Monday, May 14, 2018

Happy Birthday, F This Movie!

by Patrick Bromley
We're eight years old today!

On May 14, 2010, F This Movie! released its first podcast on Avatar. The world continued on unchanged.

My life, however, became very different.

For the last eight years, a huge part of my life has been devoted to this site. My family has grown, my jobs have changed, my health has deteriorated, and F This Movie! has filled in every other space. When I'm not fulfilling all of other obligations in my life, I'm working on this website: recording a podcast, writing a piece, editing a piece, thinking of the next piece I need to write, editing a podcast, etc. It's as big a part of my day as anything else.
It's not always easy. I've said in the past that the site is a monster that needs to be fed every day, and no matter how good an article is or how happy I am with a podcast episode, I have to do it all again for tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that, on and on until I quit or I'm dead. But obviously I wouldn't keep doing it if I didn't love it, which I hope still comes through in the writing and in the show we do every week. If nothing else, the site is now such a part of my identity that I don't know who I would be without it.

I'm also very, very proud of what we do. We're not very well-known or popular in comparison to other movie sites, but I think we do good work without having to post Marvel "scoops" or slideshows or #HotTakes to generate bullshit traffic. More than anything, I'm proud of the community we have created over the last eight years. I know it's something we talk about a lot around here and for which we pat ourselves on the back (a fact which has been held against us once in a while over the years when someone chimes in to be an asshole and gets ganged up on by you guys, who have our best interests at heart) and that probably gets a little old, but it's absolutely true. Every one of us appreciates the positivity, the friendship, the exchange of ideas and recommendations, and the near-total lack of toxic bullshit we have enjoyed over the last eight years. That's a long time to go and still keep things super positive and not just civil, but downright friendly. It's a very special thing we have all built together, and I never take that for granted.
Seeing people already get excited about Junesploitation or even Scary Movie Month, not to mention that swell of enthusiasm we get every year for F This Movie Fest, is a beautiful thing. As Jan B. often points out, we have invented our own holidays -- holidays that are celebrated by people around the world and to which they look forward to as much as we do. That is, to borrow a phrase from my six-year old daughter Rosie, fucking cool.

What the future holds for the site, I cannot say. I have more or less given up on trying to grow the site, because if it hasn't happened by now it isn't going to. Truth be told, I have always fallen short when it comes to marketing and promoting our site, because my focus has always been on publishing really good content, believing that readers would find us because the writing is good. I have fallen short in trying to monetize the site or create a Patreon because we're stretched pretty thin already and because I don't want the stuff we're putting out every day to suffer so that we can put bonus content behind a paywall. I'm confident in saying we have had really good content over the last eight years thanks to a really talented stable of intelligent, funny, insightful, devoted writers, several of whom were my closest friends when we began and others of whom have become my closest friends since coming aboard. We really are a family here. I don't know if every other website can say the same.
Thank you to Adam Riske, Adam Thas, Alejandra Gonzalez, Alex Lawson, Anya Novak, Cass Cannon, Doug Schultz, Erich Asperschlager, Heath Holland, Heather Wixson, Jan B., JB, Jerry Smith, Lexy Van Dyke, Mark Ahn, Melissa Uhrin, Mike Pomaro, Rob DiCristino, Robyn Buckley, and Stephanie Crawford. The last eight years would not have been possible without you. More than anything, thank you to Erika Bromley. Life would not be possible without you.

Thank you most of all to you, the readers, the listeners, the people who support us and champion us and engage with us online or anywhere else. On a very (too?) personal note, I have learned to open up somewhat in the last eight years and share a lot of what I've been going through. I think it's partly because I feel like better informs my writing and you all have a better sense of who I am and where I'm coming from if I'm open about struggling with sickness or depression. But I also think it's because this is my family. This site is where I live. I would be living a lie to ignore or cover this stuff up. I can't tell you all what it has meant to be accepted and supported through these last eight years. When Tobe Hooper passed away last year, I got a ton of messages from people saying they thought of me when they heard the news. That might seem like a small thing, but it meant the world to me because it made me feel better at a time I was very sad and because it made me feel understood.
That's one of my favorite things about the site we run every day. We are all trying to understand one another all the time. We can accept differences of opinion on movies without attacking, because we understand and empathize where each other is coming from. We have all gotten to know one another over the last eight years on the podcast or in the comments. When Adam Riske confesses he loves My Big Fat Greek Wedding, we all think "Well, yes, of course you do" because we know Adam after all these years and we love all the things about him that would lead him to love that movie. I know that Chaybee isn't into horror comedy, so I don't recommend those movies to him when we talk. We've all seen each other through a lot these last eight years. Pretty cool.

