Wednesday, November 9, 2016

F This Movie! - Westerns with Joe Maddrey

Patrick and Heath Holland welcome author Joe Maddrey to talk about the western genre and name some of their favorites. This hour was originally broadcast and recorded during our 18-hour F Breast Cancer! live podcast-a-thon on July 9, 2016.

Download this episode here. (29.6 MB)

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Find more of Joe Maddrey's writing here.


  1. Day of the Outlaw rules. Tarantino did mention it as an influence. Some great cinematography, and really cool shots.

  2. Great chat guys. I love Westerns, an underappreciated genre these days. Amusing story, I watched Minks Cutoff, a wonderful pioneer journey film, which are even more rare than westerns in general. Unfortunately I watched it too late at night and the quiet soundtrack and ponderous walking put me to sleep. Still haven't finished it, yet. Otherwise a great movie. Michelle Williams is believable as a tough pioneer woman.
