So, I just saw Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - The Ultimate Cut (catchy name!) a couple of days ago without ever seeing the theatrical version. And obviously listened to the FTM podcast on it right after.
Holy hell, that movie didn't work even a little bit. Some reviewer said that Snyder doesn't do scenes or plotlines, all he does is "moments". I think that's spot on, the movie is filled with moments, some of them even great, but very few of the individual scenes work and there's no throughline.
The movie made me angry. But then I rewatched another superhero movie with Holly Hunter (The Incredibles) and got my good mood back.
Also watched this week: Chappie. Not a good movie, but not as bad as I thought it would be. I kinda like how crazy yet logical the ending is.
The week just got a little better, when I watched 10 Cloverfield Lane for the first time. Also, bought tickets to a couple of film festivals. Looking forward to those.
I just did the same thing. Watched the Ultimate without watching the Theatrical. I knew I was in for a bad movie but I was really caught off guard by what I saw. It's not that the movie is poorly done, it's just a mess.
There are definitely some interesting ideas in there: dream sequences, hallucinations, the whole Superman-God thing. They definitely didn't play it safe, and I feel like that is to be admired, but holy hell did they miss the mark.
What you say about moments vs plotlines is definitely true, at least in BvS.
I watched Jason Bourne. In this movie Bourne is searching from some information about his past while government agents try to stop him and cover up their secret operations.
I also saw Nerve which starts off as almost mindlessly entertaining but then as the twists start coming becomes almost offensively bad in how little the plot makes any sort of sense. After Star Trek redeeming this Summer slightly it's a shame to see it descend back into garbage like this.
Among other things I also went through the first six Star Trek movies, First Contact, and Star Trek (2009) and had a good time, even with the movies that aren't so great.
I received my VHS of Street Music (1981) but haven't had a chance to watch it yet.
What I appreciate the most about the first six Star Trek films is the way the cast interacts and plays off of each other. Getting to visit them, even in movies that don't necessarily work like they need to, feels like visiting friends and family. We got the same cast over 25 years of Star Trek, which is kind of incredible to think about.
I watched Sing Street for the first time after missing it in theaters. Gosh, what a fun, charming, thoroughly enjoyable experience! It may have been slIghtly less than I thought I would, but I still loved the whole thing, and It currently sits somewhere on my top 10 of the year!
I have been playing catch up this with movies I should have seen by now. The Witch and Hail Caesar (I know). I loved both, I agree with Patrick on Hail Caesar that in a few years it will re-evaluated. Other than that I have been on a Star Trek kick like a lot of other people. Oh and I watched It's a Wonderful Life for the first time, and I liked it, proving I am not as cynical as I thought I was.
Re-watched the original cast Star Trek movies in prep for Beyond, and the odd/even rule definitely still applies. Though, to defend an easy target, I think The Final Frontier is a draft or two away from a really interesting movie. The Voyage Home is still the most fun.
Beyond is great. I'm a huge fan of Star Trek '09, but the pieces really clicked together in this one. Loved that it was an ensemble piece. Loved that Pegg threw a Spaced reference in there. The Sabotage scene had my entire audience cheering. It's a film about unity that actually felt unified, with real set-ups and payoffs and a through-line that make you feel like it was written by, you know, people who write good movies. Can't wait to see it again.
Also watched Me Him Her on Netflix. I would advise against it.
