Wednesday, March 3, 2021

FTM 576: THE 1988 SHOW

It's 1988 Week at F This Movie!, so Patrick and Erika celebrate by counting down their favorite movies from a very good year in film.

Download this episode here. (47.9 MB)

Listen to F This Movie! on Spotify and on Apple Podcasts.

Listen to Erich Asperschlager's music on his Bandcamp page.

Join us for #FThisMovieFest on March 6!


  1. Very few things in this world give me as much joy as Patrick and Erika's loving frustration over ties in lists.

  2. Wings of Desire was my favorite film of all of time in my pretentious college years till I finally started being real and admitted it was Die Hard. Watch Wings of Desire though. Peter Faulk. F City of Angels, btw.

    1. I came to terms with Die Hard being my favorite movie in about 6th grade when I realized that I preferred the tension, rhythms and characters in Die Hard to the "guy getting stabbed in the eye with an icicle" of Die Hard 2.

      Can't wait for Saturday!

  3. For me, Gene Hackman is somehow the Harley Race of Hollywood - so I can get, why you see him as a hard hitting, teeth grinding badass.
