Patrick, Doug and Erich Asperschlager taste like a burger.
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Also discussed this episode: Trainwreck (2015), Inside Out (2015), WWII from Space (2012), Ant-Man (2015), Spy (2015), The Black Stallion (1979), Minions (2015), Scooby-Doo and KISS: Rock n' Roll Mystery (2015), 21 Years: Richard Linklater (2014)
Ok now I really gotta see this movie !
ReplyDeleteOnly question is do I go podcast or movie first?
Movie. For sure.
ReplyDeleteSo I've just started the podcast and I have one question... Where is the SONG?!?
ReplyDeleteTo be totally honest, I completely forgot to put it in there when I was editing the show. That's the kind of week I've had. It should be fixed now. Sorry about that.
DeleteNo problem! Great episode. I've never seen the film, but will probably get around to it. Sometimes I feel like I listen to your podcasts more than I actually watch movies.
DeleteI thought it was going to be a cool new edgier opening with a preamble from Patrick, then BAM--into the song, then the show. About 50 minutes in I gave up on that idea.
DeleteI am kinda in the middle on this film. I don't quite understand the 4 star reviews but I definitely don't understand the 1 star reviews. I found certain moments and performances really funny (love the chase scene) but other moments fell really flat and I found them painfully unfunny (especially the saving the world plot line and David Hyde Pierce in general) but that might be on me. David Wain and co are obviously really clever and maybe scenes intentionally fall flat and that is what is funny about them. Watching in 2015, I am not sure how to separate the two.
ReplyDeleteDude I feel the exact same way. I enjoy watching it and there's some stuff I find really funny (Ken Marino crashing the van made me laugh so hard the first time I saw it) but I can't say it's constantly hilarious for me. Maybe it's one that I need to keep watching over and over again until it finally clicks and it all becomes hilarious. They Came Together I was sort of luke warm on the first time I saw it but I recently watched it again and I thought it was way funnier than I gave it credit for. Maybe the same thing will happen with Wet Hot if I continue to watch it. Like I said I like watching it I just think it's kind of a hit and miss with the humor for my taste so I'm in the middle with it as well.
DeleteLike Josh and Travis, I'm kind of in the middle...and yet, somehow, it became a lot funnier after I saw Sleepaway Camp. Something about the parts that feel only a small inch away from that crazy movie work really, really well. I still think it's a shaggy dog of a movie where some parts work more than others and some parts don't work at all (I'm not a fan of the Molly Shannon parts and I could take or leave the Spacelab part), but the parts that do work are just gangbusters.
ReplyDeleteShoutout to Doug for bringing this movie to my attention during his favorite movies podcast. It's a really really funny movie and I love quoting it with my friends.
ReplyDeleteGreat Podcast as usual! I watched Wet Hot - American Summer for Junesplotation this year. I know it took me a little while to settle in, as in I wasn't sure what I was watching. Though as soon as the 'a douchebag is a hygienic product I will take that as a compliment,' cam up I kinda fell in love with it. This usual happens with my favourite comedies. I love how episodic it is, I love how Amy Poehler says amateur. I even really like the stuff that doesn't work for me, just because it adds these different flavours to the movie. Ok gush officially over.
ReplyDeleteGreat podcast. The third man format really worked with this particular movie. I talked about this movie briefly on the last weekend roundup post and I mentioned that I liked it, with a couple complaints. I do find that it is more enjoyable the more times you watch it. I picked up on more jokes, and I liked jokes that I thought fell flat the first time. I still think the structure is a little messy, but you guys almost mentioned that with the comments about how varied the styles of comedy are throughout the film. I think my favorite part is still the trip to town. I cried laughing the first time I saw that and the second time too. I also love everything that Paul Rudd does, as well as the Christopher Meloni whispered lines. I love the exchange he has with A.D. Miles when he says something like" I'm going to go fondle my sweaters." and the stuff he comes up with to cover that up. Because I like those moments I definitely enjoyed the scene where he comes out and humps the fridge more the second time around.
ReplyDeleteI am super excited for the Netflix series too. I love the new cast members that appear in the trailer. I really liked something I read about the new show that David Wain said pertaining the new characters and because they don't appear in the movie that something happens to them before the end of camp. It looks like another layer to the absurdity of doing a prequel all these years later.
The next Netfilx original series needs to be F This Movie! Nights. Season 1 will chronicle Doug Deeper's obsession with WWII documentaries...and ladies!
ReplyDeleteThis movie gets better every time I watch it. It's starting to creep into the list of my favorite movies. Pity is a strong word but I pity people that don't get this humor. I agree with you guys that I feel like this stuff was made for me. I'm actually okay with other people not liking it. My biggest comment about this podcast is I love the 3 man format! I think it was one of the funniest you guys have ever done. I really hope you 3 do another one together. It helps that I love this movie but I can see myself listening to this one a few more times. Great work!