I loved Star Trek Beyond. Saw it twice already. Unlike most, there hasn't been a movie in the Kelvin time line that I've disliked. I enjoyed Star Trek Into Darkness very much. I totally understand anyone who feels it sacrilegiously ripped off Star Trek II or dishonored Gene's vision. For me, the movie that insulted me as a Star Trek fan -- and as a TNG fan -- was Star Trek: First Contact. For me, no TNG movie worked. The Best of Both Worlds, Redemption and Redemption II, All Good Things, those were all better TNG "movies" than the TNG movies we got. I have been charmed by everything we've gotten theatrically since 2009. If the new Star Trek 4 turns out to be the last with the new TOS reboot cast, I would hope Paramount keeps it going with a reboot of TNG. And since cinematic universes are such a thing now, rebooting TNG would give the studio the opportunity of a built in universe, considering Deep Space Nine and Voyager connect. As for the whole even-odd movie theory, Star Trek III certainly debunks the theory simply by existing, and being good. And of course I can't stand any of the TNG films, even or odd. 2, 4, and 6 are quite good, and Nicholas Meyer wrote and directed 2, co-wrote 4, and co-wrote and directed 6. Maybe that's coincidence, maybe it isn't. For me, it's a better explanation as to what contributed to those films being as good as they are.
Watched Cloud Atlas for the first time a couple days ago. The hype from this site was spot on. What an incredible film. And I just rewatched The Witch. I really don't think anything else is gonna top this year for me.
This week me and the coolest guy ever Brent Butcher Baker Nightmare Maker Petersen were tweeted too about how much we all love Xtro by the one and only Edgar Wright! he's also a big fan, Bruce Campbell has Retweeted me about The Evil Dead and now Edgar Wright has tweeted to me about Xtro, its all down hill from here We need a commentary about Xtro! :)
Fan f'intastic! Thanks to both of you, I've been turned on to Xtro and managed to introduce at least one friend to it and remind another of just how terrific it is. Long live Junesploitation and F This Movie!
Part 2 doesn't exist in my world, part 3 is slightly better than 2 but only slightly, your better off with Xtro as a stand alone piece of magic, and leave it at that
Stranger Things wishes it had Xtro's score. Seriously, I thought the movie was awesome! The score is really what blew me away though. With the exception of a really corny main theme, it's the definition of what nostalgia is bringing us now. Glad to finally get this checked off my list!
I'm glad you liked it, it is kinda corny but that doesn't matter, its about a feeling and it captures that perfectly, it does push all my nostalgia buttons Video nastie, Check, Superb score, Check, 1982 the best year ever, Check, Fantastical moments, Triple Check, Practical effects, Check, Stunning naked Bond Girl, Check, a midget Clown, Check, A Black panther for no reason, Check, a six foot killer action man, Check, an upside down walking Alien, Upside down Check, a crazy sense of wonder, you don't know where the next scene is going, totally unpredictable shots, Check, The best birth scene EVER! CHECK, a 100% satisfaction rating on Fthismovie, Check, even Edgar right is with it #TimDryrocks
I think you misunderstood, Dennis, I didn't think the film was corny, I thought the main theme of the score that repeats a few times was corny. But without that one piece, the score is amazing. Again, I love the flick.
I did misundersand, yes, Harry bromley davenport the director did the score and he freely admits "I ain't no John Carpenter". That makes sense, Welcome to BreXtro, your world will never be the same again, the fantastical will never be as fantastic again
Well, he's wrong! He's just as good as Carpenter if not better. As I mentioned, besides that one piece the score is really what stood out to me. Musician, ya know? I hear shit. :)
High praise for him indeed, yeah, of course, you do watch or should I say listen with a different ear to me, next time I watch I will pay more attention to the score too
Woody Allen saves the summer for me. Great film, such a treat. My theater was great and also verbally loving it. KStew continues her fantastic career post-Twilight. The script is SO tight. The cinematography excellent and it's just such a treat. Best since Midnight in Paris.
Jason Bourne 3/5
I'm less than lukewarm on the series, mostly the Greengrass direction. But this Bourne, to me, is way more interesting this time around due to its 110% political thriller blood - the screenplay is pretty tight - but lacks the guts to really get to the place of a great paranoid 70s type, but that's to be expected. I commend it for raising a couple of terrific questions, and for the majority of the film lets the viewer decide the answer, until it doesn't, then it becomes disappointing. I don't know if it's because I'm older or just like being safe, but I'm "rooting" for the government with this one based on what the story is circling around. This film is made better by anyone other than Paul Greengrass directing it.
