Thursday, October 18, 2012

F This Movie! - The Others

Patrick and Doug talk bumps, boos and Bicole Bidman in the 2001 haunted house movie The Others.

Don't forget to take part in the Scary Movie Challenge III!!

Download this episode here. (29.2 MB)

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Also discussed this episode: May, Dream House, The Thing (2011), Lord of Illusions


  1. Ha, Doug doubts my Texas Chainsaw Massacre knowłedge. Surely you jest. But great episode overall. I don't think I've seen The Others since it came out, but, like Patrick, I don't think I've had a very strong desire to do so. Maybe it might be time for a rewatch.

    1. P.S.: one of my nicknames in college was Murph, haha.

    2. Ha, I felt like a dummy when I questioned the year, only to (half a second later) realize that, no, he's absolutely right. My mistake!

    3. Haven't finished listening to this yet, but while we're on the topic of Doug being stupid, my name is pronounced so as to rhyme with Tall, Hot. Repeat after me: Sol Ott, tall hot. Which is handy because I am tall and, well, my Mom says I'm hot! (ew)

    4. I will never not forevermore refer to you now as Tall Hot. Your mistake (just ask Hollywood Heath).

    5. Uh...Hollywood Heath LOVES it. It's cooking with Wesson-ality. Welcome to the nickname club, Tall Hot!

  2. 1) Eyes Wide Shut

    2) Billy Bathgate

    3) Birthday Girl

  3. I don't know why but podcasts in which Patrick cracks up (most of them when Doug's on, i.e. "Top Gun"/'The Haverick') make me happy. Glad I'm on your minds, fellas ('different JM'). ;-)

    I'm the guy that never sees twists coming in movies, but for "The Others" I pretty much figured out the twist early on and spent the rest of the flick expecting to be proven wrong. It's an OK movie but haven't felt the need to rewatch it since the first and only time I've seen it. But "Dream House"? That sounds like an awesome podcast-in-the-making, and way more interesting (in a so-bad-it-sounds-awesome way) than anything in "The Others."

    And, for the record, my favorite "sexy" Nicole Kidman scenes are from: A.- "To Die For," B.- "Flirting," C.- "Eyes Wide Shut." And holy shit, three podcasts in eight days? It must be that 'Scary Movie Month' juice that's going around. How is DVDVERDICT gonna catch up ? :-)

  4. Because I'm egocentric, paranoid and just assume everything is about me always I'd like to clarify that my early SM challenge entries were all legit, at least according to my time zone. I finished watching the first movie after midnight (which I even checked via twitter if that counted) then gave myself a midnight double feature session. The next day was a public holiday here so I started my day with another movie. All this happened before it was Oct in the US (but was Oct here in Aust) and I posted them all at once when the post was put up. Hope this all counts, if not then best delete them. I'm all for the integrity of the SMChallenge and seeing how far we can get...seriously
    Alternatively you could not be referring to me so now I look paranoid (told ya) or you think I watch too many movie in one go, in which case you're really starting to sound like my old lady......sheesh!

    Ps please don't tell my fiancé I just referred to her as "my old lady"...please?

    1. ^^^ They're talking to me. I posted three reviews on Oct. 1st (a Monday) and I freely admitted I saw all three the weekend before because in early October I was gonna work a couple of back-to-back shifts at my new work (where I watch movies for a living but not for pleasure... wink, wink). It's also my first Scary Movie Month challenge (didn't participate in the previous two) so the rules weren't totally clear to me and, frankly, I didn't know it was such a big deal for the movies to be seen exactly after 12:01AM of the 1st. If Patrick wants to delete my first three movies from the thread to keep the "SMC" count 'kosher' then I don't mind. It's a good thing I'm doing this for the fun of it and not to be called a loser by Doug for commenting on other's reviews (which I also didn't know was frowned upon so much by Patrick).

      What do you want? It's my first time around this block, next year it will be better. :-)

    2. I have to admit, that is my one aim of Scary Movie Month, not to get called a loser by Doug. That would would break my heart, then make me cry, then turn me into a homicidal zombie that goes on a killing rampage at the faintest sniff of adolescent sin.

      Ch Ch Ch, Sha Sha Sha

    3. Geez, Vargas, you think you've got it bad? Doug called me a hoser! Where I come from "loser" is a cute little pet name for our grannies; "hoser" is reserved for serious situations like when some hoser drinks the last beer without offerin it to someone else first, eh?

      But really, how can you stay mad at him after "Latter-Day Taint", am I right?

      Seriously though, you've both been awesome contributors to the SMC - you shouldn't worry about it.

    4. Doug is the "F This Movie" equivalent of the Watermelon flavor of Jolly Rancher candy. I love and eat all Jolly Ranchers when I buy them by the bag, but I don't like Watermelon as much as the other flavor. I still eat the Watermelon-flavored Jolly Ranchers though, because there is no bad flavor of Jolly Rancher. All the flavors are various grades of awesomest, sweetest artificially-flavored candy ever; some are 'not as good but still tasty' flavors (the dude from the "American Pie" podcast! :-P) and others are 'super-mega-crazy-cool sweet' stuff like Green Apple or Wild Strawberry-flavored (i.e. Patrick and JB) while other flavors fall somewhere in-between (Peach = Mark Ahn?). See, doesn't it make sense?