ReplyDeleteI tried not to listen and take TravisL's advice but failed. I have a new podcast on my phone locked and loaded. How can you not listen?
ReplyDeleteIm gonna watch this weekend. Nice to have Eric on. A great guest. I was wondering if the film was based in England raining for 25 days out of 28. That's the Norm here. I did not know the history and I am looking forward to seeing this Polarising movie
Lastly the comment about people complaining about being inconvenienced the by format of the FREE podcast made me laugh so much I coughed up Tea on myself
I want to know who are these people who don't like the what have you seen lately portion of the show. I think it might be my favorite part. It gives me a chance to hear about some movies I may not have seen. Since I've started listing to this podcast I've discovered several movies that I've really enjoyed from that segment of the show. off the top of my Your're Next, The Guest and The Babadook are 3 movies I was introduced to from the what have you seen lately segment that I probably would have never watched.
ReplyDeleteNow as far as Wet Hot American Summer goes I wasn't really a fan. I had been planning to watch this movie because the trailer for the TV show looked interesting even though its basically just a 2 minute roll call. I wanted to like the movie but it just didn't do for me. Then again im a fan the Seth Rogan and Seth McFarland brand of humor and I know they're not everyone's favorites.
I completely agree with your first paragraph. I love the opening 20ish minutes of the show.
DeleteI love all of the show and if it wasn't for the what have you seen lately section I wouldn't have seen as many awesome movies that everyone recommends. I love hearing their opinions on as many movies as possible. Why would you want less of that? Seems crazy to me.
DeleteMeloni is the best. Rudd's confederate flag caught my eye when I watched it again last night. It is always interesting how older movies can be an unwitting time capsule. Obviously not the same, but it triggered thoughts of your conversation on Blazing Saddles. What would or would not be acceptable or how a word/image takes on different meanings based on the time of the viewing.
ReplyDeleteOne like that that caught my eye recently was the confederate flag in the fraternity president's room in Animal House. The first time I saw that movie, I was like "Oh I guess he's from the South." Now when I see it, I'm reminded that this movie was supposed to be set in the early 60's, so maybe this guy was legitimately against integration. But he's never played as a jerk or anything, just another guy. I think the casual placement of those kind of symbols would be unheard of today.
DeleteOk now I can join the seen it club now!
ReplyDeleteBottom line, I liked it but did not love it, I did feel like it would play better for a crowd rather than just me home alone. I did laugh quite a lot. You were right about the amount of jokes. And the best one was was hearing the "Cut from Marble" Now I know where that reference comes from and I laughed a lot at that. I think my expectations were possibly too high on first viewing. I will definitely watch it again.
Great show, guys - I have to admit at the beginning I wasn't sure how it was going to go but it turned out to be one of the funniest shows ever - kudos for overcoming some technical adversities and the relative stranger-ness of two of F This Movie's most difficult and hard-to-get-along-with personalities.
ReplyDeleteI have a vague memory of watching some of Wet Hot American Summer at some point, so I figured it was long overdue to give it a "serious" watch and, yeah, as I expected it's great and I loved it - makes me want to go back and watch "The State" (or "The Province" as we call it in Canada). I think the moment where it really won me over and made me love it was the chaise lounge wedding gift that I was wincingly anticipating to be a horrible prank and would have made me question the creators' sensibilities - I love that it isn't a MEAN comedy that seems to be so popular these days.
Watched the first few episodes of the Netflix series's okay...I enjoy spending more time with the characters/actors so I'm enjoying it certainly doesn't match the greatness of the original.
I've listened to this episode a few times now and it's one of my favorites that you've ever done. Whether it has to do with the fact that I'm also a big WHAS fan or just getting to hear other people's opinions of it, either way I thought you guys did a great job paying tribute to this film. The story behind the movie is almost as incredible as the journey of it's (at the time) young cast. I never knew about all the rain that they had to deal with shooting the film, which I can't help but notice watching it now. Just the fact that they were able to pull it all off is an accomplishment in itself. You would think those kinds of conditions would be somewhat distracting, but I don't see any performances being interrupted because of it. Everyone seemed to be on their A game for the most part. It's funny, I never thought there was any purpose to Zak walking off the pier, just thought it was for a random dumb laugh, but it also got him out of the scene, which makes it even better. I'm glad you guys pointed out some things that I never noticed. It all just makes me love it even more.
ReplyDeleteNetflix series: I thought it was pretty perfect to be honest. Maybe a little too cameo heavy, lot of Mad Men actors...which is never a bad thing I suppose. My favorite line for some reason is: 'This is a song about friendship!' Don't really know why. Also, did anyone else get the 'Zoot Suit' song stuck in their heads for a few days after watching it?