by Doug Schultz
It's wedding season!
This one's easy.
As always, please post your guesses in the comments below. If you can find a matching movie still or video that features this location, great! Share that as well. If you're stuck, I'll post clues throughout the day.
This pic is also posted on our Instagram feed, If you're already on that app, please follow us!
Good luck!
I'm not gonna cheat and check on google if im right but it kinda looks like the Scientology building, I don't know if its been in any films though apart from the doc, I'm probably wrong but that's ok ;)
ReplyDeleteThe Graduate?
ReplyDeleteThe graduate
ReplyDeleteWayne's World 2
DeleteDoug's expressions (expression?) and gestures are the best part of this feature! :P
ReplyDeleteI'm so proud!
DeleteThat's called the Dougspression.
DeleteMy first thought was The Graduate, a movie I've seen only once like 5 years ago. I saw I wasn't alone, so I'll post and probably be made a fool of later haha.
ReplyDeleteEVERYONE'S A WINNER (except for Dennis [sorry guy!]). This is the La Verne United Methodist Church located on D Street in La Verne, CA, home of the famous wedding scene in THE GRADUATE (and, basically, every movie parodying that moment, including WAYNE'S WORLD 2). Here's a still of Dustin Hoffman approaching the church doors.