Thursday, May 21, 2015

Announcing Junesploitation 2015!


We're just over 10 days away from my second favorite month of the year: JUNESPLOITATION!

Yes, it's our third annual celebration of exploitation and genre films! The best 30 days of the year outside of #ScaryMovieMonth.

Here's the deal: For every day in June, we've got a new exploitation category from which you can choose any movie you want. It doesn't even HAVE to be an exploitation movie! Maybe you don't like them as much as I do. That's ok! On June 1st, maybe you don't like all the yucky gore in zombie movies. Maybe you want to watch Warm Bodies or My Boyfriend's Back. That counts! ANY movie with a zombie counts! And there are SO MANY of those! JUNESPLOITATION!
Do your best with what you have -- if you can't find something to match the category and you've already exhausted your options on Netflix Instant, Amazon Prime, Hulu or whatever platform you choose, just pick the closest thing you can that you still feel like watching. This is supposed to be fun, so only pick stuff you WANT to watch.

After you watch the movie, head over to the comments section for that day and post a short review/reaction. Seriously -- short. Like, 50 words or less. That way, other readers can chime in with a "Hey, I've never heard of that movie and now I want to see it!" or a "If you liked that one, check out..." The idea is to keep the discussion flowing quickly and easily, so we can't get bogged down in huge epic write ups. In order to make sure that this happens, we're going to reserve the right to delete posts that willfully ignore this rule. We don't want to do that. Keep it short.

Here are this year's categories -- a mix of repeats from last year and BRAND NEW categories. There's something for everyone!

1. Zombies!
2. Sci-fi!
3. Animals!
4. Cops!
5. ’80s Action!
6. Scream Factory!
7. Drugs!
8. Slashers!
9. Revenge!
10. Free Space!
11. Ninjas!
12. Troma!
13. Video Nasties!
14. Bugs!
15. Spaghetti Western!
16. New horror!
17. Icons!
18. Kung Fu!
19. Cannon!
20. Free Space!
21. Italian Horror!
22. Robots!
23. Blaxploitation!
24. Teenagers!
25. ‘90s Action!
26. Cannibals!
27. Cars!
28. Free Space!
29. Rock and Roll!
30. ‘80s Horror!


  1. So excited! Also, it's awesome that Scream Factory has earned their very own day. Great line-up!

  2. Awwww think I'm excited? You bet your ass! AMPED!

  3. I'm so happy I get to participate this year. I can't freakin wait!

  4. Oh quick question, should these be movies we have never seen before or can they be repeat watches? I just want to make sure I follow the rules correctly.

    1. Whatever you want! No rules! #anarchyploitation

    2. Sweet! I will probably try to watch new stuff mostly just to keep it interesting.

  5. this will be my first one an im looking forward participating.

    1. Same here! I was around last as a podcast listener but not a regular site follower. My local video store/drug front is going to be getting alot of my business this June.

  6. any day that isn't nationally specific i am gonna be focusing on hong kong movies, so expect to see a lot of weird hong kong in my lists.

    (i'm doing preliminary research work for grad school applications/eventual dissertation)

  7. I am definitely watching My Boyfriends Back. I remember wanting to see that really bad when I was 11. Thanks for the reminder!

  8. I am taking my last CPA exam on Tuesday. I will finally have time to watch more than two movies a month, so this is perfect timing!

  9. What's the decapitation image from?

  10. I'm so excited it's Junesploitation again!!!! And so sad that too much real life is happening in June and I'm definitely going to miss a lot of days. BOOOO!

    1. Real life is for regular people. F-Heads are extraordinary people. Junesploit yourself accordingly! (That being said, any participation is better than none)

  11. I'm gonna try to participate this year a little bit at least. School will get in the way. A lot. But I'll get in a couple. This looks so fun!

  12. I can't wait to wipe off the dust from my copies of Robo-Vampire and The Nailgun Massacre.

  13. YES. This will be my first and I'm pumped to participate. This site is awesome!

  14. Super excited, but I'm not very well versed in exploitation movies. I know that the movies don't have to be exploitation movies, just fit into the assigned genre, but could someone give me a few examples (as good places to start)? I'm sure I'll watch a mix, but I do want to actually try to watch some exploitation movies.