So happy birthday, us. I love our family and I'm happy to have been a part of it for eight years. Thank your for supporting us in any way, whether it's listening to one show or listening to every episode; dropping in from time to time or reading us twice a day. We're all movie lovers here. Thanks for eight years of movie love.


  1. Happy birthday to the finest movie site ever. And big thank you to patrick and all the collaborators.

  2. "That is, to borrow a phrase from my six-year old daughter Rosie, fucking cool." I can't stop laughing at this!

    On a serious note, Fthismovie has been the only website (not just movie website) that I've constantly come back to on a daily basis for the past 8 years. It provides me with laughs when I need to laugh, it entertains me when I'm bored, it teaches me about movies when I need to learn. But most of all, it offers me insight into the lives and minds of all the wonderful people who make up this site.

    Thanks for this delightful creation, Patrick! Here's to many more years of movie love!

  3. Something like five years ago I heard about these things called podcasts, and googled "best movie podcasts" or something to that effect. Found a list of about a dozen, checked all of them out and F This Movie! was the one that clicked with me. Have listened to every episode since. Took me a while after that to actively participate on the website, but I'm glad I finally did. Now I can't imagine June without Junesploitation or October without Scary Movie Month. Or Wednesday without a new episode.

    So thank you Patrick and all the others for keeping the site going and providing us with both great content and a place to virtually hang out. Long live F This Movie!

  4. Happy birthday FTM! I’ve been visiting the site multiple times a day for over seven years now, and I’ve never stopped loving it every day. Thank you all for everything you do. #DoForIt

  5. Happy Birthday! I've said it before on Anniversary shows so I wont gush too much, but again FTHISMOVIE and everything that surrounds it is so special for me and the rest of us because all the things you mention and the content you create and give us all. A fine crew you've put together!

  6. Happiest of Birthdays to FTM.
    Thank you for all you do, have done and continue to do.
    Your site and pod-casts remain a source of joy.

  7. I don't always have a chance tp post on here, but man do I look forward to the show every week and enjoy the site and the community is exactly the thing that shines through and sets you apart. KEEP THE FAITH! Seriously, I'm depending on you.

  8. It's hard to say how much F This Movie means to me. I've said it before, but the site/podcast has made me a better person and a better movie lover. I loved movies before but I was so ignorant about so many kinds of movies. I was much more of a typical Internet movie lover who went to the typical sites and youtube channels. This site has served as a film class for me that has taught me so much. I've learned about some of my favorite filmmakers that I didn't know about then, and I've learned how to love movies basically free of negativity. And on top of that, I've come to consider the fthismovie crew and many of the readers... friends. Few things make me happier than listening to you guys talk on the podcast everyweek. And the fthismovie "holidays" have come to mean as much or more to me than any other one. I know no matter what happens to the site in years to come I will always do at least my own version of SSM and Junesploitation.

    Thank you so much for this amazing site. Happy birthday.

  9. Happy Birthday! Really well said. This is still one of the only sites I visit daily, not only because of the great content but because of the community. I don't think that your hard work for the site goes unnoticed, either. Thanks for creating something really special. Lastly, a special shout out for the support you've given me on a personal level with the album last year. It meant the world to me.

  10. Never stop patting yourself on the back for what you have accomplished here. It is a miracle if you compare this podcast/site/community with the garbage on the rest of the internet. Happy Birthday and here's to many more!

  11. Happy belated to Rosie and happy birthday to FTM! The personal touches and high quality content without being click bait is why I come back everyday. I look forward to every Wednesday podcast and I find myself watching more and more films due to suggestions from Patrick et al. Keep up the great work and THANK YOU!

  12. Thank you so much for the podcast and this site. I started listening about 4 years ago because I had tons of time to fill delivering pizzas. I can't remember exactly how I found the podcast, but I immediately fell in love. No, this isn't the only podcast I frequent, but it may be my favorite. You all bring a different enthusiasm to your discussions of film that I just don't find anywhere else. I almost broke into tears listening to the episode about Good Will Hunting. I'd like to think that the podcast has even helped me grow as a person. I've been labeled the "film douche" around my friends and family, I name I kind of wore like a badge for years. The site and podcast has helped me to like and appreciate more cheesy movies and just enjoy them for what they are. I've also learned to be more constructive in my criticism as opposed to simply saying "this sucks." You can find something positive to say about almost any film (except Starship Troopers 2). Now I'm trying to be more active on the site and get in on the discussions. Thanks to everyone that contributes to this beautiful creation of film love. I have yet to see any level of toxic behavior on the site. Happy birthday to F This Movie.