The cast is great - Vikander kills, Cassell is always a treat and a favorite of mine, and Tommy Lee Jones is the best he's been since Lincoln - and he's been in a few things like this but phones it in and I don't feel he does this here.
I watched Bad Moon thanks to the heroes at Scream Factory. It's a solid, small, simple werewolf movie. Bonus points for practical effects and great dog acting. Add it to your queue.
Funny you should mention, I just got it in the mail today. Sounds right up my alley. I also recently watch Howl and I found it similar in that it was small but a refreshingly fun modern werewolf romp. Check it out if you dig the wolf.
Just watched Bad Moon and loved it (realized i actually had seen it). I do have a gripe with Scream Factory. Bad Moon transfer looked amazing. Dog Soldiers (supposedly a 2k scan...looks like a 480i scan) looked like crap comparatively, barely looked better than the included DVD copy. IMDB says DS was made in 2002 and BM in 1996. What causes such a discrepancy in quality/scans?? My only guess is that UK filmed on low quality toilet paper. Or Scream Factory lacks quality control. Anyone have a similar experience or explanation? Learn me people learn me.
Neil Marshall and the Scream Factory guys commented on it on an episode of Killer POV some time ago, and there's a Bloody Disgusting article about it too. Long story short,the movie was shot on 16mm and blown up to 35mm. A 16mm blow up doesn't tend to look great, and the only few remaining prints weren't well preserved.
I remember getting high in highschool and watching this, I couldn't get myself through that first scene with the old lady. I haven't gone back to it since but I really need to.
Lately, I’ve gotten revitalized on werewolf movies. Got the bug after a fairly recent Scream Factory purchase of Dog Soldiers. Anyway, now I’m stockpiling werewolf movies (SMM!) and wanted to reach out about thoughts on must see werewolf movies. My large horror blindspot is pre 76 (The Omen). I’m open to expanding my horizons. This is what I have in my collection so far.
Dog Soldiers The Howling Bad Moon Howl (which was fun) Wolfman 2010 American Werewolf in London (Pre-Ordered Universal Restored Edition) Silver Bullet Cursed (worth it for Greerwolf) Ginger Snaps Wolf Cop Trick R Treat
Kinda Syfy channel but I have fun: Wolves Werewolf: The Beast Among Us The Beast of Bray Road Blood & Chocolate
Not really for me (but yeah i own all these…save the judgement for Trump): Underworld (All) Van Helsing Teen Wolf (All..yep i own 2/Too) American Werewolf in Paris Wolf The Monster Squad (Wasn’t feeling it on a recent revisit) Red Riding Hood Twilight (All)
I just saw that The Wolf Man (1941) is going to be re-released as part of The Wolf Man: Complete Legacy Collection (blu-ray) which is coming out just in time for SMM! The universe is telling me to get on it.
After reading the description to Late Phases I was a bit skeptical. I mean a blind retiree going head to head with a werewolf? Sounded like a comedy to me. Totally wrong, the movie was just fantastic. Thanks for the recommendation. The hard part is going to be not watching it again until October.
I'm going to see Weiner Dog and Don't Think Twice today at the wonderful Music Box Theatre. Anyone seen either of these yet? Curious to hear your thoughts.
I'm also mightily attempting to finish Stranger Things. I'm on episode 5 but all of my gripes related to E.T. (from the podcast) seem to apply to Stranger Things as well. It's weird because Super 8 works for me completely yet ST has not so far. And yet, ST is basically Super 8 the TV show.
My order from the Arrow sale arrived this week so among other things I got to watch Blow Out for the first time. I'm not sure yet, but I think it might be my favorite De Palma film. I think the ending is what stops it from being perfect, but I am sure I can see past that on future rewatches.
Tonight I'll be watching The Fury for the first time which I also got from the Arrow Sale.
Had a disaster of a movie night earlier yesterday. Tried to watch Jurassic Park with the kids. It started out bad, because I had to invoke parental authority to watch it (they wanted to watch Inside Out, which we've seen 4 times already).
