Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Patrick is joined by Sonia Mansfield and Margo Donohue of the Dorking Out podcast to talk about dorks, nerds, and sex crimes.

Download this episode here. (28.5 MB)

Listen to F This Movie! on Stitcher.

Also discussed this episode: Us (2019), Sweet After November (2001), Time After Time (1979), The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley (2019)

Find Dorking Out at and on Twitter at @DorkingOutShow.


  1. The bluray is super cheap. Ordered

  2. New podcast idea: Three People Laughing

    This was delightful.

  3. I will always laugh at "what the fuck is a frush" sorry, not sorry.

  4. Revenge of the Nerds was a watch for last year's Junesploitation. The last time I had seen it was probably back in the early 1990s. Despite the difficult material in the film, the general quality of the characters and the theme of tolerance pushed me toward a favorable opinion of the film. Compared to some other '80s comedies I have seen, ROTN seems progressive in its attitudes, albeit in a relative manner. A comedy made 3.5 decades ago cannot completely avoid being a time capsule.

    A lot of 1970s cinema, as great as the period generally is, has some of the same issues. Saturday Night Fever immediately springs to mind.

    1. I disagree, because I don’t think Saturday Night Fever makes the point that what Tony does is acceptable. I think that movie takes an honest look at a very flawed man.

    2. The mores and attitudes in both films make me cringe. I agree that Saturday Night Fever does not glorify the protagonist. While ROTN makes the nerds the heroes, they are in many ways no better than the jocks.

    3. And that's the thing with ROTN: The moral of the story in ROTN is that we're all the nerds, and we should celebrate our differences. We should be inclusive. Unfortunately, that message doesn't include women. BUT, as we said in the podcast, this movie is very 80s. It wasn't an outlier in its depiction of women, but it was an outlier in its depiction of nerds.

      Also, a big cringe-inducing movie from the same time is "Sixteen Candles." It has a lot of similar issues.

  5. Loved this podcast! I appreciate how you take an honest look at movies like these as a product of time, how they hold up through the lens of today,etc. I was gonna remark how we need more of Sonia and Margo on the show, but realized I could simply tune in to Dorking Out. Easy fix! Keep up the good work. :)

  6. I'm pretty sure I can speak for Margo when I say that we're happy to come back on the show anytime. And thank you for listening!