  13. Happy Birthday F This Movie and congratulations to Patrick Bromley and the Crew for 8 years of ever-growing awesomeness - thank you! I've been in a bit of a movie-lull in general - struggling to find the time to be into them as much as I have been in the past - but I always come back and hardly a day goes by that I don't think about my little F This Movie family in one way or another. It's certainly my internet home away from home, and I'm so grateful for all the work that's gone into it. Here's hoping for at least 8 more!

  14. Happy birthday F This Movie! The podcast and the website have gotten me through some tough times, and I'm forever grateful. I'm always gushing about you guys to anyone that will listen. :)

  15. Happy Birthday F This Movie. I started listening after moving to Ecuador, 5 years ago. thanks for being friends when I first felt lonely in this new country. it was nice listening to the podcast. and although none of you know me. I felt like having friends over for a visit when listening to a new podcast every week. I regularly do 7 hour drives here, and with the podcasts, it's always a joy to do.

  16. I can't believe it's been this long. Here's to another eight(y) years.

  17. Happy Birthday F THIS MOVIE!!! I cant remember when I first started listening to the podcast (sometime in the first year I think) I have been hooked ever since. I have added a ton of other movie related podcast to my itunes list over the years but most don't seem to last that long. I stop listening for a number of reasons. Bad audio being a BIG reason for some. Mostly I give up on them because of a lack of chemistry. There is something I can't put into words that is missing. Patrick you JB, Adam Riske, LA Doug, Heath Holland, Heather Wixson and the rest of the gang have a chemistry and passion for movies that keeps me coming back. Even when I get hurt because you don't like a film that I for some reason LOVED. I just can't quit you. I lost my best friend a few years back. This was someone I could talk to for HOURS about movies, comics and other geeky stuff. F THIS MOVIE helped fill this loss in a way. I don't interact much (so this friendship is a bit one sided) but i am very happy to have F THIS MOVIE in my life. You guys doing an amazing job and I look forward to podcast and reading what comes next. THANK YOU

  18. Congrats on eight years. Three years ago I Googled "best movie podcasts," found a list that had a handful. The only one I still listen to is F This Movie!

    Without this site, there are films I'd have completely have missed or never re-visited, and I have you to thank. For getting me to revisit Joe vs the Volcano, you have my undying gratitude and loyalty.

    May you and the whole crew continue to work on this site and podcast until you decide you've had enough (which will be too soon whenever that is.)

    Thank you so much.

  19. A Very Happy Birthday to the kindest, finest movie location on the whole entire internet! Part of the reason The Mangler has a special place in my heart is because it lead me here... I've listened and re-listened to all the podcasts and Wednesday is a day I look forward to when the new one drops! This is a place that has helped me through some harsh times and even though I've not met anyone on here, People like Patrick, Adam and JB feel like friends... Here's to 8 more years! :)

  20. Happy birthday F This Movie! Well done Patrick for captaining the good ship for a stellar 8 years. May the site continue long enough for you to change your position on Avatar a hundred times over!!!

  21. Happy Birthday F this Movie ! ! ! !! So glad you have been around. Cheers to another 8 Years.

  22. Happy Birthday F This Movie! Listening to your podcast taught me so much about loving what you love without feeling the need to make apologies or explanations, but also about being respectful of and creating positive conversations with other movie lovers. All of you are really very generous with yourselves, not just in terms of the work and time you put into the site and podcast, but also in how much of your personalities and personal lives you are willing to share and give to your community. Thank you for what you have created here! Group hug everyone! Group hug!!!

  23. Happy bday!! Thanks for being a beacon of positivity in the ugliness that is so much of the internet, for never compromising on quality, and for doing a podcast on the Leprechaun movies :)

  24. Thank you for 8 years of unabashedly honest film criticism and discussions. Your site/podcast feels like home and goddamnit It's good place to be.

    I don't know if you have any other fans in South Africa (fuck knows I've tried) but you have a devoted, lifelong fan in me. Happy Birthday and thank you for opening my mind to a wide, bloody, utterly mind-boggling, fantastic world of cinema.

    I'm off to watch The New York Ripper and formulate theories as to why my friends aren't into Italian Horror.

  25. Happy Birthday! And eight more to come! Thank you for your hard work and passion you put into the site. The community you have gathered around you is intelligent and warm. And I have made genuine friends (well I like to think) through here. And have gotten the best movie education. You should proud (and everyone at F This Movie) for what you have created.

  26. Happy Birthday F This Movie.

    I went back to college as a mature student 4 years ago and that’s when I found the F This Movie podcast and subsequently the website. It’s a 45minute drive to college so this podcast has been a part of that journey every week.

    Love the show and the website, keep up the great work.