Also, started the movie a little too late, they were tired. At exactly the moment the T-Rex ate the dude on the toilet, they both started crying, and we ended it there.
Damn, the experience ended up being somewhere in between sharing a classic movie experience and child abuse.
I think it's good for kids to get scared by movies. I got scared by movies all the time as a kid because my Dad kept trying to get me to like scary stuff. Now I'm a massive horror fan and have fond memories of those experiences!
Hahaha....sorry but I'm sure it'll be a good family story somewhere down line. I'm guessing the mood was just wrong...if they can get through Mad Max Fury Road a couple dinosaurs can't be that bad. If it makes you feel any better I took my son (4) to Ghostbusters couple days ago and he just about went into panic at the opening scene. I swear it was more volume related than the image. He came around though and now struts his achievement like big time bragging rights!
LOL. It really cracks me up sometimes that this whole site is like made up of young dads. And their funny stories about them trying to get their tiny kids to watch scary movies.
Anyone have any recommendations for a movie featuring a lot of big band jazz from like the 40s, Louis Prima style? I heard Sam Butera's version of "Fever" on my radio a while back and haven't been able to get it off my mind.
On the small screen I watched Paper Towns which was funny and entertaining.
I also watched True Story with James Franco, Jonah Hill and future Star Wars heroine Felicity Jones. It was well played and interesting but a bit underhelming because of it´s lack of any tension.
On the big screen I saw Independence Day Resurgence. Can it be possible that my fellow german Emmerich hasn´t advanced in any way in the last 20 years. Besides of being an unoriginal mess this film was so 90s in every way that it wasn´t even funny. 20 years and 5 screenwriters and this is all they came up with?
Then I saw Star Trek Beyond and I had tons of fun. Not as polished as the two J.J. Abrams films this was more like an expensive, oversized and very fast paced TV episode with great action and some eyepopping visuals. Loved it.
So, I just saw Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - The Ultimate Cut (catchy name!) a couple of days ago without ever seeing the theatrical version. And obviously listened to the FTM podcast on it right after.
ReplyDeleteHoly hell, that movie didn't work even a little bit. Some reviewer said that Snyder doesn't do scenes or plotlines, all he does is "moments". I think that's spot on, the movie is filled with moments, some of them even great, but very few of the individual scenes work and there's no throughline.
The movie made me angry. But then I rewatched another superhero movie with Holly Hunter (The Incredibles) and got my good mood back.
Also watched this week: Chappie. Not a good movie, but not as bad as I thought it would be. I kinda like how crazy yet logical the ending is.
Not the best movie week.
The week just got a little better, when I watched 10 Cloverfield Lane for the first time. Also, bought tickets to a couple of film festivals. Looking forward to those.
DeleteI just did the same thing. Watched the Ultimate without watching the Theatrical. I knew I was in for a bad movie but I was really caught off guard by what I saw. It's not that the movie is poorly done, it's just a mess.
DeleteThere are definitely some interesting ideas in there: dream sequences, hallucinations, the whole Superman-God thing. They definitely didn't play it safe, and I feel like that is to be admired, but holy hell did they miss the mark.
What you say about moments vs plotlines is definitely true, at least in BvS.
I watched Jason Bourne. In this movie Bourne is searching from some information about his past while government agents try to stop him and cover up their secret operations.
ReplyDeleteI also saw Nerve which starts off as almost mindlessly entertaining but then as the twists start coming becomes almost offensively bad in how little the plot makes any sort of sense. After Star Trek redeeming this Summer slightly it's a shame to see it descend back into garbage like this.
Among other things I also went through the first six Star Trek movies, First Contact, and Star Trek (2009) and had a good time, even with the movies that aren't so great.
I received my VHS of Street Music (1981) but haven't had a chance to watch it yet.
What I appreciate the most about the first six Star Trek films is the way the cast interacts and plays off of each other. Getting to visit them, even in movies that don't necessarily work like they need to, feels like visiting friends and family. We got the same cast over 25 years of Star Trek, which is kind of incredible to think about.
