Monday, June 20, 2016

Some Love for Movie Lovers

by Erika Bromley
Since it's Father's Day (I know this is posting on the Monday after Father's Day), I thought I'd hijack the site in honor of Patrick. He will hate, hate, hate what I am writing, so this may not get published at all! But I figure it's worth a shot. Think I can sneak this by him?

Spoiler Alert: High-level schmoopiness ahead.

Patrick is humble to a fault - he's so uncomfortable with compliments or "the spotlight" that he sometimes doesn't even take credit for things. I'm writing today just to give him some credit. He works so hard - at running F This Movie!, at working his day job, at taking care of our kids, at loving me (he'd say that's easy, but let's be real!) - he definitely does not get enough sleep but never slows down. He spends so many hours working on the site just on behind-the-scenes things - things I would NEVER think about if I did not live with him! And then of course there's the writing, which takes even more time. It's so cool to see someone doing something they absolutely love and are incredibly good at doing. This just all makes so much sense to him. I love that he's always thinking about his FTM! readers; he truly feels honored that anyone reads and follows, and he's thankful for the many, many kind, smart, funny, talented people we've met just from having the love of movies as a common interest. The Internet can be a cruel, cruel place, but the FTM! audience approaches everything with open-mindedness, compassion, and heart.
His creativity and ease with words are evident in everything he publishes here, and they show in his 'real' life too. He's so smart and quick, logical and level-headed, patient and understanding. He's also super sarcastic - which makes for great jokes! But for as much as he is often joking, I love that he takes the job of running this site very seriously. Everything is well-thought out. Planned in advance (except for this surprise piece!). Shared to inspire someone to seek out a film he/she wouldn't have heard of otherwise. Created to invite spirited and positive discussion. It's movie love for movie lovers.

Patrick's mom once showed me an assignment he completed in his kindergarten class. It's understandable why she held on to it - it showcased his perfect handwriting (even at age 6!) and represented a bit of foreshadowing: on it he wrote both about his love of movies and wanting to be a writer. Since then, he's spent a good portion of his life watching movies, reading about movies (and just reading in general - ask him what his favorite Father's Day gift was this year!), talking about movies, and writing about movies. But he never brags about his knowledge. Never talks down to people who know less than him. Never thinks he's cool for knowing so much. Never makes excuses for loving the movie Kuffs.
Please forgive my schmoopiness. For just one day of the year, I wanted to share my love of our favorite critic/movie-lover. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming. We have Westerns to discuss.


  1. This is the bestest. Long may you shmoop!

  2. I don't know how this got this past PB, but it's terrific. The Bromley's are very blest to have each other!

  3. I feel very fortunate to have the podcast and this community. Thanks for everything Bromleys!!!

  4. Happy fathers day Patrick, really nice words, you two guys suit each other, its evident on the podcasts you've done, F is for Family,

    Ps Are you gonna tell us what you bought him for Fathers day?

  5. I hate this post because it's forcing me to choose which Bromley is my favorite Bromley.

    Both. I'm going with both.

  6. Very cool, just like the Bromley's. :)

  7. I can't actually think of a couple I like better than you two. Great attitudes, great humor, super generous, whip smart and cute kids to boot. Keep on keeping on, you two.

  8. Very nice! Hearing appreciation is always interesting and at least a little illuminating. I kind of wondered if Patrick had a day job...because there's just so much content (and movie watching) on this site regularly, you know that takes up a lot of time. I totally appreciate Patrick's humble approach and level headedness and enjoy every review (and the podcasts, and the handling of the site) for those things. Happy father's day, folks!

  9. Happy Fathers Day Patrick. And a wonderful article Erika. Like everyone else I appreciate all the work he puts in and all the movies he introduced me too my world has expanded exponentially

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. That´s a very sweet declaration of love...and a nice father´s day gift. ;-)

  12. That's lovely Erika! We knew he worked hard on the site, you can just tell, but having your perspective is very cool. Since you're embarrassing him already I'll chime in to say that finding FTM has been like finding a home for the 6 year old me me that used to sneak downstairs to watch late night movies. So much great content, great balance of thoughtfulness and humor, and a great group of people.

  13. This is a wonderful site and you and Patrick are a wonderful team.

  14. So much schmoop, I love it. I also love it when Erika's on the podcast - you two are adorable together.

    Thank you, Erika, for giving us an opportunity to thank Patrick publicly. He often mentions how thankful he is for the F This Movie! community, but never acknowledges that the reason everyone here is so cool and supportive is that we are merely responding to his own attitudes. As we can see from the various co-hosts, Mr. Bromley is clearly great at surrounding himself with wonderful people (I'm really trying hard to not make a joke like, "Except one. I think we all know who I'm referring to.").