  27. Happy birthday to the best movie site out there. Everyone involved is top notch. You guys and gals are the absolute best.

  28. Happy Birthday F This Movie! Thanks for all the awesomeness. :)

  29. Happy Birthday F This Movie! I only wish I hopped on board earlier. Thank you for everyone who contributes to and comments on the site. Since first listening to the show this site has been really important to me and helps make the hard days not so hard. I've always loved movies more than anything but I feel like my appreciation for movies has gone up tenfold since discovering this wonderful community. I appreciate you all and can't wait to hear Adam's thoughts on My Big Fat Greek Wedding 5: Will You Dolmades Me, in 8 years.

  30. Happy Birthday F This Movie! This podcast and website mean more to me than I could ever put into words. Congratulations to the entire crew and thank you for 8 years of incredible memories!

  31. Happy birthday to my favorite site/podcast/community on the World Wide Web. Thank you to everyone who has contributed towards making this such a wonderful place which I love. And a special thank you to Mr Patrick Bromley, for your hard work and diligence over the past eight years. I am eternally grateful and forever in your debt.

  32. A big Happy Birthday to F This Movie. Work has been pretty brutal at times lately and I haven't had a lot of time to comment here or on Twitter, but to all the FTM contributors I still find the time to read as much here as possible and you are all fantastic writers and podcasters. My only regret is not having found this place sooner.

  33. Happy Birthday FTM! I am still always impressed by the quality and amount of content you put out, and the community love here. I think this is my 3rd year reading/listening daily. That is insane!!

  34. Happy birthday, F This Movie! It makes me sad that my work demands have forced me to lessen my engagement with this community, but I still very much appreciate reading everyone's various points of view on things, and I'm still listening to the podcasts first thing in the morning every week! Thanks for all you do!

    1. Good to hear from you! I was wondering how things were with ya :-)

    2. Things are great, just busy! Even my movie watching is down this year, but I still try to see all the “must-see” stuff. A Quiet Place was awesome and I saw Avengers for a second time Monday and still really enjoyed it. I’m also looking forward to Deadpool 2 and Solo: A Star Wars Story! I hope you are well, Adam!

  35. Happy birthday fthismovie! This place is the best. Thanks to all the contributors, both new and old.

  36. Happy Birthday fthismovie! You guys are wonderful I raise a glass to you and to the future!

  37. Happy Birthday! I've been here at least since 30 Stars of Summer (remember that?) and have loved every bit. There have been times when life interfered and I had to check out for a time, but I've always felt welcome to come back. Can't wait for this year's Junesploitation!

  38. A late congratulation from my side. I always listen to every podcast after I've downloaded a whole bunch of them on my MP3-Player - so I'm late with this one, because I'm also a bad reader and my comments can only made on the podcasts alone... but man.

    So many comments here touched my soul and to many I can only point and say: Yeah, that's exactly my experience. Found this great site over a Top 10/15 movie podcast list (where it was ranked 2nd), heard it, loved it, made me a better movie watcher and person all over.

    And most important, and I've tears filling my eyes right now, I found friends. I know, it's a silly way to have friends you only listen to, but when I started to listen to this podcast, I was on the beginning of a great depression which is still in effect today. I listened to every episode - and then I did it again. It was to not feel lonely while my past relationship went down the drain, my granny died, my dad had his heart attack, I got burned out on my job and study and and and... And you where there, putting a smile on my face in grim times and while doing that, making me a Horror-Movie-Fan, something I've never been before - because it's fun... most of the times.

    And then, Patrick, you mentioned your depression on the podcast and I was in fear and I knew, how much you and all the others meant to me. I was in fear that I could not listen to you anymore, I was in fear about your relationship, I was in fear of your health, smile, live... And then Tobe Hooper died and again there was this fear. I had to think about JB (I'm sorry for that, it's not meant to be disrespectful), who is the oldest of you and, like me, a little on the bigger side of bodytype. And I became afraid of loosing him - and of the community and you, Patrick, loosing him and so on and so forth.

    That is why I know that you are more to me than just some people in the US, while I'm sitting in Germany... you're a family, friends, loved ones. I love you guys, I don't want to miss you, never. Thank you for your effort, love, work, thoughts and time! Thank you Patrick, Doug, Mark, Adam and Adam, Erich, Heather, Alejandra, JB (and your much more clever and wonderful wife Jan ;)), Heath, Mike, Rob, Melissa, Robyn, Stephanie - especially to Erika (who we hear way to less from), your son for the great outro he delivered, your daughter for beeing bad ass (see your quote) and everyone I might have forgotten or where on hear just a few times to less. I love you all!