    1. Hi, Adam! No worries -- glad you're going to participate! We'll be running a "primer" piece that will give you some ideas next week, but in the meantime you can check out last year's primer. It has some links you can check out if you want to know more about exploitation.

      We also try to be good about providing Netflix recommendations for each of the days during June, so you can keep an eye out for those.

      Let us know if you have any questions! It's so much fun.

    2. So cool. I second the recommendation from last year's primet for Full Moon Streaming. It is really great value for a few months so you will be able to use it in #ScaryMovieMonth too. Also it really helps out when wanting to pick a new to you exploitation movie and gives you ideas. Plus you can watch the Evil Bong movies and then read Patrick's reviews :)

  15. YAY!!!! So excited. What great themes for the days! Great job guys :) Going to be a kick arse ride

    1. Thanks, Gabby! Thought you and Dennis in particular would get a kick out of "Video Nasties" day.

    2. Thanks Patrick! I did get a big grin when I saw that :)

    3. Ooh Yes you know us so well. You have chosen some great catagories. Its gonna be fun. Im gonna have to dig deep for some of the catagories. Time for some great random deep cuts. Seeing as your starting with Cannibal Ferox im gonna go with Lenzi's next movie Eaten Alive

  16. Super excited for this! This will be my first Junesploitation and I can't wait. Unfortunately, Robot Jox won't be released from Shout Factory until July 7, so I'll have to make other plans for the 22nd.

    1. Nice! So glad you'll be with us! I can't even tell you how excited I am for Robot Jox.

  17. I'll be taking part for the first time as well. Definitely won't be here every day but I'll participate as much as I can.

    I'm not that well versed in exploitation, but in honor of Junesploitation I've bought some titles, plus borrowed stuff from friend and made a couple of finds in the local library, so I'm pretty well prepared. Some categories not so much, but at least I'll have something for almost every category. And mostly it's stuff I've never seen before, so that's a plus.

    I'm excitedploitation!

  18. Can't wait! This will be my second junesploi (a pointless shortening of junesploitation) and I'm now in the very important planning phase. Love the new categories especially two whole decades of hard action movies to choose from.

  19. I usually wait for Scary Movie Month but I'm going to try to join in this year.

    Trying to think of what I can watch for Troma day since I've never been into Troma....

  20. Glad the catagories are up and now I can compile my list. Digging the new editions, especially Scream Factory and Video Nasties! Looking forward to another fun Junesploitation.

  21. Gonna throw my hat in the ring! I've been blah recently so a month of pulpy genre films will be a pleasant distraction. Plus, I can't wait for the inevitable point at which I'll have to turn down some sort of real-life adult plan in order to make it home early to watch Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II or something. Goodbye, respectability!

  22. Really looking forwards to this -- though I'm having real trouble thinking up enough Exploitation movies where the characters Free Space. Battle Beyond the Stars? Buckaroo Banzai? Dark Star? :)

  23. Just went to my local used dvd store and picked up like 8 movies in preparation. This is going to be my first junesploitation and I'm moving right at the start, so I may have to skip a day or two but I'm going to do my best to participate every day. This seems like it's going to be so much fun.

  24. how new does something have to be to constitute "new horror"?

    1. Maybe 2000s? Or whatever you want. There really aren't any rules.

  25. First Junesploitation for me! Just know it's goin be good! :D

  26. I realized yesterday that with the exception of Troma Day, you could fill every category with a film from Cannon's catalog. That's saying something about just how awesome Cannon is!!

    1. That's amazing, see if you can think up a Troma inspired movie from Cannon range for the full house? :)

    2. Tried to find a Cannon/Troma crossover. Lloyd worked for Cannon early on and even had a script greenlit but the film was never made. That's about as far as I could get. Couldn't find a golan globus Lloyd Kauffman co-production.

    3. Come on F-heads can someone find a apt link?

  27. Second Junesploitation for me and I'm determined not to burn out on the *worst* choices possible this year.... Although, last year I did have a first watch of Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer and that, for better or worse, was something!

  28. woo! i made my list! are other people going to post theirs in advance or wait and let it be a surprise?

    1. If I remember correctly, Patrick usually posts something before for people to chime in.
