Days of Heaven, which I will never understand anyone liking. I was at a screening of it and got into a pretty heated discussion/argument. But I just really dislike Terrence Malick, so that might have something to do with it.

    1. Yeah, so im with everyone who argues against you. I dont think any argument can be made that any of those three films are bad. I can see how YOU might not like them, but they are not in anyway bad films.

  8. My dislike/indifference to The Lord of the Rings movies has caused more than one conflict with friends of mine. However, I am unwavering.

    1. Also, I just thought about this (and I hope this doesn't sound horrible), I watched Grizzly Man in a class in High School, and I was just about the only one who hated it, and when asked for my review I simply said something along the lines of "I hate Tim Treadwell, and I'm glad he's dead."

  9. I had a huge argument with my girlfriend over why Burton's Alice in Wonderland is a terrible movie. She loves it because she loves everything Disney no matter what. I got so frustrated that I just referred her to this website to listen to the podcast with Patrick and Heath to help me.

    1. Michael GiammarinoMay 11, 2015 at 8:37 AM

      Did she listen to the podcast? If so, what did she think of it? And did it cause a bigger argument?

    2. Haha no she did not listen. She is in denial.

  10. I had a 4 hour argument with my friend Charlie. He was attempting to claim that Shark Tale was a better film than the Godfather....

    1. Michael GiammarinoMay 11, 2015 at 8:52 AM

      I am so very interested to hear his pro-Shark Tale argument. Who isn't intrigued by that?

    2. He started off arguing that Shark Tale was better because HE wasnt bored by it like he was in the Godfather. I argued that one's personal enjoyment is not the sole indicator of a good movie. He then argued that the Godfather was bad because gansters are not actually like that, which is obviously completely missing the point, not to mention that even if that argument is valid, which its not, fish are not accurately represented in Shark Tale.

    3. This guy Charlie was F-ing with you. Those arguments have an agenda - to try and argue.

    4. Michael GiammarinoMay 11, 2015 at 8:11 PM

      http://en.m.wikipedia.oknow a few people that weren't bowled over by The Godfather either. I mean, we ARE talking about movies of the 70s (barring Godfather Part III), and depending on the viewer, there's bound to be some generational disconnect. Certainly there's some dramatic license as well as cinematic allusion going on in those films, but Coppola does nail Italian family life -- I'd be shocked if he didn't, but then again, if he was anybody else, I'm sure Paramount would have drummed the authenticity of Italian family life right out of the picture. Now, having said that, the five families as depicted in the films ARE based on actual crime families of the time.

    5. Michael GiammarinoMay 11, 2015 at 8:16 PM

      I know a few people who weren't bowled over by The Godfather either. I mean, we ARE talking about movies of the 70s (barring Godfather Part III), and depending on the viewer, there's bound to be some generational disconnect. Certainly there's some dramatic license as well as cinematic allusion going on in those films, but Coppola does nail Italian family life -- I'd be shocked if he didn't, but then again, if he was anybody else, I'm sure Paramount would have drummed the authenticity of Italian family life right out of the picture. Now, having said that, the five families as depicted in the films ARE based on actual crime families of the time.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. It doesn't matter what decade a movie is from. You cannot compare those films. Godfather was not made with the same audience or intention in mind as Shark Tale. I don't care if you don't like The Godfather, but your argument needs to be something relative e.g. Goodfellas is better than The Godfather...Seriously, that's like me saying that Pitch Perfect is a better movie than Die Hard. There is absolutely no reason to compare those films unless you're trying to be cute.

    8. Michael GiammarinoMay 11, 2015 at 9:02 PM

      It all depends on the viewer. For some, it absolutely matters what decade a movie is from. OF COURSE Godfather wasn't made with the same intention in mind as Shark Tale. It's fucking SHARK TALE. I don't think any dyed in the wool cineaste would make such comparisons. But what about non-cinephiles? They can be all over the map with their opinions and their arguments, and it's all subjective. Sure, it could be snark, it could be a put-on. Or it could totally serious. I'm sure there's someone on this planet who hates action movies, who hates thrillers, who thinks Pitch Perfect is a better movie than Die Hard. But I don't think I'd like to meet that person. I'd be too afraid.

    9. Yeah, but I disagree that it is all subjective. We do have a general understanding of what a good movie consists of and we use that as a sort-of foundation to base other judgements. Sure, when the films are both of high quality it is pretty much impossible to make any kind of definitive statement about what one is better (although you can try, its what arguments are for). But im pretty sure that whatever analysis one uses, the Godfather is going to come out as a superior film to Shark Tale.

    10. Michael GiammarinoMay 15, 2015 at 1:25 AM

      I know it sounds preposterous for a movie like Shark Tale to get weighed against The Godfather. I've been privy to even stranger comparative debates. It happens. When it comes to "good" movies, that's something else entirely. The word good always makes me grit my teeth. When you say, "We do have a general understanding of what a good movie consists of and we use that as a sort-of foundation to base other judgments," I would agree, but only if I substitute "what a good movie consists of" with "what makes a movie work." Because I feel "good" is also subjective. What's good to me may not be what's good to you or good to someone else. Same thing goes for "bad." What's bad to me may not be bad to you or bad to someone else. I also bristle at the word quality or even high quality, because I think that would disqualify quite a few films I happen to love but many might consider cheap, trashy, or slapdash from worthy discussion. Now, the notion that two people on this planet had a discussion on what was better, Shark Tale or the Godfather, that's fascinating to me because it's so off the wall. But if we were comparing two films of similar genre and equal stature, like, say, Godfather and Goodfellas, one of them would be bound to get shit on, and even if it's only for comparative purposes, I'd feel ashamed for denigrating that particular film.

