Kick off Summer 2017 with Patrick and Erich Asperschlager! They don't know what Cheers is.
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Also discussed this episode: Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016), Suicide Squad (2016), Rachel Getting Married (2008), 976-Evil (1988), Search Party (2016), Handsome: A Netflix Mystery (2017)
Loved every moment of it except the Kurt Russell parts. This movie needed a stronger, more tangible nemesis and the galactic PowerPoint exposition dump that Ego lays down in the middle of the film almost derails the picture completely. Luckily we had Yondu to pick up the slack and that storyline was where GOTG2's true beating heart lie.
ReplyDeleteBut yes, much funnier than the original for me, I had a smile a mile wide on my face throughout every scene NOT featuring Kurt Russell (which is hard to type but boy was he a momentum killer in this movie). Can't wait to see it again in 3D!
It doesn't really matter, but he DEFINITELY said "trash panda."
Anyway, I have to agree that the villain parts were the weak point for me, but that's sort of become par for the course with Marvel Studios. It just sucks that not even Kurt freakin' Russell can't seem to overcome it. Otherwise, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie.
Not even a question he said trash panda, it got one of the biggest laughs of the movie. But I agree, thoroughly enjoyed it. There's nothing in the superhero genre that pops on all cylinders like the core group of Guardians do. Now if they can just find a worthy, compelling adversary for them to engage with, something on par with Heath Ledger's Joker, then GOTG3 could be the movie that surpasses even the original.
DeleteNot even a question he said trash panda, it got one of the biggest laughs of the movie. But I agree, thoroughly enjoyed it. There's nothing in the superhero genre that pops on all cylinders like the core group of Guardians do. Now if they can just find a worthy, compelling adversary for them to engage with, something on par with Heath Ledger's Joker, then GOTG3 could be the movie that surpasses even the original.
DeleteDAMMIT he did say "trash panda." I've only ever heard "trash bandit" before. Is that a regional thing, like soda and pop? There goes my podcasting cred.
ReplyDeleteEh, not sure. I'm from the south, and I know I've heard it here. *shrug*
DeleteMaybe I heard it wrong my whole life. I don't know what to believe anymore. Welp, it's vision quest time. AGAIN.
DeleteYou would know it was Trash Panda if you stayed in the lobby and listened to the previous show.
DeleteSorry. I can't hear you over the sound of me deleting all my social media accounts out of shame.
DeleteGonna hire a nun to follow you around ringing the SHAME bell!
DeleteTo be on your side a bit, they did say Trash Panda in the movie but I've only heard Trash Bandit in real life.
DeleteI don't think this one quite reaches the highs of GotG 1, but I also don't think it reaches the lows of Ronan and Nebula in that movie. I agree with Patrick about not really liking the world of Marvel's present day earth. With the exception of Iron Man, I much prefer the Marvel movies set elsewhere - First Avenger, Thor, and, of course, Guardians. I think Iron Man is still my fav, but if I could watch one Marvel movie RIGHT NOW, it would be GotG 2. Actually, if I could watch any movie right now, it would prob be GotG 2! I love this movie.
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna stick up for The Winter Soldier as a great Earth-set Marvel movie. I think it's still my favorite of all they've done.
DeleteI forgot about Winter Soldier! I do really really like that one. I think Civil War overshadowed it, and not in a particularly good way. But yeah I'd def put WS up there with the ones I can rewatch.
DeleteThere's a special section set aside in hell for people who do what the woman at Erich's showing of this movie did and Homer Simpson does here. It's not like it was a multiplex with ten different films playing; she must have known that those within earshot (a great episode of Buffy; many happy returns, Cassidy Cannon) were there to see the same thing she just saw.
ReplyDeleteSorry, I'm an idiot. I saw "Cass" in the F This Movie! Twitter feed along with a picture of the Slayer and thought it was Cassidy Cannon's birthday.
DeleteHappy birthday to the other Cassidy from a complete moron who wasn't, for once, deliberately being a jerk.
I would like to thank you for giving Kurt Russel's glorious flowing hair a well-deserved shout out.
