Monday, July 2, 2012

Chicago: Attend the F This Movie! Screening of Die Hard!

F This Movie! is hosting a screening of the Greatest Action Movie of All Time, and you can (should) attend.

On Thursday, August 2nd at 7:30 p.m., F This Movie! and Tugg will present a rare 35mm screening of Die Hard in South Barrington, IL (just outside of Chicago). We need you there! We need your friends there! Tell everyone you know.

Click here to purchase tickets ($10) by July 27 or the screening won't happen. This will be SO FUN -- not only is it a chance to get together and watch a movie with a theater packed full of F Heads, but also IT'S DIE HARD. Have you ever seen Die Hard on the big screen? Because I haven't. And I want to.

Buy your tickets right away and we can do more of these!

Thanks to the people at Tugg for partnering with us on this.


  1. Damn, I would be there but I have work. I wish it was on the weekend.

  2. Haha I would but I just got the job

    1. Luke, there is a terrible case of the flu going around...

    2. I'm gonna take the day off. I can't miss this.

    3. I'll be there too mr. b, but i'm getting my wisdom teeth out the day before so i may be delirious due to the vicodin.

  3. I knew one day I'd regret living in Atlanta...

  4. Can't be there for obvious reasons, but in honor of the event I will go barefoot all day and travel exclusively by air duct.

  5. I saw "Die Hard" in 70mm when it came out in 1988. Stunning. Have a great time, Patrick and company!

  6. You need to satellite this into my local.

    not joking.

  7. As if it isn't difficult enough living in Florida during the summer, now I've gotta be weighed down with regret, too?! My dad took me to see Die Hard on opening weekend (I was 12 and it was my second R rated movie in theaters because PARENTING) and we were both completely blown away by the fact that the goofy guy from Moonlighting was suddenly the greatest action hero ever. The way I felt as we left the theater is the dragon I've been chasing ever since, and I'm sad to miss out on this screening.

  8. Damn it, we're flying out the next morning for vacation. I'll have to see if I can swing it.