  11. My friend prefers A phantom menace over a new hope, and Machete Kills over Desperado.

  12. I defended Iron Man from the group of people I saw it with, who found it boring.

  13. I had a friend who had never seen Back to the Future and had absolutely no interest in every seeing it - I pestered her constantly about it - promised her it was a PERFECT movie, offered to watch any movie she wanted in exchange - could not get her to do it. Finally she agreed to go to a for-charity screening - it was also my first time seeing on the big screen so bonus - the crowd was totally into it and it was a blast. As we walked out I said, "So - great movie or the greatest movie?"

    "It was fine," she said.

    I couldn't believe it - she fucking Bromleyed Back to the Future.

    P.S. I mostly forgave her when she became my totally unlikely Raid 2 buddy. Mostly.

    1. "It was fine" - phrase of death, I use it often :)

    2. Well, in her defense, it's always tough to meet expectations when seeing something for the first time that has been described to you as "perfect," no matter what it is.

    3. And I usually try to avoid doing that, John, but I thought it was a safe bet with BttF!

    4. One would think so. *shrugs*

  14. My girlfriend doesn't like ambiguous endings. How many great movies can you think of with ambiguous endings? All of those suck to her. She's an idiot. At least 5 times we've argued about this. Oh well. Haha

    1. Michael GiammarinoMay 11, 2015 at 8:57 AM

      How did these arguments end? I assume with ambiguous resolutions.

  15. Mine was recent. "Interstellar". Before I saw Interstellar one of my friends asked if I had seen it. I said no but I intend to because I like Nolan for the most part. He then said "Do you like Kubrick?" I said, "Who doesn't" which he replied, "Interstellar" is the best sci-fi movie since 2001." I immediately said, "No chance, but I'll check it out". I watched "Interstellar" soon after and thought it was woeful. Matter of fact it could be one of the worst films I've ever seen. So I told my friend politely how I felt. We debate this for a couple of hours and he finally said "you know, this is going nowhere" where I replied "Absolutely, Just like the film". He laughed and we are cool but It's the worst "fight" I have had about a movie because I had to talk about
    "Interstellar" for hours.

    1. Interstellar and Godzilla were probably the biggest disagreements I had with people last year. And while I actively disliked both movies, Interstellar is such a waste of talent and ideas. Ugh, I'm getting annoyed even thinking about the magical library.

  16. I had a hard time even coming up with a movie I've fought about, but the two that come to mind are Prometheus and Interstellar. Did not like either, a friend raved about both. Usually we see pretty eye to eye, but on those two occasions we went head-to-head. In a polite and respectful way of course.

  17. There are movies I am very passionate about, but I never really feel the need to try to change someone's mind about a movie. Usually the things I like in films are so subjective that I have a hard time arguing about them.

    That being said, I do hate it when people dismiss a movie on the grounds the it's aimless or "has no plot" just because it doesn't follow a traditional three act structure. This is becoming more and more common these days. As attention spans shorten, people apparently have no patience for anything that can't be anticipated. It's rare to sit down to a new release and not immediately know how it going to end by the 15 minute mark. I really miss the more character driven films of the 70's. But I guess that's not a fight. It's just me shouting into the void.

  18. Schindler's List. A Mormon woman I knew once upon a time objected to it being shown in her son's school. She had never seen it, and there was no other education about the Holocaust on the curriculum, but she objected strictly because it's rated R. Rather than just keep her son from school (or from the screening, it was optional to attend!) that day, she started a petition to get the school not to show the movie.

    This offended me both as a Jewish person who sees that Schindler's List may be the only time many kids learn anything about the Holocaust and also as a person who believes ratings are not absolutes and while Schindler of course earns its R, it's not like the teacher was showing ABC's of Death.

    The argument we got into was epic, and I still bristle at the fact that she tried to stop EVERYONE from having the opportunity to see the movie rather than just make that (bad!) decision for her own kid. Grrrrrrrrrr.

    1. I cant Believe that movie is rated R that's ridiculous, if that's rated R Transformers should be X just for taste alone.

  19. Miami Vice 2006 and Superman Returns. I cant recall a specific argument but these are two movies that im constantly defending with no back up.. Two movies that are widely hated but for what ever reason I love. Im still waiting for Tarantino to finish his 20 plus page review/ exanimation of superman returns because apparently he's a fan also.

    1. Michael GiammarinoMay 11, 2015 at 8:14 AM

      I'm in full agreement. I think Miami Vice is criminally underrated. And that Tarantino Superman Returns review is something I've been dying to read for years.

  20. Mine is Drive. I loved it while my best friend hated it. I am more of a movie fan than him and it lead to massive arguments for a whole summer. We eventually had to call a truce and agree to never bring it up again.

  21. My roommate and I STILL argue about The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. He swallowed everything that pretentious turd gave him to swallow.

  22. Most of them have been here.

    Outside of here there's this idea that Halloween III is a better film than people gave it credit for....

    That and people who can't stand certain episodes of MST3K because "the movie sucks". Talk about missing the point completely.

  23. I know someone who refuses to watch any movie from earlier than 1990. I don't talk to that person (on movie related topics) anymore.

  24. Michael GiammarinoMay 11, 2015 at 8:32 AM

    Here's one for ya: I once got into a heated argument over the use of rack focus in Revolutionary Road. During the dinner scene, when Michael Shannon (out of focus) is screaming at DiCaprio. I said heated, but it was more like I was being chastised for not minding it. I tried to reason the scene out, but this person was not having it. He thought Mendes ruined the scene by obscuring performance. My reasoning was that the point of the scene wasn't Shannon's performance, but the way Shannon's delivery effected DiCaprio in that moment. He just looked at me, dumbfounded. I probably shouldn't have said a word.
