Monday, December 8, 2014

Review: At Middleton

by Adam Riske
If you don’t like this movie, don’t tell me. I couldn’t bear it.

I don’t know why I love this movie but I do. You might watch it and think I’m crazy for recommending it. It’s definitely not hip or cool to say you love At Middleton. Just watch the trailer for G-D’s sakes. It makes the movie look terrible (and there are moments in this movie that are just embarrassing; don’t get me wrong -- it’s not perfect). But through the power of Andy Garcia, Vera Farmiga and possibly the most gorgeous campus ever put on film, this movie charmed the hell out of me. At Middleton will not make my top 10 of the year, but it is bubbling not too far under it. If just one of you checks this movie out and enjoys it, I will consider this review to have been worth writing. Every once in a while, you just need to stick your neck out and say you love something even if it won’t make you very popular.

Now that I am done apologizing for liking At Middleton (admittedly a weird way of recommending something to someone), let me tell you what I love about it. But first let’s get the plot out of the way: Two parents (Andy Garcia, Vera Farmiga) bring their children to Middleton College for a campus visit. Through a series of event and plot contrivances, the two adults because separated from the campus tour and their own children. Over the course of a morning and afternoon, the Garcia and Farmiga characters fall in love with the campus and maybe even each other, which is problematic because they’re both married to other people. What does this day mean to them? What does it mean to their futures?
If I had to pick one reason why I love At Middleton so much it's because it feels like a movie that’s made just for me, being that it’s a combination of three things I love. It’s partly about college and I love colleges, in life and in movies. It’s a sweet romance and a great relationship movie which I am a total mark for and, most of all, At Middleton is a movie about a “stolen day” (like Richard Linklater’s Before Sunrise trilogy) -- in other words, a day that the principals never expected to happen or even should be happening but, through fate, is happening. It’s almost like a non-Christmas version of A Christmas Carol (I’ve been watching too many Christmas movies) as the Garcia and Farmiga characters are evaluating their past and how they got to this moment in their lives, then living in the moment of this magical day and later deciding the future and long-term effects of what has transpired. It’s a movie about how any day (not matter how random or mundane) can change the course of a person’s life. It’s also a movie about college in the sense that you’re figuring out who you want to be. The great part of At Middleton is it knows that this particular journey is lifelong and not simply something you figure out when you’re in college.
Just as the events of the movie happen almost by mistake, I discovered this movie randomly as well. I was at a screening (hosted by the NY Film Critics via satellite at Chicago’s Music Box Theatre) of American Hustle and before the movie there was a series of previews for upcoming movies that were also having special screenings through the group. The next one was At Middleton. This was the first time the movie was put on my radar, and I caught up with it when it came out on VOD about a month later. I wasn’t expecting much but I have a massive crush on the beautiful alien that is Vera Farmiga so that was enough to get me to watch it. I was glad I did. It was like I was watching magic (in my living room!). I thought for sure it was a fluke, like one of those screenings I’ve had before (Love Actually comes to my mind) where I’m convinced through a confluence of events and feelings that I’m watching movie magic despite any flaws the movie might have. When it came out on Blu-ray, I bought it but have been afraid to re-watch it. Then last week, while revisiting many movies from this year that I think might have a chance at making my top 10 of the year, I spun the disc (as JB would say) and I fell in love with the movie all over again. I am very aware of its flaws (when the movie is bad, it’s really bad) but I was once again won over by the performances and select scenes of the movie. Hell, sometimes not even scenes, but just little moments within scenes. For example, I love that Andy Garcia’s character seems like a tool at the beginning but, as the movie unfolds, is revealed to be a really great person with a good sense of humor.
I could go on and on about this movie but I won’t. I’ll wrap things up here. It’s this special little movie that I want to champion and protect. In today’s movie landscape of Oscar bait and Blockbusters, I can’t believe it exists. I can’t even believe it exists in the world of independent filmmaking – it’s so square. Hopefully some of you will check it out and enjoy it (even if to a lesser degree than I am). This is a movie that I almost want to put on my top 10 list but almost am afraid to due to “there being way too many good movies this year,” “knowing better” and “being afraid of losing my credibility” (another one is Begin Again, which I love because it’s a movie that loves music as much as I love movies…does that make sense?). I swear, I am the only one seeing the magical versions of these movies. In the case of At Middleton, I might be the only one who saw this movie at all.