      I like Doug ("Pearl Harbor" is one of my favorite podcasts in the site's history; still waiting for that "Saving Private Ryan" podcast to materialize) but, the same way I eat my Watermelon Jolly Ranchers, I pick my way around the other flavors to get to the really yummy stuff that tickles my jollies before coming back to empty the JR bag. And every time Doug is on the podcast Patrick laughs and cracks-up more than usual which, as I said, has become kind-of a highlight for me to look forward to. :-)

    5. Weird

      Doug is my man crush. Not ashamed.

      Sort of

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Nobody is being frowned upon. Nobody is being called a loser. Nobody is being called out specifically. At all. We want to keep the rules the rules, which were very explicitly stated the day we ran the challenge. Yes, it's all for fun, but if we don't do it right it's not worth doing.

      I wasn't upset by anything until we started publicly ranking our favorite people on the site. Some things can be kept to yourself -- unless you would like us to do likewise. Everyone who contributes to the site is fantastic. It's why they're here. FTM will tolerate no fools.

      Thank you to everyone for your positive comments. You all get Murph'd.

    8. My sincere apologies. I have deleted my last comment, as it was probably a bit much and out of line. I am sorry. But I do enjoy all of you for different reasons!

    9. I thought your comment was great. No need to delete.

  5. I was kind of surprised by the lack of mention of The Orphanage in the podcast, as I assumed that at least one of you had seen it at some point and I think there are interesting points of comparison to make between the two movies.

    1. I actually haven't seen The Orphanage. I don't think Doug has either. We should!

  6. If you don't know "The Others" Blu-ray is on sale at Best Buy until Oct. 31st for $4.95 as part of their line of discounted Halloween Horror treats ("Trick or Treat," "The Grudge," "Dawn of the Dead '78," etc.).

    Amazon has brought it down to $5.95 (here's the DVDVERDICT review if you want to support the fine folks on that site using their amazon link: ).

  7. Alright, I have to say, any podcast that can go from Look Who's Talking to a discussion on the afterlife proves that they are the champions, my friend, and that they WILL in fact keep on fighting until the end.

    I don't have much to say about the Others, because like was stated in this episode, it works, but after that initial viewing it's trying to recapture a feeling that you never really can. But still, it's artfully made and has a great sense of suspense. I like that it's connected to the Doctor Who universe, and how when Christopher Eccleston enters the picture you can hear the TARDIS groaning in the background. Then when he's walking down that long road, you see it in the background. Clearly he had to come bonk Nicole Kidman because the woes of saving the universe had built up and he needed some release. Too many Daleks. Plus, he has two hearts that can be broken, not just one. He came around, showed her his sonic screwdriver, and was back on his way. Look, I won't beat around the bush: I'm saying Christopher Eccleston was The Doctor in this movie.

    Meanwhile, I was not aware that you guys were trying to attain a PG-13 environment on the show. I assume that goes for this area, too, and I have been guilty of some grown up language, so I'll tone that down. I didn't know until you said it in this episode.

    Meanwhile, was there a full moon recently? Because this forum got NASTY. Talk about pooping in the pool.

    Thanks for the episode, guys. I'm not exactly looking forward to Monday's Massacre recap episode because I feel so bad for you guys when you do it, but you truly are taking one for the team. As always...I love you.


    1. No full moon in Gotham, Heath, just calling them like I see them. You must not visit internet forums often if you think this rises to anywhere near the level of what is considered 'nasty.' And I wouldn't call what I said/did 'pooping the pool' (that's gross!), more like a little yellow 'tinkle' that got spotted by the lifeguard (like you never took a leak in the pool!) :D

    2. We're not really trying to make the show PG-13. I just stopped myself from swearing at one point because it seemed unnecessary. My mouth continues to be very dirty -- especially once I get on a roll and stop thinking about what's coming out of my mouth. THIS ALL SOUNDS GROSS. No need to tone yourself down.

      Are you a fan of Christopher Eccleston as The Doctor, Heath? I know you don't necessarily love the new run (compared to the old shows), but he's my least favorite of the reboot Doctors. I prefer him as a Destro.

    3. I actually am NOT a fan of Eccleston as The Doctor. I sure thought I was when that season was new, but it has not aged well at all, especially compared to David Tennant and even more to Matt Smith. Did you ever make it through? I don't think it's worth it. That season is probably the worst of the new incarnation of Who. But for some reason, whenever I see Eccleston pop up in a movie, I always immediately connect him to Doctor Who. That show will typecast an actor for life. Rurnt! His career is now rurnt! That's southern slang for ruined.

  8. This is two challenges now that you've read one of my posts...and they both involved "head".

    BTW, the stuff about "You don't have to be gory to be scary"...

    The real point is that some movies equate gore for "scary" and then they offer no real scares. The Final Destination movies, for instance.

    If all I get from a movie is nausea, it's not a horror movie.

  9. Quote(z) from Doug:
    "I am scared by sounds."
    "The Others is sound."

    (Sorry, I get caught up in little details and love bad puns, so that silly connection made me laugh.)

  10. Wow. More than 4 years late. "Murph" is a term from the 90s about the television show Murphy Brown also called a murphy brown or wedgie. Ah schoolyard descriptions are so timeless.