DeleteI watched Sing Street for the first time after missing it in theaters. Gosh, what a fun, charming, thoroughly enjoyable experience! It may have been slIghtly less than I thought I would, but I still loved the whole thing, and It currently sits somewhere on my top 10 of the year!
ReplyDeleteI love Sing Street. Probably still my favorite movie of the year in a "it feels like it was made specifically for me" way.
DeleteI have been playing catch up this with movies I should have seen by now. The Witch and Hail Caesar (I know). I loved both, I agree with Patrick on Hail Caesar that in a few years it will re-evaluated. Other than that I have been on a Star Trek kick like a lot of other people. Oh and I watched It's a Wonderful Life for the first time, and I liked it, proving I am not as cynical as I thought I was.
ReplyDeleteRe-watched the original cast Star Trek movies in prep for Beyond, and the odd/even rule definitely still applies. Though, to defend an easy target, I think The Final Frontier is a draft or two away from a really interesting movie. The Voyage Home is still the most fun.
ReplyDeleteBeyond is great. I'm a huge fan of Star Trek '09, but the pieces really clicked together in this one. Loved that it was an ensemble piece. Loved that Pegg threw a Spaced reference in there. The Sabotage scene had my entire audience cheering. It's a film about unity that actually felt unified, with real set-ups and payoffs and a through-line that make you feel like it was written by, you know, people who write good movies. Can't wait to see it again.
Also watched Me Him Her on Netflix. I would advise against it.
I was curious about Me Him Her. I'm suffering an Emily Meade crush.
DeleteThis will nurse that crush, but at far too great a cost.
DeleteI loved Star Trek Beyond. Saw it twice already. Unlike most, there hasn't been a movie in the Kelvin time line that I've disliked. I enjoyed Star Trek Into Darkness very much. I totally understand anyone who feels it sacrilegiously ripped off Star Trek II or dishonored Gene's vision. For me, the movie that insulted me as a Star Trek fan -- and as a TNG fan -- was Star Trek: First Contact. For me, no TNG movie worked. The Best of Both Worlds, Redemption and Redemption II, All Good Things, those were all better TNG "movies" than the TNG movies we got. I have been charmed by everything we've gotten theatrically since 2009. If the new Star Trek 4 turns out to be the last with the new TOS reboot cast, I would hope Paramount keeps it going with a reboot of TNG. And since cinematic universes are such a thing now, rebooting TNG would give the studio the opportunity of a built in universe, considering Deep Space Nine and Voyager connect.
DeleteAs for the whole even-odd movie theory, Star Trek III certainly debunks the theory simply by existing, and being good. And of course I can't stand any of the TNG films, even or odd. 2, 4, and 6 are quite good, and Nicholas Meyer wrote and directed 2, co-wrote 4, and co-wrote and directed 6. Maybe that's coincidence, maybe it isn't. For me, it's a better explanation as to what contributed to those films being as good as they are.
Watched Cloud Atlas for the first time a couple days ago. The hype from this site was spot on. What an incredible film. And I just rewatched The Witch. I really don't think anything else is gonna top this year for me.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm still convinced The Witch is the greatest offense against fundamentalist religion in a very long time.
DeleteTrue story
ReplyDeleteThis week me and the coolest guy ever Brent Butcher Baker Nightmare Maker Petersen were tweeted too about how much we all love Xtro by the one and only Edgar Wright! he's also a big fan, Bruce Campbell has Retweeted me about The Evil Dead and now Edgar Wright has tweeted to me about Xtro, its all down hill from here
We need a commentary about Xtro!
Fan f'intastic! Thanks to both of you, I've been turned on to Xtro and managed to introduce at least one friend to it and remind another of just how terrific it is. Long live Junesploitation and F This Movie!
DeleteI SWEAR I'm getting to Xrto, Dennis....matter of fact...NOW!
