Wednesday, July 26, 2017

F This Movie! 398 - BEYOND THE GATES Commentary

Patrick talks his way through his favorite horror movie of 2016 and says "special" too many times.

Download this episode here. (37.5 MB)

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  1. As if I needed another reason to revisit this. Can't wait to listen and watch!

    1. Just finally got to listen to this. Loved it, Patrick! As a fellow indie Horror fan I'm always super impressed with the knowledge you bring. I consider myself very well versed in the genre but you just kill it with how you remember modern indie genre actors names, what they were in and their relation to other films they crossover in together. Much like your "Funhouse" commentary, the perspective you add, the stuff you notice and, most importantly, (and what I can mostly relate to) is the passion for these films you have. It speaks volumes to me. Thanks so much for this.

  2. Someone's in his happy place and it makes me happy.

  3. Guess what I'm watching tonight! Air Bud: Golden Receiver, of course!

    Still haven't bought Beyond the Gates, but luckily it's still available on Netflix.

  4. Patrick, I enjoy listening to you talk about movies so much, that I actually just listened to this at work and it still worked. I just watched the movie again on Netflix, so it was pretty fresh. It was a really enjoyable listen, and your love for the movie makes me like it more than I already do.

  5. Thanks for this great commentary, Patrick! There was a lot of stuff to unload, especially some things that rang really close, but I'm too tired to bring up now.

  6. "I'm certainly never gonna be quoted..."
    -Patrick Bromley, FThisMovie

    1. "I'm amazing and incredible and should be ruler of the world."

      Not a Patrick Bromley quotation.

      It's true, though.

  7. Nothing wrong with a Chris Varley show podcast, there is not enough love in this world so never hold back from spreading love if it is justified which here it certainly is