I don’t want you to love At Middleton necessarily (I surely have oversold it) but I want you all to have one flawed movie a year that you love as much as I love At Middleton.


  1. I agree, I LOVE this movie, beyond all reason and explanation. I saw it at a film festival last year before it was released.

  2. I'm glad to see other people having been betwitched by this magical movie. Sorry as my english is poor i'll switch in french. En effet ce film m'a complètement marquée et envahie et voici ce que j'ai posté sur la page facebook du film : " Bonjour J'avoue ne plus savoir si ce film m'a fait du bien ou du mal . Je me sens piégée par ce film ; il m'a littéralement envahis, corps et esprit , je le sens en moi ce film, dans mes tripes . je n'arrive plus à me débarrasser de l'histoire, de l'interprétation . Et Dieu sait combien j'en ai vu des films, je suis une férue du cinéma. C'est simple , c'est la première fois que ça m'arrive, j'ai revu ce film 5 fois en l'espace de 15 jours et à chaque fois je suis bouleversée et le pire c'est que je reste dans cet état longtemps après et je me retrouve en train d'y penser en journée , et le fait juste de voir l'affiche me déchire le cœur . Ca devient de l'obsession j'avoue en avoir un peu marre . Toujours est il que je salue à genoux le jeu des acteurs Andy Garcia et Vera Farmiga , que dis-je, à ce stade ce n'est même plus un jeu c'est de la réalité, j'ai l'impression avoir moi même vécu cette histoire . Je précise que je n'ai aucune pathologie et que c'est la première fois que ça m'arrive après des milliers de films vus . est ce grave docteur? . Je souhaiterais savoir si ça a fait le même effet à d'autres pour trouver un peu de soulagement . J'espère que Andy et Vera connaissent leur valeur précieuse et savent que ce sont des grands . Merci madame Farmiga et merci Monsieur Garcia. Samira d'Agadir au Maroc "

  3. I aslo loved this movie. The gorgeous campus, that interesting indie style and the relationship between García and Farmiga charmed me and made me happy. The end was so sad, but consecuent. Great movie.

  4. You are not crazy for recommending this. I had never heard of it and would not have watched it if not for this review. You are right, it is not a perfect movie, but it just oozes charm. I really enjoyed it. (Also, I agree, I would watch Vera Farmiga in anything as well)

  5. Cheers Adam

    It took me a while to get here but I just got to see it today. It had been on my radar since your review

    And what a beautiful film it was. The Characters were really well drawn. It was shot with real panache. Some shots were stunning. The lighting of the film was amazing. I wont lie, I did have something in my eye on a few occassins too. A very touching film

    Great recomendation. Cheers

    And I think I am also in love with Vera. ;)

    1. Cool. Thanks for giving it a shot and I'm really happy you liked it.

  6. I saw that you reviewed this movie awhile back and only read your first line. I'm always intrigued with movies I shouldn't like but end up liking a lot. I saw that it was coming up on one of the movie channels so I DVR'd it. I thought this is a movie my wife might like. So, the other day, I went back on my DVR list, saw it and thought I'll check out the first couple of minutes to try and gauge it. I liked it right away. I stopped it right then and waited until we could watch it together. I'm glad I did because we both really enjoyed it. My favorite part is the improve scene. I'm also a sucker for "people that do drugs that normally don't" in a movie. Thanks for reviewing it because, otherwise, I don't think I would have given it the time of day.

    1. That's great. I'm happy you both enjoyed it. That makes my day :-)