DeleteThat was pretty awesome. I feel like this is the beginning of the Xtroaissance.
DeleteI did see that on Twitter, it was genuinely amazing! Is Xtro 2 worth checking out?
DeleteXtro 3?
DeleteThis makes me happy Frank :)
DeletePart 2 doesn't exist in my world, part 3 is slightly better than 2 but only slightly, your better off with Xtro as a stand alone piece of magic, and leave it at that
Thanks Dennis. Usually sequels are lesser, but in some cases well worth watching ie. Basket Case trilogy.
DeleteCool good to know, cool I was wondering whether or not to get the trilogy, but I will leave at just Xtro, once now and future Xtro.
DeleteStranger Things wishes it had Xtro's score. Seriously, I thought the movie was awesome! The score is really what blew me away though. With the exception of a really corny main theme, it's the definition of what nostalgia is bringing us now. Glad to finally get this checked off my list!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you liked it, it is kinda corny but that doesn't matter, its about a feeling and it captures that perfectly, it does push all my nostalgia buttons
DeleteVideo nastie, Check, Superb score, Check, 1982 the best year ever, Check, Fantastical moments, Triple Check, Practical effects, Check, Stunning naked Bond Girl, Check, a midget Clown, Check, A Black panther for no reason, Check, a six foot killer action man, Check, an upside down walking Alien, Upside down Check, a crazy sense of wonder, you don't know where the next scene is going, totally unpredictable shots, Check, The best birth scene EVER! CHECK, a 100% satisfaction rating on Fthismovie, Check, even Edgar right is with it
I think you misunderstood, Dennis, I didn't think the film was corny, I thought the main theme of the score that repeats a few times was corny. But without that one piece, the score is amazing. Again, I love the flick.
DeleteI did misundersand, yes, Harry bromley davenport the director did the score and he freely admits "I ain't no John Carpenter". That makes sense,
DeleteWelcome to BreXtro, your world will never be the same again, the fantastical will never be as fantastic again
Well, he's wrong! He's just as good as Carpenter if not better. As I mentioned, besides that one piece the score is really what stood out to me. Musician, ya know? I hear shit. :)
DeleteHigh praise for him indeed, yeah, of course, you do watch or should I say listen with a different ear to me, next time I watch I will pay more attention to the score too
DeleteCafe Society 5/5
ReplyDeleteWoody Allen saves the summer for me. Great film, such a treat. My theater was great and also verbally loving it. KStew continues her fantastic career post-Twilight. The script is SO tight. The cinematography excellent and it's just such a treat. Best since Midnight in Paris.
Jason Bourne 3/5
I'm less than lukewarm on the series, mostly the Greengrass direction. But this Bourne, to me, is way more interesting this time around due to its 110% political thriller blood - the screenplay is pretty tight - but lacks the guts to really get to the place of a great paranoid 70s type, but that's to be expected. I commend it for raising a couple of terrific questions, and for the majority of the film lets the viewer decide the answer, until it doesn't, then it becomes disappointing. I don't know if it's because I'm older or just like being safe, but I'm "rooting" for the government with this one based on what the story is circling around. This film is made better by anyone other than Paul Greengrass directing it.
The cast is great - Vikander kills, Cassell is always a treat and a favorite of mine, and Tommy Lee Jones is the best he's been since Lincoln - and he's been in a few things like this but phones it in and I don't feel he does this here.
I watched Bad Moon thanks to the heroes at Scream Factory. It's a solid, small, simple werewolf movie. Bonus points for practical effects and great dog acting. Add it to your queue.
ReplyDeleteFunny you should mention, I just got it in the mail today. Sounds right up my alley. I also recently watch Howl and I found it similar in that it was small but a refreshingly fun modern werewolf romp. Check it out if you dig the wolf.
