Sunday, October 1, 2017

It's #ScaryMovieMonth 2017!


Happy October, everyone, and happy Scary Movie Month! It's the greatest 31 days of the year and our favorite 31 days here at F This Movie!. We'll be publishing SO MUCH great scary movie content, bonus podcasts and more cool stuff this month, so be sure to visit every day.

It's also time for our 8th ANNUAL Scary Movie Challenge! Any time you watch a horror movie during the month of October, visit the site and find the Scary Movie Challenge post for that day (we'll be creating a new post for every day of the month). Write a seven word review of the movie -- no more, no less. We'll be reading a bunch of our favorites on every episode of the podcast this month!

As stated in the Scary Movie Month Primer, we're loosening the rules this year to allow for comments on seven word reviews. Yes, it would be great to know just how many reviews we get this month, but I think it's more important to foster conversation and make sure everyone has as fun a SMM as possible.

The Scary Movie Challenge will officially launch at 12am PST, which gives all of you on EST and CST time to squeeze in a movie before it goes live.

Have the best Scary Movie Month ever! We know we will.

This year's Scary Movie Month is dedicated to the memories of George A. Romero and Tobe Hooper, two of the best things to ever happen to scary movies.


  1. Participating from Australia and kicking off with a sequel-a-thon! Can't wait to hear the podcasts and wade through the seven word reviews!

  2. Body Bags (1993):

    You can see Mark Hamill's dangling penis.

    Happy Scary Movie Month everyone!

  3. The Scary Movie Challenge post will be up at 12am PST. Save your reviews for that thread!

  4. BTW, did we best our total of reviews last year, too?

    1. We we're a least 1 seven word review up! Looking forward to commenting on peoples amazing reviews. In the end, I think the count doesn't really matter as much as the enjoyment...but for those of us whom are count oriented then answer is always more than the previous year. It's science fact. It's killing me that it's not midnight (for me) yet I want to get this going!

  5. Have a great month everyone

    Im looking forward to your clever 7 word reviews
    And I'm always on the lookout for people watching some Xtro

    Joining the Cult of Xtro

    1. This will be the year Dennis! Happy SMM :)

    2. It's a life changing experience

    3. I just bought the 5 disc blu ray release so will be watching it the moment it's delivered. What a time to be alive.

    4. Fantastic. It's a brilliant release
      Film looks great

    5. I definitely need that 5 disc blu-ray...

    6. The 5 disc sold out in the first week but there are a few on eBay but they are now releasing a Second 4 disc version available on the platinum cult edition website

  6. favorite time of year!!! and what a fun idea, hope to join in w/ some 7 word comments, although that will be hard !:) happy October! xx Bee
