Wednesday, October 28, 2015

F This Movie! - Scary Movie Marathon (2015)

Patrick and JB talk about their annual marathon viewings of horror movies. You know the deal.

Download this episode here. (77.9 MB)

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  1. "BASTARD!!!! BASTARD!!!! BASTARD!!!!"*

    (*"Pieces" could work)

    Or how about "Shock Waves"?

    Would more zombies really help Shock Waves? The people are already at a disadvantage that being outnumbered would take any question of them surviving out of the plot... Or maybe I just have such a soft spot in my heart because it was made in my hometown. One of the zombies was a writer for the Miami Herald and did an article. He's the one who kills the guy walking waste high in water through the rows of trees...can't remember if the victim is the scumbag or the other member of the boat crew.

  2. They definitely did show Eaten Alive at a past Massacre!

    Also, your comments about the Music Box of Horrors are making me seriously reconsider my plans for next year. I truly miss how happy the Music Box Massacre made me. If I can get to the Music Box early enough next year, I'll be sure to try and save JB's seat! Hell, I'll just bring a Godzilla blanket and save the whole row.

    1. Eaten Alive was last year or the year before. I remember because I gave it 10 minutes, then slept.

      You'd have to be a vendor to save the seat. I was the second person in the theater and it was already taken.

  3. I still enjoyed the massacre, but now I see I should go to the Music Box of Horrors next year. That's awesome that they show prints. That was the biggest disappointment of the Massacre.

    Favorite part of the podcast: JB - "The hardcore late night people come in. NO SIR! And then I leave."

    1. By the way JB, there was no outside water allowed. We had to throw our bottles away and their bottled water cost $3. That was pretty rough.

  4. I wonder if JB will ever do a podcast and not mention the Age thing ?

    I'm joking out of love cause JBones is awesome, one day we will break Patrick down and get an Exorcist 2 Commentary and im still waiting for Brain Damage in the overlooked columns too

    Im so happy Patrick enjoyed Pieces, it one of my faves, Someone on Killerpov was championing it a bit back, it could of been Murawski but I could be wrong there, its so much fun

    1. I'm also glad Patrick loved Pieces. Blood Diner and Pieces were my favorite new discoveries from this year's Scary Movie Month.

    2. I'm also voting for JB to get to his commentary on Exorcist III. If Heather can do a commentary on Howling III, why not a separate commentary (with Patrick) for JB?

      And the age comments don't bother me so much as the mention of being a "cancer patient"???

    3. I'm greedy. Give me both an "Exorcist II: The Heretic" and a "Pieces" commentary track, although I can see Patrick doing the latter first (noooo!) just because it's much shorter, 85 min. versus 115. Knowing Patrick, he'd rather spend an hour and a half making fun of Spaniard Brutus than two hours of Kokumo taking me to Pazuzu... Kokumo, Pazuzu... :-(

  5. The massacre podcasts have been some of my favorites so it kind of makes me sad that we don't get hear full details about it. I live about 6 hours from Chicago and have yet to attend one. I was going to attempt to go this year but it just wasn't possible. I'm wondering if, instead of a 24 hour marathon podcast, you guys did a 3 movie mini-marathon. They could be a trilogy or all have something in common. Look, it's just a suggestion. Get off my back!

  6. My #1 takeaway from this podcast -- I need to step it up and purchase that Nightmare Castle Blu ray already. #2 -- I can't wait for that Pieces commentary!