DeleteJust watched Bad Moon and loved it (realized i actually had seen it). I do have a gripe with Scream Factory. Bad Moon transfer looked amazing. Dog Soldiers (supposedly a 2k scan...looks like a 480i scan) looked like crap comparatively, barely looked better than the included DVD copy. IMDB says DS was made in 2002 and BM in 1996. What causes such a discrepancy in quality/scans?? My only guess is that UK filmed on low quality toilet paper. Or Scream Factory lacks quality control. Anyone have a similar experience or explanation? Learn me people learn me.
DeleteNeil Marshall and the Scream Factory guys commented on it on an episode of Killer POV some time ago, and there's a Bloody Disgusting article about it too. Long story short,the movie was shot on 16mm and blown up to 35mm. A 16mm blow up doesn't tend to look great, and the only few remaining prints weren't well preserved.
DeleteWell it may not look very high def but it's still a spectacular movie. Thanks for the info. And I should say the special features are also great.
DeleteInland Empire.....about 40 minutes in and have no idea what is happening. Hmmm
ReplyDelete3rd watch you'll get some of it.
DeleteI remember getting high in highschool and watching this, I couldn't get myself through that first scene with the old lady. I haven't gone back to it since but I really need to.
Delete"The Old Lady" = Grace Zabriskie. Yes, you should go back to it, Luke.
DeleteI got pizza and whiskey and made my friend who has no interest in this sort of asthetic watch with me. Neither of us did well.
DeleteLately, I’ve gotten revitalized on werewolf movies. Got the bug after a fairly recent Scream Factory purchase of Dog Soldiers. Anyway, now I’m stockpiling werewolf movies (SMM!) and wanted to reach out about thoughts on must see werewolf movies. My large horror blindspot is pre 76 (The Omen). I’m open to expanding my horizons. This is what I have in my collection so far.
ReplyDeleteDog Soldiers
The Howling
Bad Moon
Howl (which was fun)
Wolfman 2010
American Werewolf in London (Pre-Ordered Universal Restored Edition)
Silver Bullet
Cursed (worth it for Greerwolf)
Ginger Snaps
Wolf Cop
Trick R Treat
Kinda Syfy channel but I have fun:
Werewolf: The Beast Among Us
The Beast of Bray Road
Blood & Chocolate
Not really for me (but yeah i own all these…save the judgement for Trump):
Underworld (All)
Van Helsing
Teen Wolf (All..yep i own 2/Too)
American Werewolf in Paris
The Monster Squad (Wasn’t feeling it on a recent revisit)
Red Riding Hood
Twilight (All)
Cullen, you gotta see the recent "Late Phases"...It's fantastic.
DeleteDone. Thanks!
DeleteBig Bad Wolf (2006)
DeleteObviously you need 1941's The Wolf Man. And while not a werewold movie, there's a great werewolf scene in Fright Night (1984).
DeleteWhat We Do in the Shadows has werewolves, and they're working on a sequel that focuses on them.
Cullen, are you just stockpiling werewolf movies so you can learn how to defeat Jacob? (sorry)
DeleteI'll add The Company of Wolves and second Late Phases.
Love Company of Wolves, such a gorgeous looking film.
DeleteFull Moon High by Larry Cohen is pretty good
DeleteDon't forget The Howling II: My Sister Is A Werewolf. Be sure to stick around through the end credits for a possible teaser! wink wink nudge nudge
DeleteI've had a HD copy of Fright Night on my DVR for for about a 6 months now...I won't delete until the day some new blu's hit the market.
Damn you Twilight!! Good news is we did learn how to defeat Jacob. Exposure to Adam Sandler and parkour movies.
Well played
DeleteI still say Wolf Man 1941 is the greatest werewolf movie ever made.
DeleteI also second that Late Phases rocks.
I'm pumped to see Wolf Man 1941 sounds like a pretty big deal. Saw Late Phases is streaming on Netflix so I'm all over that tonight!
DeleteI second The Wolf Man 1941 - its just so so very very good, and maybe one of the best monster movies dear I say.
DeleteI just saw that The Wolf Man (1941) is going to be re-released as part of The Wolf Man: Complete Legacy Collection (blu-ray) which is coming out just in time for SMM! The universe is telling me to get on it.
