Wednesday, September 12, 2018

FTM 455 - TOBE HOOPER TRIBUTE 2 with Jared Rivet

This great interview from our day-long Tobe Hooper tribute was with screenwriter Jared Rivet (Jackals), who talks about his years spent as a collaborator and friend to the late, great director.

Download this episode here. (28.5 MB)

Listen to F This Movie! on Stitcher.


  1. This was probably my highlight of the tribute. He has great stories and insight.

  2. Haven't listened yet, but very happy to have the chance to listen to these, after having missed the day of the tribute. Thanks! The last one was fantastic, even though I hadn't seen one of the movies.

  3. Man, what a great and fascinating listen. Can't wait to listen to the rest of this tribute! Thanks for posting after the fact for us losers that couldn't listen originally. ;)

  4. I'm still trying to find the space vampire baby shot at the end.

  5. Post one of these every 3 weeks.
    By the time of the last one it will 26/08/2019.
    Stay up for another 24 hours paying tribute.
    Repeat. Keep Tobe alive in our minds forever.