ReplyDeleteI think I liked it a little more than you guys did. I'd go as far as saying it's my favorite Marvel movie, a spot previously held by the first Guardians. And I actually like splitting up the team, only because I thought it worked on a character level. Spoilers, but I liked how it was Rocket and Yondu who had to come rescue the others. Rocket, who spent the first film trying to escape trouble and dwindle people, finally makes an active choice to put himself in harm's way to save his friends. My only complaint, really, is that Quill spends much of the 2nd act laying on his bed listening to the radio. Overall, I really loved it.
ReplyDeleteKurt Russell at the beginning of this movie is objectively the coolest guy ever, right? That hair, the Firebird, being Kurt Russell; he's got it all.
ReplyDeleteAlso, to continue the Psych talk, apparently they are doing a Psych TV movie later this year, which makes me happier than it has any real reason to.
Seeing young Kurt Russell at the beginning of the movie elicited a high-pitched squeal of joy from me. How awesome was that?!
ReplyDeleteSo right about this one being preoccupied with being cinematic. Handfuls of shots that were great. The two you mentioned with Gamorra and baby Groot, then also the one with Drax sitting in the left corner in front of that white wall in Ego's house, then him coming outta the earth lifting up Gamorra (I think), which I wish held on for longer.
ReplyDeleteWell dirt, not "earth."
DeleteOh good, Patrick covered Ricki and the Flash, a kind of a spiritual sequel to Rachel Getting Married. A terrible ad campaign that didn't do well by a movie I liked so, so much.
ReplyDeleteI liked this one better than the first, too much time is spent actually getting them together in the first I appreciate now they can just be a seasoned crew for hire. Though I can get over the fact that Ego knew exactly how to manipulate Quill with music and dad-bonding, but failed to understand how telling him about his mother would land.
ReplyDeleteBeen reading this website for about a year now and it's choice. But this is the first time I've posted.
ReplyDeleteI guess what I want to say is that I feel like what we are seeing with these superhero sequels now is the 'patterned' blockbuster. If I was an Alien looking down at Earth (Hollywood) and seeing what it produces every few months I'd see an almost genetic mimicry taking place across these different movies. It is almost like there is a set 'template' they hand each director and say "See - this is what makes the most mooolah - now go forth and create a movie that ticks these boxes". I'm not saying anything particularly profound here but that is what it seems like to me, and we see this very much in Guardians 2. There are fewer and fewer differences between all these movies and common problems are spreading across them
Now I know other people will say "Well, you just need to shut your mind off and sit back and enjoy the fun". Well how can we when, in many ways, we are no longer paying for genuinely new movies? The new Star Wars 'sequels' (which draw so so heavily on what came before) are the most blatant example of this. These movies, like the superhero movies, are less pieces of unique art than they are pieces of different coloured chocolate of the same brand for us to consume. And I think there is this horrible assumption that has emerged and that drives/defines the creative approach to these new movies that what the audience - we - want is "MORE". MORE EXPLOSIONS, MORE COLOURS, MORE OF THE CHARACTERS WE KNOW AND LOVE. No. All I want is a sequel is to see what happens NEXT. And what happens next could be many things. So why has the focus and menu of options for these movies been so thoroughly narrowed? (Yeh yeh I know - the feel for a big box office - but I can lament, can't I?).
I dunno... does anyone else feel like this too or am I just too jaded and cynical?
We all pretty much feel the same.
ReplyDeleteAt this point I know I'm just a masochist for even bothering to listen to these episodes, because I know it's just going to be a variation on, "Ugggggggh, Marvel! Franchise filmmaking! Post-credits scenes!"
But really? There's now an issue with Tony Stark's motivation in Civil War? You're right -- we didn't SEE Tony Stark loving his parents, so how can we buy it when he wants revenge on the man who killed them?
Erich should be on the show more. He's great! Super positive and upbeat and I love it.
ReplyDeleteI was pretty disappointed by this one, pretty much for every negative that Patrick expresses. I really wanted to enjoy this movie but the tendency to tell instead of show raised my annoyance meter too high for me to have a good experience. I really liked the approach, that the first film was about uniting a family and the second film is basically a family drama, exploring what it actually means to be in a family, I just think the execution was poor. It's a shame cause most of the Yondu stuff totally worked for me and the opening credits sequence is the best thing that Marvel has ever done.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Taserface? It wasn't funny the first time and certainly wasn't better the 3rd.