DeleteAfter reading the description to Late Phases I was a bit skeptical. I mean a blind retiree going head to head with a werewolf? Sounded like a comedy to me. Totally wrong, the movie was just fantastic. Thanks for the recommendation. The hard part is going to be not watching it again until October.
I'm going to see Weiner Dog and Don't Think Twice today at the wonderful Music Box Theatre. Anyone seen either of these yet? Curious to hear your thoughts.
ReplyDeleteI'm also mightily attempting to finish Stranger Things. I'm on episode 5 but all of my gripes related to E.T. (from the podcast) seem to apply to Stranger Things as well. It's weird because Super 8 works for me completely yet ST has not so far. And yet, ST is basically Super 8 the TV show.
We'll never let you live it down Adam hating on ET
DeleteI take solace in knowing I can grow and improve while ET is going to remain flawed :)
DeleteMore like Jason Bo-ring, amiright? Starring "Meh" Damon and Alicia Vakemeuplater.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Greengrass was shaking the camera so vigorously for a reason. To hide the meh.
DeleteMy order from the Arrow sale arrived this week so among other things I got to watch Blow Out for the first time. I'm not sure yet, but I think it might be my favorite De Palma film. I think the ending is what stops it from being perfect, but I am sure I can see past that on future rewatches.
ReplyDeleteTonight I'll be watching The Fury for the first time which I also got from the Arrow Sale.
Had a disaster of a movie night earlier yesterday. Tried to watch Jurassic Park with the kids. It started out bad, because I had to invoke parental authority to watch it (they wanted to watch Inside Out, which we've seen 4 times already).
ReplyDeleteAlso, started the movie a little too late, they were tired. At exactly the moment the T-Rex ate the dude on the toilet, they both started crying, and we ended it there.
Damn, the experience ended up being somewhere in between sharing a classic movie experience and child abuse.
They are 8 and 10, so not THAT young. They had no problem with Terminator or Mad Max Fury Road. The oldest one was the most scared.
DeleteI feel guilty......but it's Jurassic Park??? Not like I showed them Xtro..
I think it's good for kids to get scared by movies. I got scared by movies all the time as a kid because my Dad kept trying to get me to like scary stuff. Now I'm a massive horror fan and have fond memories of those experiences!
DeleteHahaha....sorry but I'm sure it'll be a good family story somewhere down line. I'm guessing the mood was just wrong...if they can get through Mad Max Fury Road a couple dinosaurs can't be that bad. If it makes you feel any better I took my son (4) to Ghostbusters couple days ago and he just about went into panic at the opening scene. I swear it was more volume related than the image. He came around though and now struts his achievement like big time bragging rights!
DeleteLOL. It really cracks me up sometimes that this whole site is like made up of young dads. And their funny stories about them trying to get their tiny kids to watch scary movies.
DeleteJust saw Hail, Caesar! Loved it.
ReplyDeleteAnyone have any recommendations for a movie featuring a lot of big band jazz from like the 40s, Louis Prima style? I heard Sam Butera's version of "Fever" on my radio a while back and haven't been able to get it off my mind.
On the small screen I watched Paper Towns which was funny and entertaining.
ReplyDeleteI also watched True Story with James Franco, Jonah Hill and future Star Wars heroine Felicity Jones. It was well played and interesting but a bit underhelming because of it´s lack of any tension.
On the big screen I saw Independence Day Resurgence. Can it be possible that my fellow german Emmerich hasn´t advanced in any way in the last 20 years. Besides of being an unoriginal mess this film was so 90s in every way that it wasn´t even funny. 20 years and 5 screenwriters and this is all they came up with?
Then I saw Star Trek Beyond and I had tons of fun. Not as polished as the two J.J. Abrams films this was more like an expensive, oversized and very fast paced TV episode with great action and some eyepopping visuals. Loved it.
Finally I can hear the podcasts for both...