Tuesday, March 31, 2015

11 Stupid Fire Sprinklers

by Doug Schultz
Fire sprinklers don't work that way.

Off the Shelf: The Quiet Gun (Blu-ray)

by Patrick Bromley
A little-seen western that's very much worth your time.

The Overlook: Lisztomania

by JB
I finally got around to watching this elusive, overlooked film. I have always had a grudging respect for filmmaker Ken Russell and very much admire many of his films. Watching Lisztomania for the first time last week, I was reminded that I am not thirteen years old anymore.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Ahn Demand: Beginners and Night Watch

by Mark Ahn and Adam Thas
Completing the list of Adams I know, Adam Thas and I decided to watch a movie off of each other’s want-to-see list and then come back for a conversation recommending (or not) what we watched. For this installment, Adam watched Beginners (2010) for me, and I saw Night Watch (2004) for him. We felt…mixed about these.

24 Hours of Movies: Counting Up!

by Patrick Bromley
The last 24-hour marathon is here!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

24 Hours of Movies: Dog Gone It

by Patrick Bromley
These 24 hours have gone to the dogs! And now you should have me put to sleep.

A Cinematic Journey Down Under

by Melissa Uhrin
I once lived on an island -- a beautiful country, a vast land of beauty, exotic creatures and everything around me was potentially lethal. Pick up a pretty rock in a shallow ocean inlet? BAM, death by blue ringed octopus. Try and pet the cute furry beaver looking thing? BAM, death by duck-billed platypus. Walking down the street, not a care in the world and out of nowhere drops a cute little fuzzball? BAM, death by koala snuggles.

Riske Business: A Fast & Furious Compilation Tape

by Adam Riske
The making of a great Fast & Furious compilation tape is hard to do.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

7 Movies That Make Dads Cry

by Doug Schultz
Today is my awesome daughter's second birthday. SHE'S THE BEST! I can't believe how fast the past two years have flown by (as every parent will tell you). I also can't believe how my movie-viewing experiences have changed now that I'm a dad.

Off the Shelf: Best Seller (Blu-ray)

by Patrick Bromley
Two solid performances anchor a thriller from a bygone era (era).

The Overlook: So Fine

by JB
Meh. More like “so-so.”

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

8 Movies Better Than The Boondock Saints

by Doug Schultz
Let's be honest -- there are THOUSANDS of movies better than The Boondock Saints. But today is St. Patrick's Day, and if you're tempted to watch "something Irish," please skip Troy Duffy's magnum opus (more like "magdumb doofus," amIright?). Instead, watch one of these eight other Irish-themed films.

The Overlook: The Prowler

by JB
For those babies who are die-hard fans of film noir, today we discuss a film that both rewards and punishes us for our love.

"Of course," this film reminds us, "we are always punished for our love."

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Heath Holland On...Influencing Indiana: Gunga Din

by Heath Holland
George Lucas and Steven Spielberg have always been very clear that the character of Indiana Jones was rooted in the adventure films and serials of their childhood and that they were paying tribute to their matinee heroes by creating a new one of their own. From time to time, I’ll take a look at those silver-screen adventures from the 1930s through the 1950s, both classic and forgotten, as we delve into the stories that influenced Indy. This week, Cary Grant stars in George Stevens’ 1939 classic, Gunga Din.

F This Movie! - Blazing Saddles

Excuse Patrick and JB while they whip this out.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

13 Dudes Rocking Ponytails

by Doug Schultz
Back in college (that's right ladies), I played in a band (that's right ladies) with Patrick (that's right Erika) in which I sported a ponytail (that's right nobody). Sure, long hair on dudes is VERY hit or miss. Sometimes, it can look badass (see example #1, after the jump). Other times, you can just smell it through the screen. Like mildewy cigarette ashes. What category do these actors' coiffures fall into?

The Overlook: Four of the Apocalypse

by JB
According to the bonus materials on the Blue Underground release of Lucio Fulci's Four of the Apocalypse, this was one of the last "Spaghetti Westerns" ever made. I call it a "Spaghetti Squash Western" because it pretty much looks like the thing you like, but in actuality it's more like gross, hot garbage.