Wednesday, November 25, 2015

F This Movie! - Four Fingers of Death

Be thankful for Patrick and Doug.

Download this episode here. (85.5 MB)

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Also discussed this episode: Secretary (2002), The Death of Superman Lives: What Happened? (2015), Hitchcock/Truffaut (2015), Truth (2015)


  1. I laughed all the way to work this morning - you two are the best! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone at F This Movie! All of you, the hosts, writers, commenters, it's a joy just to hear/read all of your thoughts.


  3. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Thanks for all the laughs, all the recommendations, all the insightful conversations, all of the fun and varied personalities, and all of the Fs! Keep on keepin' on with being the greatest damn movie site the internet has ever known! Love you guys always and have a wonderful holiday! :)

  4. Hilarious episode, guys. I'm still waiting for those Obama death panels, lol.

    Side note: How come there hasn't been a horror movie called "Death Panel" yet? I can't believe Hollywood dropped the ball on that.

  5. The review blurbs need to become a regular thing because those were awesome.

  6. It's weird that so many people complain about the site being too negative. I started listening because it's one of the only film podcasts has a fun energy and really drives in the subjectivity of movies, almost every podcast you guys are saying "well hey maybe it's not for me". I think there are way too many blogs and youtube series that are just "here's everything that's wrong with this".

    1. I tend to agree with this. If anything, I think this is by-and-large the most positive and respectful film communities around, contributors and commenters alike.

    2. Thanks! That's very nice of you to say.

    3. Mike F I think I haven't seen you before. Do you have twitter? You are absolutely correct in your comment :)

    4. Listening to one or two podcasts is like watching 30 seconds of a film, nothing makes sense without the context, anyone who doesn't get it hasn't listened enough to get it! And we cant do anything about that and it certainly isn't anything worth worrying about,
      Come and complain in the comments and us F-Head Police will straighten out any problems, we still have hanging in the Uk you know, just kidding :)

    5. Made an account just to make that comment so I'm newish but have been listening for about a year. I do have one of those twitters (mikefrost11) but I never use it so following me is kind of pointless, I'm going to try and join in on some of the next twitter film festival things whenever that is :D

  7. Hitchcock/Truffaut was one of my most anticipated films to see. Thanks for the primer but I'm kind of bummed that it's mostly talking heads about Hitchcock.

    Btw - how dare you not discuss #Horror! ;)

    1. I have read some of the book, which was really interesting, o I will try check out the film too.

  8. Really funny podcast guys! It always makes my day when I hear my name on here! Some people in England do cellebrate Thanksgiving as there are quite a few Americans here, in London at least. We also have Black Friday for the sake of commercialism, I am not complaining as sals! But think, if you didn't do that whole rebellion thing you could be like Canada or New Zealand. Two of the happiest, most liberal and economically stable countries in the world. And also part of the Commonwealth, which means immigrantion would be so easier. I mean really! No I have no opinons on this really of course haha. I hope you all have a lovely weekend, Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

    1. Even I smiled when I heard your name Gabby :)

  9. This was such a fun episode and I just finished my second listening. After the game on thanksgiving, I so much more appreciated the Cutler reference. Thanks, Doug!

  10. I don't think Doug laughed hard enough at Patrick's "my four fingers wrote the constitution" joke, but don't worry -- I did.

  11. So good guys. The naysayers ought to listen to this podcast and others like it to understand what F This Movie is about. How is there anything negative about friends and movie lovers bouncing around in random movie inspired conversation? It helps when you've got people like Patrick and Doug who happen to be pretty witty and hilarious. (Notice there was no comma after pretty....but okay, they're pretty as well.)

    I give this podcast four fingers out of four.

  12. Love the show..but it's funny that they ask "how are we negative?" But then Patrick later days "That bullshit"(or something along those lines) about Birdman.. Lol

  13. My favorite glossary term is probably Accidental Moment of Silence... (Contest Winner was pretty good as well).

    Great episode. Always love hearing when you and Doug are on the show together. Looking forward to the Best of 2015 lists!
